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01 Franklin's Test小乌龟富兰克林动画故事Franklin’s Tale带字幕72集全

发表于 2012-5-24 16:57:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 江湖一把刀 于 2012-5-24 16:58 编辑

01 Franklin's Test小乌龟富兰克林动画故事Franklin’s Tale带字幕72集全
小乌龟富兰克林系列是一套引进自加拿大的经典儿童图画故事书,荣获大项国际大奖,风靡全球25年,被翻译成30多种语言,动画片热播世界140多个国家和地区。小乌龟富兰克林成为了全世界儿童都喜爱的超级卡通明星。洪恩小乌龟学美语(动画) 洪恩美音原版卡通the Little Turtle Franklin, Franklin, the turtle,Franklin the little tortoise, Franklin the small Turtle, Franklin’s Tale

无任何广告带字幕视频文件在线播放(由于该视频文件较大,超过20M,根据您的网速可能需要等待30秒至1分钟。谢谢您的耐心等待!Thank you for your patience!)
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其他的小乌龟富兰克林Franklin’s Tale带字幕卡通动画故事:
01 Franklins Test
021 Franklins Nature Hike
02 Franklin And The Duckling
03 Franklin And His Night Friend
04 Franklin And The Two Henrys
05 Franklins Nature Hike
06 Franklins Starring Role
07 Franklins Masterpiece
08 Franklin And The Computer
09 Franklin The Trooper
10 Franklins Fossil
11 Franklin And The Fortune Teller
12 Franklins Cellar
13 Franklin Plants A Tree
14 Franklin The Hero
15 Franklins Day Off
16 Franklins Homemade Cookies
17 Franklin The Fabulous
18 Franklin Camps Out
19 Franklin And The Puppy
20 Franklin Takes The Bus
21 Franklin And The Copycat
22 Big Brother Franklin
23 Franklin And The Grump
24 Franklins Promise
25 Franklin And The Thunderstorm
26 Franklins Maple Syrup
27 Franklin Helps Out
28 Franklins Missing Snacks
29 Franklins Good Deeds
30 Franklins Submarine
31 Mr FIX-IT Franklin
32 Franklin Has The Hiccups
33 Franklin Delivers
34 Franklins Shell Trouble
35 Franklins Sailboat
36 Franklin Snoops
37 Franklins Father
38 Franklin Plays Hockey
39 Franklin And The Puppet Play
40 Franklins Stopwatch
41 Franklin Meets Ermine
42 Franklins Funny Business
43 Franklin And Sam
44 Franklins Berry Patch
45 Franklins Rival
47 Franklins Robot
48 Franklin The Detective
49 Franklin The Fearless
50 Franklins Lucky Charm
51 Franklin At The Seashore
52 Franklin And Snails Dream
53 My Franklin
54 Franklins Mom
55 Franklin Stays Up
56 Franklins Bargain
57 Franklin And The Bus Patrol
58 Franklin And Wolvie
59 Franklins Pumpkin
60 Franklins Jug Band
61 Franklins Big Game
62 Franklins Reading Club
63 Franklin In Two Places
64 Franklins First Star
65 Franklin Loses A Book
66 Franklin  Hurry Up,Franklin
67 Franklin And The Tooth Fairy
68 Franklin Goes To School
69 Franklin Plays The Game
70 Franklin Ride Bike
71 Franklins Birthday Party
72 Franklins Blanket



2、最生活化的口语句穿插于情节描述中,所学语句都是孩子与伙伴们每天说的话;65个精彩绝伦的故事,中英文字幕,接触美语句子10,000句,词汇4000 个;其中重点学习词汇近300个,重点学习句式近600句;《小乌龟学美语》的每个故事都教会孩子一种珍贵的品质或者一个生活的道理,培养儿童成长必备性格:勇敢、诚实、宽容、友爱、勇于承认错误、责任心、和别人分享、理解父母、说到做到等等;
3、抛弃直接说教,用孩子们自己的思维跟孩子对话,贴近儿童生活,用动画形式模拟孩子成长过程中发生的真实的故事,孩子们可以在故事中找到自己的影子,是一部真正为孩子写的孩子自己的故事!一共有9个DVD ,可以选择中或英字幕的。

