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发表于 2012-12-17 17:53:39 | 显示全部楼层

www.burberryssoldesemagasin.com Endometriosis Part

Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look at the bright side.
B. Iron
I. Definition
Iron is a mineral with the chemical symbol Fe and atomic number of 26. Even though it only represents a tiny percentage in our body, it plays important roles in maintaining our body's functions with other minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, and copper. Deficiency of iron causes a variety of diseases while overdose of iron is toxic to our body.
E. Calcium
I. Definition
Calcium (Ca) is a trace mineral with the chemical number 32. Besides playing an important role in building stronger, denser bones early in life and keeping bones strong and healthy later in life,hollister france, it also helps to strengthen the immune system through cell division,abercrombie, and regulates cell growth and muscle tone.
II. How potassium affects women with endometriosis
I. Hormone imbalance
Potassium plays a vital role in regulating muscle tone including the uterine muscle, deficiency of potassium causes over-production of certain protagslandins members in the protagslandins family leading to over-active uterine muscles and severe endometrial menstrual cramps.
2. Cell growth
Since calcium is vital for cell division, the right levels of calcium helps to maintain healthy cell growth and avoid cell abnormality such as some peritoneal cells developing into endometrial cells in the abdomen.
V,hollister. Maintain fluid balancing
Distortion or depletion of levels of potassium reduces the ability to maintain fluid balance in the body causing water and salt retention, and other symptoms.
2. Menstrual cramps
Selenium is necessary for a strong liver to ensure the secretion of bile to the intestine for protein and fat metabolism, which are essential for our brain cells. Deficiency of selenium causes brain cell inability to perform their function resulting in weakening the signal transmitting for hormonal production which regulates the woman's menstrual cycle leading to menstrual cramps.
F. Potassium
I. Definition
Potassium(K) is a trace mineral with the chemical number 19. It occurs only as an ionic salt in nature and reacts violently with water. It is an important mineral for women with endometriosis because deficiency and incorrect ratio with sodium can interfere with the reproductive system's functions during the menstrual cycle,abercrombie.
II. How magnesium effects women with endometriosis.
1. Abnormal cell development
Deficiency of magnesium decreases the ability of DNA and RNA synthesis in the body leading to cell abnormality, such as peritoneal cells growing into endometrial cells in the abdomen.
5. Circulation system
Magnesium also plays an important role in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in the arteries which helps to increase the blood circulation of oxygen and the carrying of nutrients to the body's brain cells. This helps to reduce tension of the nervous system and decreases the risk of heart diseases and stroke.
II. Menstrual cramps
Deficiency of potassium reduces the liver's function of balancing the levels of fatty acids which are essential for building a normal muscle tone and regulate certain hormones during the menstrual cycle which causes menstrual pain.
2. Nervous system
As we mentioned above, Zn plays an important role in protein and fatty acid metabolism which provide essential elements for our brain to function better resulting in reducing symptoms of endometriosis such as headache, irritation, and anxiety.
1. Immune system
Since Zn helps in protein and fatty acid metabolism resulting in strengthening the function of the liver and white blood cells in the body which help to protect against the accumulation of toxins as well as improving the ability of the immune system in fighting against all kinds of invasion such as virus, bacteria, endometrial implants, and adhesion.
4. Estrogen
Since magnesium helps in synthesis of protein and fat, it helps the liver to produce good estrogen which keeps the levels of bad estrogen in check resulting in lessening the levels of period pain and menstrual cramps.
3. Nervous and circulation systems
Since we already know that selenium is vital for our brain cell to carry daily activities, deficiency of selenium causes depletion of oxygen levels in our blood as well as blocking the transportation of nutrients to our body's cells as resulting of high levels of bad cholesterol in our blood leading to symptoms of endometriosis, heart diseases, and stroke.
5. Relationship with vitamin A and E
Deficiency of Zn interferes with the functioning of vitamin A and E metabolism, such as:
a) Decreasing the synthesis of retinol binding protein.
b) Decreasing the activity of liver in releasing of retinyl palmitate.
c) Causing Acne
3. Nervous system
Since protein synthesis and fat metabolism by liver provide the necessary nutrients to our brain for regulating our body's daily functions. Iron increases the production of red blood cells which is vital for nutrient transportation in our bloodstream and helps to nourish a strong nervous system. Without enough iron,abercrombie, it causes tension in the nervous system resulting in endometrial symptoms.
