



湖州日报:3名学子入围“希望之星”只有狂人才干的事情!带字幕美国之音慢速英语VOA Special English学英语视频近1000个,自诩为国内最全!适合增加词汇和锻炼听力!点击查看...
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VOA Special English 今日: 0|主题: 863|排名: 21 

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VOA Learning English - Development Report 393-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
VOA Learning English - Education Report 393-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
VOA Learning English - Health Report 393-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 01 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Broken Instruments Are Music to the Ears of These School Repairmen-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Are People Who Speak More Than One Language Smarter --VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Hope of Profit, Social Change Meet in New College Programs-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
A School Newspaper Links Sioux Indian Teens to Their Community-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Children at US School Show Their Support for Victims in Japan-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Debating the Display of Ten Commandments in Public Schools and Buildings-VOA慢速英 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Dallas Creates a Public School for Boys-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Chronic Diseases an Impending Disaster for Some Nations-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Bernanke Meets the Press in a First for US Central Bank-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Study of Paralyzed Man May Offer Hope for New Treatment-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Microsoft Says Google Blocks Competition in Europe Search Market-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Meet Some Top Students in the Intel Science Talent Search-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
For Many People, First the Doctors Office, Then the Web-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Doctors Lack Many Ways to Treat Radiation Exposure-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Girls Lacrosse Team Raises Hopes at School-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Retirement Savings Rule 1 - Reduce Investment Risk as the Day Nears-VOA慢速英语带字幕视 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
Travelers May Spread Drug-Resistance Gene From South Asia-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:24
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