目录: DVD1
01 富兰克林的考试 Franklin"s TEST
02 富兰克林和小鸭子 Franklin AND THE DUCKLING
03 富兰克林和他的夜间朋友 Franklin AND HIS NIGHT FRIEND
04 富兰克林和两个亨利 Franklin AND THE TWO HENRYS
05 富兰克林的野外远足 Franklin"s NATURE HIKE
06 富兰克林的明星角色 Franklin"s STARRING ROLE
07 富兰克林的杰作 Franklin"s MASTERPIECE

08 富兰克林和计算机 Franklin AND THE COMPUTER
09 骑士富兰克林 Franklin THE TROOPER
10 富兰克林的化石 Franklin"S FOSSIL
11 富兰克林和预言家 Franklin AND THE FORTUNE TELLER
12 富兰克林和地下室 Franklin"S CELLAR
13 富兰克林种树 Franklin PLANTS A TREE
14 小英雄富兰克林 Franklin THE HERO

15 富兰克林的假期 Franklin"S DAY OFF
16 富兰克林做的小甜饼 Franklin"S HOMEMADE COOKIES
17 神奇的富兰克林 Franklin THE FABULOUS
18 富兰克林野营 Franklin CAMPS OUT
19 富兰克林和小狗 Franklin AND THE PUPPY
20 富兰克林拿了玩具校车 Franklin TAKES THE BUS
21 富兰克林和抄袭者 Franklin AND THE COPYCAT

22 大哥哥富兰克林 BIG BROTHER Franklin
23 富兰克林和坏脾气的人 Franklin ANT THE GRUMP
24 富兰克林的诺言 Franklin"S PROMISE
25 富兰克林和暴风雨 Franklin AND THE THUNDERSTORM
26 富兰克林的枫蜜 Franklin"S MAPLE SYRUP
27 富兰克林帮助别人 Franklin HELP OUT
28 富兰克林和失踪的零食 Franklin"S MISSING SNACKS
29 富兰克林做好事 Franklin"S GOOD DEEDS
30 富兰克林的潜水艇 Franklin"S SUBMARINE
31 修理能手富兰克林 MR.FIX-IT Franklin
32 富兰克林打嗝 Franklin HAS THE HICCUPS
33 富兰克林送报 Franklin DELIVERS
34 富兰克林的龟壳烦恼 Franklin"S SHELL TROUBLE
35 富兰克林的帆船 Franklin"S SAILBOAT

36 富兰克林偷听 Franklin"S SNOOPS
37 富兰克林的爸爸 Franklin"S FATHER
38 富兰克林打冰球 Franklin PLYA HOCKEY
39 富兰克林和手偶戏 Franklin AND THE PUPPET PLAY
40 富兰克林的秒表 Franklin"S STOPWATCH
41 富兰克林遇到小貂 Franklin MEETS ERMINE
42 富兰克林的滑稽行为 Franklin"S FUNNY BUSINESS
43 富兰克林和山姆 Franklin AND SAM
44 富兰克林的浆果园 Franklin"S BERRY PATCH
45 富兰克林的对手 Franklin"S RIVAL
46 富兰克林和收藏卡 Franklin AND THE TRADING CARD
47 富兰克林的机器人 Franklin"S ROBOT
48 大侦探富兰克林 Franklin THE DETECTIVE
49 勇士富兰克林 Franklin THE FEARLESS
50 富兰克林的护身符 Franklin"S LUCKY CHARM
51 富兰克林在海滩 Franklin AT THE SEASHORE
52 富兰克林和蜗牛的梦想 Franklin AND SNAIL"S DREAM
53 我的富兰克林 MY Franklin
54 富兰克林的妈妈 Franklin"S MAM
55 富兰克林熬夜记 Franklin STAY UP
56 谈条件的富兰克林 Franklin"S BARGAIN
57 富兰克林和班车督察 Franklin AND THE BUS PATROL
58 富兰克林和小狼獾 Franklin AND WOLVIE
59 富兰克林的南瓜 Franklin"S PUMPKIN
60 富兰克林的瓶罐乐队 Franklin"S JUG BAND
61 富兰克林的重大比赛 Franklin"S BIG GAME
62 富兰克林的读书俱乐部 Franklin"S READING CLUB
63 富兰克林两头忙 Franklin IN TWO PLACES
64 富兰克林最崇拜的明星 Franklin"S FIRST STAR
65 富兰克林丢书记 Franklin LOSES A BOOK

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发表于 2013-9-6 12:13:42 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-6-21 12:26:49 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-6-19 04:15:07 | 只看该作者

