lstxpa1 发表于 2012-3-17 10:57:48



英语天才 发表于 2012-3-18 20:30:37

Lesson 3The Outing   A bus came tothe school. The children climbed in. “I like going out,” said Wilf. “Don’tpush,” said Mrs May. The bus set off. “Hooray!” shouted the children. “We’regoing to the zoo!” “Don’t shout children,” said Mrs May. Biff sat with Chip.Wilf sat with Nadim. “This is fun,” shouted Nadim. “It is if you don’t shout,”said Mrs May. The bus stoped on the way. The children climbed out. Somechildren looked at the water. Some children went to the toilet. “Don’t runaway,” said Mrs May. “And don’t go too near the water.” Wilf kicked a stone andhis shoe came off. The shoe landed in the water with a splash. “Oh Wilf,” saidBiff. Wilf couldn’t get his shoe. He told Mrs May about it. “What a silly thingto do!” she said. “I don’t kown what we can do.” When they got to the zoo itbegan to rain. The children climbed out of the bus and Mrs May went to get thetickets. Nadim wanted to see the elephants. Wilf wanted to see the lions andBiff wanted to see the crocodiles. “I hope the rain stops,” said Mrs May. Itrained and rained. The children were fed up. The animals were fed up too. “Don’tget wet,” said Mrs May. The rain didn’t stop so the children climbed back onthe bus. “Can we go to the museum?” asked Nadim. “What a good idea,” said Mrs May.They went to a museum. “This is good,” said Wilf. “We can see dinosaurs here.” “Ilike dinosaurs,” said Nadim. They began to run towards the dinosaurs. “Don’trun,” called Mrs May. “The dinosaurs won’t go away.” They looked at a bigdinosaur. “What is this one called?” asked Wilf. “I don’t kown yet,” said Nadim.“Let’s go and see.” Biff had her camera. She took a photograph of the dinosaur.“What is it called?” she asked. “It’s an apatosaurus,” said Nadim. The childrenwent into a room. a lady told them about dinosaurs and showed them somepictures. “I kown what that one is called,” said Nadim. “It’s called anapatosaurus.” “Good Nadim,” said Mrs May. The children went to the shop. Wilf gota book about dinosaurs. Nadim got a model to make. It was an model of anapatosaurus. “I can make it at home,” he said. Chip said, “Come to our house.We can help you.” The bus got back to school. It was time to go home. “Thankyou!” said the children. “Thank you for a lovely day.” “Goodbye Mrs May,” saidNadim. “Can we draw dinosaurs tomorrow?” “What a good idea,” said Mrs May.Nadim went home with Biff and Chip. They went to Chip’s room and began to makethe model. The magic key began to glow. Biff ran to the box and picked it up. “Comeon,” she called. “It’s time for a magic adventure.” “Come on Nadim,” calledChip. “We’re going on a magic adventure. We’re going to the land of thedinosaurs.”