High levels of selenium in the body may cause kidney disease and arthritis
II. How selenium affects women with endometriosis
Selenium is a very important trace element for our body. Too little selenium or too large an amount of selenium can result in certain types of disease, therefore if you want to take selenium supplements, it is for your own good to talk to your doctor first.
5. Coagulation
Since blood clotting requires the proteins made in the liver, calcium, vitamin K and platelets together with substances released from damaged tissue, deficiency of calcium causes heavy bleeding for women with endometriosis.
III. Immune system
Potassium is essential in protein and fat metabolism. Without enough potassium, our liver cannot secrete bile to form good cholesterol to bind the bad cholesterol in the bloodstream, leading to malnutrition of cells in the body which reduces the ability of cells in fighting against the forming of free radicals, including endometrial implants and adhesion.
II. How iron affects women with endometriosis
1,abercrombie. Red blood cells
Red blood cells is essential for circulation system. Women with endometriosis are found to have iron deficiency caused by heavy blood flow during menstruation or by the inability of the digestive absorption leading to anemia and symptoms of endometriosis such as fatigue, loss of memory, confusion, and dizziness as a resulting of circulation disorder.
I hope this information will help. If you need more information or insurance advice, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at:
II. How Calcium effects women with endometriosis.
Women with endometriosis are found to have low levels of calcium 10 days before menstruation because of the unbalancing of levels of magnesium or inability of digestive absorption.
3. Nervous system
The strong bond between cells in the body through waves of calcium helps to strengthen the functions of cells in the nervous system which decrease the risk of nervous tension resulting in symptoms of endometriosis. Deficiency of calcium weakens the communication process leading to confusion, memory loss, and depression
4. Circulatory system
Besides protecting other systems in the body, Zn helps to reduce the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood stream resulting in fatty acid metabolism. Deficiency of Zn increases the risk of heart disease and stroke as well as blood stagnation causing endometrial pains.
C. Selenium
I. Definition
Selenium (Se) was discovered in 1817 by Jon Jakob Berzelius. It is a chemical element with the chemical number of 34 and atomic mass of 78.96. It is necessary for cellular function in our body for reducing certain oxidized molecules.
4. Respiratory system
Some researchers have suggested that selenium supplementation, along with other nutrients, can help prevent the recurrence of certain lung diseases and improve the lung. If it is true,franklin marshall, then it is important for women with endometriosis, because a strong lung helps the bloodstream to absorb more oxygen which is vital for our body's cells to perform daily functions.
1,mulberry. Immune system
Selenium is an antioxidant. When it works with vitamin E, it helps to improve the immune system in fighting against abnormal cell development such as endometriosis implants and adhesion, oxidation of fat, and cancer,hollister uk.
2. Immune system
Immune system helps to fight against the invasion of virus, bacteria, formation of endometrial implants and adhesion. Deficiency of iron causes the inability of our blood to transport the necessary nutrients to our body's cells leading to a weakened immune system.
4. Menstrual cramps
Calcium is needed to maintain the uterine muscle's tone. Deficiency of calcium cause hyperactive muscles, including in the uterine muscles.
3. Nervous system
Deficiency of magnesium decreases the carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism of the liver leading to nutrient deficiency of nerve cells. Without enough nutrients for the nervous system it causes symptoms of endometriosis such as anxiety, and depression as resulting of nervous system tensions.
endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. Besides conventional medical treatment, nutritional supplements also play an important role in treating endometriosis. In this article, we will discuss the relationship between minerals and women with endometriosis.
6. Relationship with magnesium and calcium
Healthy levels of zinc, magnesium, and calcium helps to strengthen the bone density and hormone balancing which are necessary for women with endometriosis.
D. Magnesium
I. Definition
Magnesium (Mg) is a trace mineral and has an atomic number of 32. Women with endometriosis were found to have low levels of magnesium during the menstrual cycle, causing symptoms of endometriosis and menstrual cramps. Please make sure to take magnesium together with vitamin C for better digestive absorption and the intake ratio of magnesium and calcium should always be 1 to 2.
