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扎西的德勒 发表于 2013-4-11 03:29:55

【转载】王大雷 朱骏真想搞好申花 跟着他战斗活下去_


城市的风格 发表于 2013-4-11 10:45:16



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熊姑伉 发表于 2013-4-13 11:28:56

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glhea 发表于 2013-4-14 11:56:49


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林洲25 发表于 2013-4-16 01:52:52


kela1242 发表于 2013-4-17 07:16:27



celinev5b 发表于 2013-4-20 15:42:50


Man needs a mistress
Women's Private Parts amid which a woman's interview, I was impressed, she said she was willing to do someone else's lover,
Rather than the wife, and outlines motley benefits of lover,always roads Road,then listening apt folk do never wait apt get rid of her husband amid the eyes of the man's lover, lover really lovely wife? If this problem has nothing to do with the moral, ethical,
And men mention only related to talk the fact my answer is:
Temporarily apt mention those bulging pockets man, even the ordinary man,maybe the bottom of my center are with a vision lover do never rush apt call me whether you are female), do never rush to applaud whether you are a man),
To listen to others housewife N function analysis:
1, and his housekeeper namely do never perturb Men surrounded the engaged go afraid to return home not longer tolerate his wife's distress As for the within the housekeeper of of the tired of is nor namely it never,barely my friend said that, Oh, you shall not to called his housekeeper called the concubine. - Very strange petticoat finished kin merely favor her husband, asking questions designed. They do not need a longing never trouble their husband? And amid case her husband namely a little quieter, a feminine aspiration ask you apt do something bad?
Mistress so that men always have the feeling of admire such as the housekeeper does never prefer his wife, his face close to the plastic coat (the female said, The Beauty Mask), wearing her college meantime left apt sportswear sitting on the man's side to see boring drama Mistress ambition ahead the men came after he had finished plastic wrap and put most men prefer transparent underwear, sexy rented DVD waiting for the man apt come back apt discern - Very strange,whether the man came home 1st shave wash bath, wearing neat pajamas, watching Ai Iijima 18 strokes,only fortunately, with the landscape of the hub called the wife, the wife frowns said, you Why clip the medium of the night! Also discern A chip apt support laundromat!
3, the eyes of the mistress is only an man (I agree maybe masquerade but along least masquerade to,forever to the views of the man. The man said, looks like it will rain tomorrow. Television reported tomorrow cloudless, the mistress ambition and mention ah, some rain chilly - Very strange, my wife only one man,barely treat only man, there namely a very revise approximate For instance while the husband is the beginning of excitement, she would mention that your job apt his son, the undersigned, do?
4, this seems a puny,but it namely absolutely major Mistress would never mention that you do the dishes!! Would not say give a hoist apt work tomorrow to go out and tell expenditure the electricity bills! Will never toss you afresh smelly socks aboard the sofa? The housekeeper only mention you hungry - Very strange, my wife all reprehend their own home Chores than the maid namely not as appealing barely entire necessitate alternatively at least forecast her husband apt do housework to be pro-active, hard working,indeed not allowed apt shout Hardship 5 housekeeper to get a man apt give her money , it aspiration send a kiss and expression of gratitude; wife, she would advert Hey, how is it five hundred? You playing the ambush, right? - Even more prodigious the wife of the man's wallet kind of uncommon feeling, she always let a man suspected of whether the feminine aboard the management requirements,first husband wallet alternatively the 1st wallet after her husband?
Read such statements, you have never base ought be summarized feminine Even then matrimony why must use the attitude of the wife apt treat her husband, rather than with mistress attitude?
If the attitude of the wife who remains the same, I think, might must advert the man needs a housekeeper '

hydrfita 发表于 2013-4-20 20:22:38



    <br>  <br>  夏天的火力越来越猛,担心晒黑长斑的你,撑起阳伞、戴上墨镜,仔细涂抹有SPF系数(防晒系数)的防晒乳。其实,除了做足外在防晒功夫,也不能忽略从内加强防晒。“防晒食物能提高抗氧化力、帮助清除自由基,”台湾国泰医院皮肤科主任医师胡淑玲解释说。台湾《康健》杂志近日刊登了充分摄取“SPF食物”的方法,帮你提高抗晒力。<br>  1. 每天吃高C水果。建议每天吃2—3份水果,其中一样选择高C的猕猴桃、草莓、小西红柿或是柑橘类。天热胃口差,吃生菜色拉可以消暑气,建议加入色彩亮丽的甜椒和几朵西兰花,不仅赏心悦目,还能摄取大量维生素C。 <br>  2. 适量摄取黄红色果蔬。黄红色果蔬及深绿色叶菜,如胡萝卜、芒果、西红柿、木瓜、地瓜、南瓜、空心菜等,大多含大量胡萝卜素及其他植物的化学物质,有助于抗氧化,增强皮肤抵抗力。不过,胡萝卜素摄取过量会累积在体内,不但有毒性,而且容易使皮肤变黄,因此不宜吃过量。<br>   3. 大豆制品。大豆中的大豆异黄酮也具有抗氧化能力。大豆制品,如豆腐、豆浆是较好的选择,而其他加工豆制品,如豆皮、油豆腐等,热量比较高,要适量少吃。 <br>  4. 抓把坚果当零食。大多数植物油富含维生素E,能帮助抗氧化和消除伤害皮肤细胞的自由基。高维生素E的食物还包括小麦胚芽及各类坚果。另外,全谷类也不错,它们含大量B族维生素及维生素E,都是增强皮肤抵hkhkn.com抗力及复原能力的重要营养素。 <br>  5. 来杯热可可。巧克力含多种抗氧化物,适量摄取也对皮肤有益。美国农业部研究发现,在所有巧克力产品中,可可粉含有最多类黄酮和抗氧化物。如果想吃黑巧克力,建议选择可可含量50%—75%的品种,每天不超过55克。<br>   6.每天2杯茶。美国研究指出,喝绿茶可以让日晒导致皮肤晒伤、松弛和粗糙的过氧化物减少约1/3。茶含有强力抗氧化剂茶多酚,比维生素A、C、E的抗氧化能力还高。绿茶的抗氧化活性最高,半发酵的乌龙茶次之,全发酵的红茶则最低。<br>

yurenqb49 发表于 2013-4-21 10:55:35


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