英语天才 发表于 2012-3-18 20:34:32

Lesson 5Land of the Dinosaurs   “We’re goingon a magic adventure,” said Chip. They went through the door of the magic house.“Oh help!” said Nadim. The magic took them to the land of the dinosaurs. “I don’twant this adventure,” said Nadim. “I don’t want to be a dinosaur.” A dragonflyflew by. “Look at this,” said Chip. “It’s a giant dragon fly. What a big one!”Chip found a footprint. It was a gaint footprint. “Come and look,” said Chip. “Itmust be a dinosaur’s footprint.” Biff took a photograph of the gaint footprint.“I can take this photograph to school,” she said. Nadim found some eggs. Theywere big eggs. “They must be a dinosaur’s eggs,” he said. One of the eggs beganto crack. “It’s going to hatch out,” said Biff. Something came out of the egg. “It’sa little dinosaur,” said Nadim. Something flew by. The children were frightend.“What is it?” asked Chip. “I don’t kown,” said Biff. The children ran. “It’s aflying dinosaur,” said Nadim. “And it’s a big one. Come on! Let’s hide.” Theflying dinosaur flew down to the eggs. It picked up the little dinosaur in it’steeth. “Oh no!” said Biff. “It’s going to eat it!” She picked up a stick andran out. “Go away!” she yelled. The dinosaur flew away but Chip was cross withBiff. “You were silly,” he said. “It could have got you.” Wilf ran on andclimbed a hill. He wanted to look for an apatosaurus. “Come up here, Biff,” hecalled. “You can take a photograph.” Wilf had not climbed on a hill. He hadclimbed on a dinosaur and it was enormous. It look round at Wilf. Wilf wasfrightend. “Oh help!” he said. He jumped down and ran. “Let’s get out of here!”he called. “Don’t be frightend,” said Chip. “It’s apatosaurus. It’s like theone in the mueum. It won’t hurt us.” Biff took a photograph of it. “What a longneck it’s got and what a long tail!” she said. “I need a bigger camera!” Theapatosaurus ran into the water. “What an enormous splash!” said Wilf. Nadimlooked frightend. “Oh help!” he called. Anther dinosaur was coming and itlooked very fierce. “Let’s get out of here!” yelled Chip. Biff took aphotograph. “Come on!” yelled Chip, “don’t stop for that. This one could eatus!” They began to run away. Wilf’s other shoe came off in the mud. Suddenly,the magic key began to glow. “Just in time,” said Chip. The magic took thechildren to Biff’s bedroom. “What an adventure!” said Biff. “I’ve got some goodphotographs.” “This is the fierce dinosaur,” said Chip. “Did you take It’sphotograph?” “Yes,” said Biff. “Let’s tell Mum and Dad.” “I took photographs ofdinosaurs,” said Biff. “Oh yes,” said Dad. “Well, I’m sorry. I didn’t put afilm in the camera.”

英语天才 发表于 2012-3-18 20:38:37

Lesson 6Robin Hood   Biff and Wilmawent to the pantomime. They went with Wilma’s mum. They had a friend calledAnneena. Anneena went to the pantomime with them. The pantomime was about RobinHood. Robin Hood was a good man. He lived in a wood with his men. Everyoneliked Robin Hood and they gave a cheer everytime he came in. There was a badman called the Sheriff. Nobody liked the Sheriff. He wanted to catch Robin Hoodand lock him up. “Look out, Robin!” shouted the children. The next day Wilmaand Anneena went to play with Biff. They sang a song about Robin Hood. Wilmaplayed her guitar and Anneena played her recorder. Kipper didn’t like the song.He put his hands over his ears and made a face. “Woooooooh!” said Kipper.Kipper had a key round his neck. It was the magic key. Biff was cross withKipper. “Put the key back in the box,” she said. Suddenly, the key began toglow. “Look out, Anneena!” said Biff. “This is a magic key and the magic isworking. It’s time for an adventure.” The magic took the children to a wood. Itwas the wood where Robin Hood lived. The children could see Robin with some of hismen. Robin Hood had not seen the children. Anneena was frightend. “I hope he isa good man,” she said. “Come on,” said Kipper. “I can smell food.” Robin Hoodsaw the children. “Who are you?” he asked. “Are you lost in the wood. Come andsit down.” The children sat by the fire. “We saw you in a play,” said Anneena. “Wecan sing a song about you.” “Oh no!” said Kipper. “Not the song again!” Biffand Anneena sang the song. The song said everyone liked Robin but nobody likedthe Sheriff. Robin Hood’s men gave a cheer. “What a good song!” said RobinHood. “Sing it to me again.” Kipper looked inside a big black pot. Nobody sawthe Sheriff coming. Suddenly the Sheriff’s men ran in. They grabed Robin Hoodand put a rope round him. “Got you at last!” said the Sheriff. They jumped onRobin’s men and they grabed Biff, Wilma and Anneena. They put them all into acart. “Take them away,” said the Sheriff. Kipper hid in the big black pot. TheSheriff’s men didn’t see him. “Oh no!” he said. “What can I do? I must helpthem.” The Sheriff took them to a village. He said, “My castle is too far awayso we’ll stop here. One of my men will see you don’t get away.” Kipper went upto the man. He gave the man a sweet. “What is that thing?” he asked. “You lockpeople up in it,” said the man. “You can lock people in that?” said Kipper. “Youcan’t get them in.” “Oh yes you can,” said the man. “Look!” He put in his headand his hands. “Ha!” said Kipper “You fell for it.” He locked the man in andtook away his keys. “Grrr!” said the man. Kipper set them free. “Come oneveryone!” said Robin Hood. “Let’s go back to the woods. We don’t want theSheriff’s men to catch us.” They went to a new part of the woods. “Three cheersfor Kipper!” said Robin hood. “Now, let’s sing that song about me again.” “Ohno!” said Kipper. Suddenly, the magic key began to glow. “Just in time,” saidKipper. “It’s time for us to go.” “Good bye!” said the children. “Good bye!”said Robin Hood, “and thanks!” “What an adventure!” said Anneena. “I likedRobin Hood and his men. Let’s sing the song.” “Aaaaaah!” said Kipper.

