admin 发表于 2013-6-20 10:13:40


2013年度中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛全国预选赛题型说明    哈佛大学,是千万莘莘学子梦寐以求的学术殿堂,是无数青年才俊大展宏图的事业起点。“我要去哈佛!”更是全球少年精英无不为之奋斗的求学梦。2013年,在央视的舞台上,聚光灯即将为你点亮,麦克风也将为你开启,“希望之星”英语风采大赛将给踌躇满志的你一个实现梦想的机会,如果你可以在全国预选赛中脱颖而出,进入总决赛,成为冠军的你将代表中国青少年到哈佛大学演讲!即使你和冠军擦肩而过,也不要遗憾和气馁,因为在比赛现场还有世界顶级院校的代表在时刻观察你,他们随时有可能当场“拍板”,决定预录你为自己院校的学生!说出你的梦想,炫出你的风采,赢取通往哈佛的终极大奖吧!如果你想在这个舞台上成功,有一点是必须要了解的:“希望之星”不是一项英语学术比赛!你获胜的利器除了出色的英语,还可能是你精妙的创意、精心的准备和精彩的发挥!一句话,你只有与众不同,才可能笑到最后!本年度比赛口号:我要去哈佛!I’m going to Harvard. 1.   第一环节比赛内容:个性演讲演讲时长:60秒;本环节满分:100分。具体要求:在个性演讲中,选手可以自选题目和内容,应以英语演讲为主,同时运用其它才艺表演形式来丰富演讲内容,将个人才艺与演讲相结合,如:英文歌曲、 舞蹈、魔术等小表演(应包含英文成份)等多种手段,恰如其分地与演讲内容结合,以吸引观众的注意力,力求方法独特,角度新颖,个性凸显。温馨提示:建议选手们将自己最优秀的一面用英语“秀”出来,将才艺表演(包括引人注目的服装、道具等)与演讲紧密结合,千万不要将二者“分裂或者“生硬”地拼凑。新颖的创意、自信的表达、机智的交流将帮助你给沟通对象留下深刻而美好的印象。 2.   第二环节比赛内容:即兴演讲。题目随机抽取;小学低年级组为“看图说话”形式。演讲时长:60秒;准备时间:2-3分钟;本环节满分:100分。题型说明:选手在现场抽取演讲题目,经过一段时间的现场准备后开始演讲。要求选手正确理解所抽到的问题或图片的表述,充分发挥想象力和思辨能力,不拘泥于问题或图片的表面,要进行有一定深度的分析和阐述。本环节重点考察在公众沟通的环境中,选手的想象力和语言组织能力。温馨提示:选手首先要读懂问题,看懂图;在回答问题时要有创意,重逻辑;如果仅仅停留在问题本身或图片表面就事论事,没有任何的延展和想象,评委可能就要给你减分了。 3.1.第三环节——小学低年级组、小学高年级组比赛内容:故事演绎准备时间:3分钟;比赛时长:60秒;本环节满分:100分。题型说明:请选手自选一个假想的身份,如动画片中的角色喜羊羊、灰太狼、匹诺曹、小红帽、白雪公主等;也可以是各界名人,如姚明、Michael Jackson、成龙等。然后根据比赛时随机抽取的地点要素,结合自己的假象身份,表演一段情景故事。题目就是“当某人来到某地......”。具体要求:按自己的假想身份对抽取的地点环境,做出合理的情景设计,并即兴发挥,演绎一件会发生的故事。力求生动、有趣、有创意。题型示例:自备假想身份“灰太狼”,现场抽取的地点是“海洋馆”,那么选手的题目就是“当灰太狼来到海洋馆”。评分标准:英语表达流畅;身份演绎得当;情景设计合理;表演情景化、有趣、有创意。温馨提示:“创意”、“随机应变”和“化险为夷”将是这一环节的制胜法宝。无论你假想的身份和抽取的环境地点多么风马牛不相及,你都要机智地化险为夷,让自己迅速进入抽取的场景中,大胆地演绎。要知道,你抽取的“意外”也许恰恰是个好机会,可以给评委一个惊喜,让他们对你印象深刻。 3.2.         第三环节——初中组、高中组、大学成人组比赛内容:A-Z故事接龙比赛时长:每组8分钟;本环节满分:100分。题型说明:五名选手按照序号排列分为一组,进行故事接龙。由主持人讲一个故事的开头,然后五名选手依次接龙,要求每个选手开头单词的首字母必须遵循A-Z的顺序。每人每次用时不超过20秒。题型举例:主持人—A:A lovely girl called Cinderella is going to get married soon.一号选手—B: Because her fiancé is not rich enough, her mother is not very happy with the marriage.二号选手—C: “Could you do something to give my mommy a pleasant surprise, honey?” Cinderella asks her fiancé the night before their wedding.……评分标准:a. 故事开头单词的首位字母是否合乎要求(按字母顺序排列)         b. 是否合乎逻辑地承接了上一个故事         c. 自己讲述的故事是否有足够的想象力,是否生动幽默;         d. 故事的讲述方式是否具有足够的吸引力和感染力 4.第四环节比赛内容:我要去哈佛_____. I want to go to Harvard to______.比赛时长:60秒;本环节满分:100分。题型说明:半命题演讲,每位选手有一分钟的时间阐述自己要去哈佛做什么,要求选手首先有新鲜、有趣的创意,同时要利用英语以及各种形式的表演,丰富自己的演讲,赢得评委的支持,向他们表明自己才是进军总决赛的 最佳人选,也最适合代表中国青少年到哈佛演讲。随后评委与选手进行即兴问答,问题的数量和时间由评委控制。温馨提示:在这最后一个比赛环节,选手要使出浑身解数来打动评委,争取最后的机会。这将是最精彩也是最有难度的环节。在和评委沟通的过程中,除了地道的英语表达外,能让评委心动的就是你的创意、自信、和睿智了!

