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A Good Story November 17,2012

热度 3已有 630 次阅读2012-11-17 19:08 | dog, cat, football, rabbit, friend

     Cat and dog are good friend. Monday, cat and dog are in the park. Tuesday,cat and dog are play the football on the playground.Wednesday, cat and dog are work on the grass. Thursday, cat and dog are go to the shop! Friday,cat and dog are chase the rabbit ! Saturday,cat and dog are swim in the pond. Sunday,cat and dog are make a mask!

   This week,cat and dog are happy!






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回复 admin 2012-11-18 10:35
Your diary is awesome!
回复 admin 2012-11-18 10:39
I think it might be better if I put it this way:   Cat and dog are good friends. Monday, cat and dog were in the park. Tuesday,cat and dog played football on (on) the playground.Wednesday, cat and dog walked on the grass. Thursday, cat and dog went to the shop! Friday,cat and dog chased the rabbit ! Saturday, cat and dog swam in the pond. Sunday,cat and dog made a mask!
   This week,cat and dog are happy!
回复 孟欣 2012-11-18 10:43
回复 admin 2012-11-18 10:49
是的。个人认为如果用present tense就显得比较牵强。毕竟已经写的都是过去的事情啊。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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