英语天才 发表于 2012-3-24 14:42:34

本帖最后由 英语天才 于 2012-4-7 19:19 编辑

Lesson 8The Golden Touch   The childrenwere dipping strawberries into chocolate. “They look yummy,” said Chip. “Theytaste yummy,” said Kipper. Kipper wen to Biff’s room. He had chocolate on hishands. He got chocolate on everything he touched. “Go away, Kipper,” said Biff.“You’re getting chocolate on everything,” said Chip. “I wish everything Itouched turned into chocolate,” said Kipper. “That’s just greedy,” said Chip.Just then the magic key began to glow. It took the children into an adventure.They saw a girl sitting by a river. She was crying. “What’s the matter?” askedBiff. “Come with me and I’ll show you,” said the girl. “My name is Zoe.” Zoetook them to a palace. The children gasped. The palace was made of gold and agold tree stood outside. Zoe took the children inside.Everything was made ofgold. Even the food on the table. “My father is King Midas,” said Zoe, sadly. “Hemade a wish that everything he touched turned in to gold. Now his wish has cometure.” “If the food turns into gold, how can he eat it?” asked Chip. “He can’t,”said Zoe. “And if he touches me, I’ll turn into gold too.” Just then King Midascame in. Zoe hid behind Biff. “My father used to hug me,” she said. “But hemustn’t do it anymore.” King Midas saw Floppy. “I love dogs,” he said. “Comehere.” “Stop!” called Chip, “Don’t touch that dog.” It was too late. King Midaspated Floppy and he turned into gold. “I’am so sorry,” said King Midas. “Iforgot that everything I touched turns into gold. I wish I could turn him backin the a reall dog again.” “Who granted the wish?” asked Biff. “It was Dionysus,”said the King. “Then we must go and see him,” said Biff. “And ask him to help.”Dionysus lived on Mount Olympus. It was long way to walk but at last King Midasand the children arived. “Why have you comeback to see me,” asked Dionysus. “Ihave come to ask you to help me,” said King Midas. “I want everything back theway it was,” said King Midas. “My wish was silly.” “You were foolish andgreedy,” said Dionysus. “But you have learnt your lesson. Now go back and dowhat I tell you.” Dionysus told them to get water from the river. They had topour it onto everything that had turned into gold. “It works,” said King Midas.“I’m so glad your dog is back.” “So am I!” said Kipper. King Midas gave Zoe ahug. “What a fool I have been,” he said. “I’m glad I can hug you now. I willnever ask for gold again.” King Midas looked at the children. “Thank you forhelping us,” he said. The key began to glow. It was time to go home. “Hey! Whydid you do that?” asked Kipper, crossly. “To stop you from turning into chocolate,” laughed Chip.

