admin 发表于 2017-9-13 13:55:37

Should College Students Take Part-time Jobs?

From myperspective, college students should try to take part-time jobs if they work fairlywell with their academic work mainly based on the following two reaons: First of all,taking part-time jobs can help the students have practical social experiences.Working in a company or a restaurant is quite different from staying on a campus.The part-timer will encounter different facilities and surroundings which willsurely make him more experienced or even pave the way for his actual careerafter graduation. Furthermore, by doing the part time job, the student willhave the chance to meet different people and learn how to deal with them or toimprove his skills on interpersonal relationships. Secondly, bytaking a part time job, the student gets additional income which can be used topay his tuition or alleviate the financial burden of his parents. In conclusion,taking part time jobs can help college students gain more social experienceswhile using his paychecks to sustain his college education. Those who do nothave to spend all his time to study to avoid failing the courses are recommendedto take part-time jobs to pave the way for their future success.
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