
标题: 新世纪学校“家长学校”第十九期 [打印本页]

作者: 湖州新世纪学校    时间: 2012-7-7 01:10
标题: 新世纪学校“家长学校”第十九期

所谓尽力而为,就是在了解自己中考实力和有劳有逸调节自己的前提下,尽全力专注于复习备考当中。具体讲,它有两点基本含义:一方面,要对自己“一次性有效学习时间”的区间范围作出客观确认,在有效复习的时间限度内,开足马力,争取有效完成更多的备考内容。一旦超出了有效复习的时间限度,就必须站起身来或走出室外,让大脑脱离学习状态,进行短暂时间的"供氧调节",然后再回到下一个 “一次性有效学习时间”的范围中去。这里最忌讳的是,本来己经疲惫了,没效果了,但看到周围同学还在继续埋头用功,便苦苦硬撑下去。这种盲目攀比行为,是最愚蠢的备考行为。另一方面,也是尽力而为最重要的本质内涵,即越是临近中考,越是紧迫感过强,就越是应该抱定平常心态。应早晨起来跑跑步,中午时间适当休息,晚饭前后散散心,晚白习后不再过量延长复习时间,更不要由着性子通宵开夜车。唯有如此,才能使每天学习的身心疲劳状态得到有效缓解和及时消除,始终保持旺盛的备考状态。否则,若不能有劳有逸地每天坚持调节自己,长期性的学习疲劳累积起来,势必会导致脑神经衰弱后的厌学情绪和焦躁情绪产生,以至影响到中考临场时的正常发挥。
有些家长经常在孩子面前谈论别的孩子,像 “人家学习特别勤奋,学习方法特别好”,或是 “你向人家学着点儿”等等。将自己的孩子与其他孩子盲目攀比,会让孩子产生消极情绪。
复习备考是考生自己的事,家长不要管得太具体,要懂得 “抓大放小”,主要在原则和策略上提醒考生即可,不可干涉过多。家长要相信自己的孩子,只要孩子平时己经努力了,就应该让他们自信地走进考场,这样反而能考出好成绩。
自信能使人保持 心理 稳定的重要条件,是成功的精神力量。不少考生的压力首先来源于对自己缺乏信心,因此要想在中考中顺利过关,首先就要学会充满自信。那么怎样才能在中考前使自己充满信心呢?
面对中考的不可知性,同学们为增加把握,总有一种对学习的工作量和和学习目标高要求的倾向,结果常常是不能如愿。这时,需要接受现实,适度地原谅自己,不要总是在对自己的不满意中空耗 心理 能量,尽了最大努力就够了。
3.抓住最佳记忆时间。 心理 学研究证明,早上起床后半小时及晚上睡前半小时记忆效果最好。建议考生在这两个时段复习最关键、最重要的课程内容。

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标题: monster headphones State parks spruced up in prepa
Jacob Reisch has been visiting Taughannock Falls State Park in Trumansburg for most of his life.
It's an experience he never tires of.
Reisch is a student at Cornell University and lives in Geneva, and the park is between the two.
'Taughannock Falls is perfectly on the way between Geneva and Ithaca. So whenever I'm on the lakes or on the way back, I stop by,' Reisch said. 'Not every time,monster headphones, but if I have people riding with me who haven't seen it, I always stop. It's definitely a very scenic view from the top and also great just to walk up and see the river bed. I always did that when I was younger. It's a beautiful place, and it's nice to be able to take advantage of that.'
With Memorial Day coming up Monday, Taughannock Falls and other state parks around the Finger Lakes will begin to see a seasonal deluge with visitors this weekend,beats headphones People on the Move- May 26, 2013, the unofficial start to summer.
Those parks are all open for business, and after an overall boost in attendance last year, officials hope for similar results this summer, said Kathie Notarfonzo,beats headphones, acting Finger Lakes Region director for the state Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.
'All gorge trails at Watkins Glen are open, and our camping at Watkins started May 10,' Notarfonzo said. 'Some trails are open at Robert Treman. Buttermilk Falls is open. Camping at Newtown Battlefield starts this weekend.'
Most of the preparation work is done, and now it's a matter of hoping for good weather, Notarfonzo said.
'We did see increases (in attendance) last year,dr dre headphones,' she said. 'It's weather-dependent, but we're hoping for a good summer.'
Attendance at Finger Lakes state parks has been increasing steadily over at least the last five years.
In all,cheap beats by dre, 3,228,299 people showed up at the 35 state parks in the region in 2012,beats by dre, compared with 2,cheap beats by dre Carara National Park gets unive,873,903 in 2008.
While most of those parks will see only minor improvements this summer, the state is pumping $5.8 million into the Southern Tier for upgrades.
Most of that money will go toward construction at Taughannock Falls State Park in the Town of Ulysses, including an upgraded electric system, renovated restrooms and resurfaced roads.
( 2 of 2)
That funding is more of an investment than an expense. State parks not only offer affordable summer fun for families looking to stay close to home, but they also provide a major boost to local economies.
A prime example is Watkins Glen, where the state park is in the heart of the village.
'It's incredibly and extremely important to our tourism promotion here,' said Rebekah LaMoreaux, president of the Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce. 'I know Yahoo designated the Finger Lakes region as one of the top lakeside destinations in the world, and they referenced Watkins Glen State Park. That's how big it is.'
'We like to say that we are one of the unique villages that still has a place where Mother Nature meets Main Street. It's something that we like to promote regularly,' she said. 'We do have a section in our brochure that focuses on it. It's one of the big attractions that people come in off the street and ask about.'
Watkins Glen State Park is right on the main drag in the village, but some parks are more remote. Among them is Newtown Battlefield State Park near Elmira. It doesn't have a swimming pool or a waterfall and has never come close to Watkins Glen or some of the Ithaca-area parks for attendance.
Newtown Battlefield has been targeted for closure more than once, but it has its share of fans as well.
Among them is Brian Dugan, of Pine City, who is a frequent visitor at Newtown Battlefield, usually for his favorite outdoor pastime ' bird watching.
'We're up here for bird watching, most of the time with my wife. There's always something going on,' Dugan said. 'This is very nice. I usually travel the service roads and other trails. The big monument and overlook is a good spot also. It's very pleasant. It's a great view up there, besides the history that goes along with it.'
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