英语天才 发表于 2012-4-7 19:20:48

Lesson 9The Lost Voice   Chip didn’tfell very well. His throat was sore and he counld’t talk. “Chip has lost hisvoice,” said Dad. “Oh no!” thought Floppy. Mum took Chip to the doctor. Dadtook Biff and Kipper to school. Floppy was all on his own. “Chip had lost hisvoice,” he thought sadly. “I wish I could help him.” “I know!” thought Floppy. “I’llgo and find Chip’s voice. I’m good at finding things.” He wagged his tail andran upstairs. Floppy ran into Biff’s bedroom. He looked under the bed. He founda ball, a toy car, a sticky sweet and a dusty sock…… but he didn’t find Chip’svoice. Floppy looked in the toy box. He found lots of toys and lots of books…….But he didn’t find Chip’s lost voice. Suddenly, the phone ran. “There arevoices in the phone!” thought Floppy. Floppy hit the phone with his paul.Crash! It fell down. A voice said, “Hello! Is anyone there?” But it wasn’t Chip’svoice. Floppy looked at the radio. “There are voices in the radio,” he thought.“I bet Chip’s voice is in there.” He hit the radio with his paul. Nothinghappened. He hit it harder… and harder. Crash! The radio fell over and some onestarted to sing. “What a horrible noise,” thought Floppy. “That isn’t Chip.” “Ibet Chip’s voice is in the television,” thought Floppy. He ran to look. Hispaul hit the swich and the television came on. Floppy saw a dog on thetelevision. It ran out of the shop with a big bone. “Wow! That bone looks good,”thought Floppy. The dog ran faster and faster. A voice shouted, “Stop! Stopthat dog!” “That isn’t Chip,” thought Flopp and he went back upstrais. Floppysaw Teddy on Kipper’s bed. “Teddy!” he thought. “I bet Teddy has got Chip’svoice.” Floppy shook Teddy hard. “Grrrrrrrr!” growled Teddy. “Help!” barkedFloppy. He droped Teddy and ran into Biff’s bedroom. WHOOSH! Floppy wentskidding across the floor. CRASH! Biff’s clock fell over. “Wack up!” itshouted. Floppy was scared. He hid under Chip’s bed and shut his eyes. Soon hewas fast asleep. Chip came home. He was feeling a lot beter now. “Where areyou, Floppy?” he called. Floppy jumped up. “Chip had found his voice,” hethought. He wagged his tail and ran downstrairs. Just then, Biff came in. Her throat was sore and she could’t talk. “Biff has lost her voice,” said Dad. “Oh no!” thought Floppy.

英语天才 发表于 2012-4-7 19:22:09

Lesson 7The Hairy-Scary Monster   Kipper didn’twant to go to sleep. “Biff and Chip are at Gran’s,” he said. “I don’t likebeing on my own.” “Poor Kipper,” thought Floppy. “I’ll stay with him.” “Oh no,Floppy,” said Mum. “Kipper is going to sleep.” But Kipper wasn’t going to sleep.He was wide awake. “I can’t go to sleep,” he grumbled. “I just can’t.” Kipperlaughed. “I kown. I’ll play a trick,” he said. “I’ll trick Dad and get her tocome upstrairs.” He jumped up and down on his bed. “Dad!” he yelled. “There’s ahairy-scary monster! It’ coming to get me, Dad. Help!” Dad ran up to Kipper’sbedroom. Floppy barked and ran after him. “What monster?” said Dad. “Where isit?” Kipper pionted to the curtains. “It’s behind the curtains,” he said. “It’sgot sharp yellow teeth and glowing red eyes.” Dad looked behind the curtains.But he didn’t see a monster. “There’s no monster here,” he said. “Look!” “Itwas a trick!” laughed Kipper. “It was just a trick. It was just a trick.” Dadlaughed, and tucked Kipper up. “Be a good boy and go to sleep,” he said. “Andno more tricks.” Floppy was hiding. He didn’t like monsters. “Come out, Floppy,”said Dad. “Kipper is going to sleep.” But Kipper wasn’t going to sleep. He wasstill wide a wake. “I don’t like being on my own,” he grumbled. “It’s boring.” Kipperlaughed. “I know. I’ll play another trick,” he said. “I’ll trick Mum and gether to come up stairs.” “Mum!” yelled Kipper. “There’s a hairy-scary monster. It’sgoing to eat me up. Mum, help!” Mum ran up to Kipper’s bedroom. Floppy barkedand ran after her. “What monster?” said Mum. “Where is it?” Kipper pointed tothe wardrobe. “It’s in the wardrobe,” he said. “It’s got long sharp claws andhairy jaws.” Mum looked in the wardrobe but she didn’t see a monster. “There’sno monster here,” she said. “Look!” “It was a trick!” laughed Kipper. “It wasjust a trick.” Mum tucked Kipper up again. “Be a good boy and go to sleep,” shesaid. “And no more tricks.” Kipper began to fall asleep. His eyes were justclosing when he heard something uder the bed. It was something that wassnuffling. It was something that was snorting. It was something tht was hairyand very, very scary! “Help!” yelled Kipper. “There really is a monster! Mum,Dad, help me! I’m scared!” Mum and Dad ran up stairs. “What’s wrong, Kipper?”they said. “There’s a monster,” he sobbed. “There’s a monster under the bed!”Dad looked under the bed. “There is a monster,” he said. “It’s the hairy-scaryFloppy monster!”

