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The Broken Wall

热度 1已有 411 次阅读2013-1-28 22:22 |个人分类:英语作文

     One day, a man was brushing his front wall. A boy saw him nd ran up. "Why do you want to brush that wall white?" "Cause it makes the wall look beautiful," said the man. Then the boy had a bad idea. "I can get some rocks and hit the wall so that the man couldn't paint his wall," he thought in his head. So he ran off. And he came back with a big rock inside his arms. "What are you doing?" shouted the man. "Stop it!" But the boy didn't listen. He hit the wall hard with the rock. The wall cracked. Oh no! 






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回复 admin 2013-1-29 13:22
What a good story!    I pefer to use "in his arms" instead of "inside his arms" for the sentence "And he came back with a big rock inside his arms".

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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