4. Digestive system
Since iron is hard to absorb for our digestive system, study shows that only 10% of iron supplements are absorbed and may be even lower for women with endometriosis. Intake with vitamin C will help to increase the level of absorption by 30%.
II,hollister pas cher. How zinc affects women with endometriosis
A. Zinc
1. Definition
Zinc is a chemical with the symbol Zn and with the atomic number of 30. It is found in over 200 of the body's enzymes and included in most single tablet over-the-counter daily vitamins and mineral supplements. It is said to have an antioxidant property that helps to protect premature aging of skin and muscles.
3. Hormone balancing
Since Zn helps in fatty acid metabolism, it balances the hormones of the protagslandins family which control the muscles in the uterus. Deficiency of zinc causes over-production of certain protagslandins hormones resulting in menstrual cramps.
1. Immune system
Since calcium is vital for cell physiology, it helps to strengthen the communication of cells through waves of calcium and other small molecules to cells hundreds of micrometers away, which is essential for the function of the immune system,hollister online shop.
To read the series of endometriosis visit:
IV. Nervous system
Deficiency of potassium reduces the process of passing nutrition through the cell including the cells in the nervous system leading to tension of nervous system which causes a variety of symptoms of endometriosis such as memory loss, confusion, and anxiety,hollister.
2. Protagslandins hormones
Magnesium is essential for for liver to balance the protagslandins hormones that control the uterine muscles during the menstrual cycle. Deficiency of magnesium causes the over-production of certain hormones in the prostaglandins family resulting in pre-menstrual syndrome and menstrual cramps for women with endometriosis.
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发表于 2012-12-19 08:53:04 | 显示全部楼层

www.burberryssoldesemagasin.com Emotional Intellig

In today’s world of disturbing turmoil it’s easy to realize that the number one consideration of a civilized society is the quality of human behavior,abercrombie. This fact underscores the importance of our developing an adequate understanding of the mind’s emotional characteristics and troubling natural tendencies. Learning to identify, understand, and manage our feelings through the prism of emotional intelligence can make a significant difference in the way we apply the mind to any particular situation,franklin marshall.
Such training enhances the most valuable assets we have as individuals —namely, our emotional stability and intelligence, our physical health and overall security, as well as our ability to treat other people and other things in a healthier and more meaningful manner. By increasing our understanding of emotional intelligence, we are capable of obtaining meaningful rewards and satisfaction far beyond what we would otherwise expect from life! A greater understanding of emotional intelligence on a world-wide scale would surely result in a less behaviorally stressed planet.
Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month brings attention to the significance of emotional literacy. This year’s campaign poster theme highlights “Identifying Nature’s Unhealthy Impact,peuterey outlet,” a graphically health-oriented hi-tech look at managing emotions. Understanding our emotions will carry a far greater impact on our health and well-being — and our relationship with the world — than we may have ever imagined. Emotional intelligence is truly the secret to building healthier minds, getting the best out of life, and developing a behaviorally safer world.
In Dr. Daniel Goleman seminal work, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, (1995) the author/psychologist first introduced the concept of EI, and in just seven years his treatise became the most widely read social science book in the world,hollister. Accordingly,hollister pas cher, “Researchers now know that emotional literacy can help prevent and solve myriad problems that we experience in our personal and professional lives,peuterey.”
According to Dr. Stanley Greenspan’s book, The Growth of the Mind,hollister, “Refining what we mean by intelligence is a most important issue . . . Intelligence reflects the mind doing its most important work ,hollister paris. ,hollister france. .” The author goes on to warn us that, “Our definition of intelligence should focus on the general process whereby individuals reason,mulberry, reflect and understand the world ,abercrombie. . . Emotions, not cognitive stimulation, serve as the mind’s primary architect.”
October is Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month!
This month-long campaign provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the helpful and harmful reactions to emotions and other related topics. For those unfamiliar, emotional intelligence is a self-governing initiative to make healthy assessments about how our minds influence quality behavior. Such assessments help us to better understand our minds and reduce emotions harmful, yet natural effect on our thoughts and behavior,hollister online shop.
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