英语天才 发表于 2012-4-7 19:22:49

Lesson 10The Palace Statues   The childrenput on a play called the Golden Statue. Chip was the statue. He had on a goldenclock and gold facepaint. “I like this gold facepaint,” said Anneeena. Themagic key began to glow. The magic took the children to the palace. They saw aman talking to a girl. “Don’t cry, Eva,” he said. “What’s the matter?” askedBiff. “This is my brother, Aran,” said Eva. “He guards the golden statues inthe palace.” “The statues all have jawels,” said Aran. “But someone is stellingthe jawels, and I must catch the robber.” Aran showed the children the goldenstatues. “The robber might stell more jawels tonight,” he said. “What can I do?”Chip had an idea. “You can dress up as a golden statue,” he said. “Then you cankeep watch.” That night, Aran dressed up as a golden statue. “I’m glad we’vegot this gold facepaint,” said Anneena. Aran went into the statue room. Hestood in the deepest shadows. “You need a jewel,” said Eva. She gave him hernecklace, and went out. Suddenly, a secret door slid open. Two men creped intothe room. They took the rest of the jewels. One of the men spotted Aran. “I didn’tsee that statue last night,” he said. “Let’s get that necklace.” Aran held hisbreath as the man grabbed the necklace. At last, he heard a soft thud as thescret door slid shut. Aran called the children. He showed them the scret door.They all creped down some steps and along a shadowy tunnle. Suddenly, Bifftriped and fell. “Who’s there?” shouted the men. “Run!” wispered Nadim. “Hideunder the steps.” A robber came up to the steps. He heled up his lamp but thechildren were as still as statues. “There’s nobody here,” he said. The men wentinto a dusty room. The children followed them and peeped round the door. “There’sanother door!” said Aran. “It must lead into the palace garden. They mightescape through that.” “I kown what we can do,” said Nadim, and he told the othershis plan. “That’s a good idea,” said Eva. Eva raced back up the steps. She toldthe guards to go to the garden door. Then she ran back to the others. Aranmarched stiffly into the dusty room. “Give me back my necklace!” he roared, ina voice like thunder. The robbers jumped up. “Help! The statue is alive!” theyscreamed. They raced out of the garden door……and ran right into the guards. Thenext day, Aran and Eva gave the children the golden statue. “Thank you forhelping us,” they said. The magic key began to glow. The magic took thechildren home. “The statue looks just like Eva,” said Nadim. “Yes,” said Chip. “AndAnneena looks just like the statue!”

David 发表于 2012-4-8 08:05:46

Good! But please correct the typing mistakes when you have time!

英语高手 发表于 2012-7-7 20:19:39

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