vegbso 发表于 2013-7-13 11:49:40



mldf200ue 发表于 2013-7-16 10:03:48

Runescape 3 power leveling bahrain- amnesty renews

Bahrain: Amnesty renews call to successfully free locked up teachers' union leading
Rights staff Amnesty International carries renewed it's call for the production of the jailed president with the Bahrain Teachers Affiliation, Mahdi Abu Dheeb. Mr Abu Dheeb was convicted by a navy court from plotting to help overthrow the government through unrest that grabbed Bahrain in 2011. His initial 10-year sentence ended up being subsequently lower to five relating to appeal. Amnesty contains described Mr Abu Dheeb as a "prisoner for conscience". Both Mr Abu Dheeb along with his vice-president Jalila al-Salman allege that they were tortured found in detention after with a pop up by lecturers in Next month 2011 and simply pro-democracy activists who had taken over a leading landmark,Runescape 3 power leveling, Pill Roundabout, in the capital, Manama. The Bahrain Course instructors Association appeared to be dissolved because of the government once its management were busted. Ms Salman was at first sentenced to three a long time in jail however , that was lowered to six months on charm. However in Goal this year this girl was sacked from her education job following criticising Bahrain's human the legal record on a conference during Washington DC. In your firm stand out timed to correspond with 3 May, World wide Workers' Day, Amnesty said: "All which they did was in fact call for a hit in their job as commerce union leaders. Mahdi and Jalila happen to be punished just for doing his or her job. It may Day holder with trades-people across the world and even demand Mahdi's relieve." Mr Abu Dheeb's daughter, Maryam, inside of a recorded message associated the statement, said: "Silence is usually a crime.Within She invited people to articulate up and "take a step and also show you care for what is going on throughout my country". Teachers' organisations world wide, as well as human being rights campaigners, possess called for Mr Abu Dheeb's release. The Bahraini government bodies did not be affected by a require from the BBC that will comment on the actual Amnesty International document.
Bahrain: Amnesty renews call to free locked up teachers' union chief

zbvf18ec 发表于 2013-7-17 15:34:13

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Argentina's Fernandez raises Falklands with Pope Francis
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez signifiant Kirchner says this lady has asked for any Pope's intervention in your Falklands dispute somewhere between her countryside and the Usa. Visiting the Vatican, 'microsoft' Fernandez said she'd asked all of the Pope to promote dialogue between the two sides. Argentine Pope Francis was determined last week and you will be formally built as pontiff in a Mass . In the past he has said a Falkland Islands, a real UK in a different country territory, are a member of Argentina. Before Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio appeared to be elected, the actual 76-year-old was Archbishop with Buenos Aires. Relations regarding him, Ms Fernandez, and her late life partner and forerunners as president, Nestor Kirchner, were tighten. "I asked for his particular intervention to prevent problems that can emerge from all of the militarization of The british isles in the southern states Atlantic,In Ms Fernandez instructed reporters from 15-20 minute interacting with and dinner with the Pope. I highly recommend you turn on JavaScript. Media channels requires JavaScript to spend time playing. President Kirchner proclaims she wants topic between Argentina and also the UK "We need a dialogue this is exactly why we asked the pope to intervene in order for the dialogue works." Any BBC's Alan Johnston evaluations from Italian capital that there is no word though as to which the Pope responded to that appeal. In any referendum held last week, people in all of the Falkland Islands selected overwhelmingly and is overtaken by remaining an important UK international territory. At full of last year, he / she told Argentine military veterans of the Falklands World war: "We come to pray for all who may have fallen,Runescape 3 power leveling, kids of the Homeland who went down to defend their very own mother, that Homeland, and then reclaim precisely what is theirs.Within British Prime Minister Brian Cameron said a while back that he "respectfully" could not agree with the check out expressed previously by Pope Francis that Falkland Islands were "usurped" by the U . k .. Ms Fernandez is the 1st head connected with state the popular Pope has found. She delivered him which has a mate gourd not to mention straw designed for drinking normal Argentine tea. The 2 also kissed, along with Ms Fernandez said afterwards: "Never during my life boasts a pope kissed me!'' She gifted a moderate welcome to that Pope's election. The two have clashed up until recently, especially through social reforms promoted just by her plus her tardy husband facing Church opposition. When the then-Cardinal Bergoglio debated that lgbt adoptions discriminated against children, Ms Fernandez mentioned his develop harked back to "medieval intervals and the Inquisition". Her wife Nestor Kirchner once explained him because the "head of the opposition". In 2009, the key said Argentina had been harmed by just demagoguery, totalitarianism, corruption and efforts to be able to secure endless power, typically the Associated Squeeze reports.
Argentina's Fernandez heightens Falklands with Pope Francis

uywimiao 发表于 2013-7-24 18:09:21



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