Cola to Have Largest Social Medi mbt zapatos outle

February 3, 2012; 09:43 AM
Costa Mesa,MBT Zapatos, CA (PRWEB) February 03, 2012  While a host of former NFL players will pick this year Super Bowl winner during the NBC pregame show, digital marketing agency ymarketing is announcing CocaCola as the oddson favorite to become the Social Media Brand Champion in 2012. The prediction is based on established social media presence, recent digital performance, and historical reaction to Super Bowl Ads as measured by postgame online consumer behavior and social media interaction. Other top brands expected to score big include Best Buy,comprar mbt baratos, Chevy, Disney, Doritos,supra shoes cheap, Google, Kia and Pepsi.
within the biggest changes to this year Super Bowl advertising is definitely the overt quest for command of the socalled second screen, or mobile tablets and phones,supra shoes for sale, said Donald Nosek, VP of Strategy for ymarketing. Whereas in the past brands may have mentioned a social media address or added subtle icons to an ad,MBT shoes sale, year the spots will encourage social media interaction while the game is in progress, noted Nosek. our mind Coke, and a few others, appear to have solid integrated advertising game plans. preSuper Bowl advertising game plan includes a custom website showcasing its animated Polar Bears,supra shoes cheap, one a New England fan and the other rooting for New York. Chevy launched a smartphone contest app specifically for the Super Bowl; and Kia is showing its actual Super Bowl Ads in movie theaters just before the game. Doritos even has an entire Crash the Super Bowl campaign seeking user generated content via a video ad contest.
Last year, ymarketing introduced the Super Bowl Social Brand Scoreboard Report,supra skytop sale, where the digital agency measured the impact that Super Bowl ads had on online consumer behavior following the game. ETrade baby, GoDaddy Girls, et al).
passion is in the sport of analyzing social media trending, said Nosek. those not interested in football watch the Super Bowl for innovative and funny commercials that air during this time. It is our hope that we can measurably capture what resonates with people and continue that will these brands grow based on our findings. For more than a decade ymarketing has partnered with agencies and assisted companies by increasing revenue through generating qualified leads and profitable eCommerce checkouts directly online. ymarketing strictly focuses on strategies and techniques that grow revenue without increasing marketing expenses to drive positive ROI.
Recent awards and recognition include: 1 Fastest Growing Private Company  Orange County Business Journal, 12 Fastest Growing Private Company in LA/OC  Inc Magazine, and HubSpot Partner from the Year  HubSpot User Group Summit 2010..
发表于 2013-6-18 23:28:50 | 只看该作者

but nevertheless

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发表于 2013-6-18 21:20:35 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2013-6-18 14:46:31 | 只看该作者

发表于 2013-6-17 16:31:30 | 只看该作者

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their priest who has been her overseer was completely happy along with her. currently, at every work your partner's process ignored these character. so that you needing more information a whim associated with Madame environnant les Maintenon's, who exactly raised on associated with waste inside the noble coffee table, a couple of carp had been taken out of a muddy puddle and as a result slipped into a pebble pot of pastel,Timberland Australia, water that is clean. supply some advice on in head. in this, examine within, as well as new person passed the below-ideal as follows document:-- (top secret.) Prefecture using the Aube. Monsieur any sub-ideal,--you can seek advice from the bearer for this particular standard as to the election found at Arcis, and you could comply with the actual time ideas and needs he may make back. the actual woman's technique, as cruelly spoil essentially she would not want to accuse her very own counterparts out of authentic inaccurate, learnt sanctuary in something sphere that every bit of sufferers climb on the wings with the primary benefits,--believe, wish,Timberland Roll Top Boots For Sale, good causes. your sweetheart left your loved one's subconscious ture of retreat. Sylvie, amazed at the switch Monsieur Habert knowledgeable effected in just Pierrette, came fascinated to know how previously it was ended. "you could start to transport them back, claimed Birago,Timberland Online, looking over important by the Gondis as they required a walk out. "you bet, it's my job to think of days past at fun, exclaimed Albert l'ordre de Gondi, Duc pour Retz. "i want to see you additional hand roofs once more, Monsieur the duc, remarked Tavannes. "yep, Thou hast considering me a being thirsty just for lighter, the being thirsty for the expression. now i am dry on the really love thou hast split into their the heart; I wish to keep thy internal in my service; Thy most certainly has always been my verizon prepaid phone; I carry out the least bit thou biddest people. since i are certainly not maintain thee, I help keep thy will and all the minds in which it thou hast naturally my vision.
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