
标题: Little Robots Game,BBC动画游戏FUN AND GAMES, 边玩边学地道英国英语。 [打印本页]

作者: David    时间: 2012-3-2 07:43
标题: Little Robots Game,BBC动画游戏FUN AND GAMES, 边玩边学地道英国英语。
Little Robots  Game




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荆门市信访局: 《回复:中国拆迁第一真相回复》、《回复:从书记们言语看掇刀野蛮、残暴回复》、《非法功臣——张兴国》三篇同一时间(2012-07-16 16:51)回复,2012-07-16 16:49《回复:吴官海的昨天、今天、明天》,2012-07-16 16:50《回复:(回复:掇刀公安警jing匪一家亲回复)的回复》,荆门市人民政府《网上信访胡编乱答,书面信访不答复》2012-07-16 16:59的回复。荆门市政府带头践踏法律,信口雌黄、胡编乱答;吴官海六封信诉求不同,但六封信回复内容完全相同,回复六封只用了11秒。以前回复了34封与这6封内容一母所生,离题万里,照葫芦画瓢。吴官海给王国生省长的《回复:(回复:中国拆迁第一真相回复)的回复》查询码:840201207191001223;荆门市信访局2012-07-18 15:26回复,把标题改为《回复:非法功臣——张兴国的回复(全文)》收信人王国生省长改成王晓东常务副省长,写信时间由2012-07-19 10:01:45改为2012-07-18 08:55:48。吴官海给王国生省长《回复:(回复掇刀公安警匪一家亲回复)的回复》查询码:085201207191344740;荆门市信访局2012-07-18 15:26回复,把标题改为《回复:《回复:从书记们言语看掇刀野蛮、残暴回复》的回复(全文)》,写信时间由2012-07-19 13:44:53改为 2012-07-17 13:54:33 。
3、《中华人民共和国物权法》第125条 土地承包经营权人依法对其承包经
6、《中华人民共和国土地管理法》第43条 任何单位和个人进行建设,需要使用土地的,必须依法申请使用国有土地。第44条 建设占用土地,涉及农用地转为建设用地的,应当办理农用地转用审批手续。涉及农用地转为建设用地的,由国务院批准。
7、《中华人民共和国物权法》第128条 未经依法批准,不得将承包地用于非农建设。
11、《中华人民共和国物权法》第42条 为了公共利益的需要,依照法律规定的权限和程序可以征收集体所有的土地和单位、个人的房屋及其他不动产。
12、《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》第4条 拆迁人应当依照本条例的规定,对被拆迁人给予补偿、安置;被拆迁人应当在搬迁期限内完成搬迁。第6条 拆迁房屋的单位取得房屋拆迁许可证后,方可实施拆迁。第10条 房屋理部门不得作为拆迁人,不得接受拆迁委托。
13、《中华人民共和国合同法》第3条 合同当事人的法律地位平等,一方不得将自己的意志强加给另一方。第4条 当事人依法自愿订立合同的权利,任何单位和个人不得非法干预。第52条 有下列情形之一的,合同无效:(五)违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定。
14、《中华人民共和国法通则》第58条 下列民事行为无效:(二)限制民事行为能力人依法不能独立实施的;(三)一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下所为的;(五)违反法律或者社会公共利益的;无效的民事行为,从行为开始起就没有法律约束力。
15、《关于进一步严格征地拆迁管理工作切实维护群众合法权益的紧急通知》坚决制止和纠正违法违规强制征地拆迁行为。程序不合法、补偿不到位、被拆迁人居住条件未得到保障以及未制定应急预案的,一律不得实施强制拆迁。以及采取“株连式拆迁”和“突击拆迁” 等方式违法强制拆迁的,要严格追究有关责任单位和责任人的责任。、权钱交易的,要追究有关领导和直接责任人的责任。对随意动用公安民警参与强制征地拆迁的,要严肃追究有关党政领导的责任。
16、《国土资源部关于进一步做好征地管理工作的通知》 推进被征地农民社会保障资金的落实。将被征地农民纳入社会保障,是解决被征地农民长远生计的有效途径。各级国土资源部门要在当地政府的统一领导下,配合有关部门,积极推进被征地农民社会保障制度建设。当前,解决被征地农民社保问题的关键在于落实社保资金,本着“谁用地、谁承担”的原则,鼓励各地结合征地补偿安置积极拓展社保资金渠道。各地在用地审查报批中,要对被征地农民社保资金落实情况严格把关,切实推进被征地农民社会保障资金的落实。
17、《中华人民共和国妇女儿童权益保护法》 第26条 任何单位均应根据妇女的特点,依法保护妇女在工作和劳动时的安全和健康,不得安排不适合妇女从事的工作和劳动。
第37条 妇女的人身自由不受侵犯。禁止非法拘禁和以其他非法手段剥夺或者限制妇女的人身自由;禁止非法搜查妇女的身体。
第38条 妇女的生命健康权不受侵犯。禁止溺、弃、残害女婴;禁止歧视、虐待生育女婴的妇女和不育的妇女;禁止用迷信、暴力等手段残害妇女;禁止虐待、遗弃病、残妇女和老年妇女。
荆门市人民政府2012-07-16 16:59回复:“2010年9月15日上午依法将吴官海位于掇刀石街道双泉村3组的房屋全部拆除。9月17日,区拆迁专班(区住房保障和房地产管理局)与吴官海协商,签定了房屋拆迁补偿协议书”。
《房屋拆迁补偿协议书》第一条 甲方同意按此价格对乙方进行补偿;第三条 甲方同意给予乙方包干补偿费。
①、荆门市人民政府2012-07-16 16:59)回复:“2010年9月15日上午依法将吴官海位于掇刀石街道双泉村3组的房屋全部拆除。9月17日,区拆迁专班(区住房保障和房地产管理局)与吴官海协商,签定了房屋拆迁补偿协议书”。
②、《房屋拆迁补偿协议书》第三条 乙方自行修建的砼路、广告牌和历年道路建设、绿化建设、上下水管网建设时占用乙方的青苗及地上附着物等未处理的遗留问题一起折算,甲方同意给予乙方包干补偿费用10万元。
①、2010年9月9日掇政文【2010】64号《掇刀石街道办事处关于解决吴官海拆迁安置宅基地的请示》:因上海商贸城等项目建设需要,需拆除掇刀石街道双泉村三组村民吴官海房屋,其房屋占地面积398平方米。 ——说明了占地真正目的。
②、荆门晚报2010年9月14 日《掇刀培公大道排水工程再次受阻》:吴官海是掇刀石街道双泉村3组村民,因排污管网埋建必须经过其门前空地。——说明了他们所谓市政工程的真正位置,与吴官海的房屋没有关系。
4、荊门市政府:“共计应补偿吴官海各项损失54万元。其中,房屋、附属物及构筑物补256180元,机械作业损失补10万元,自行修建砼路、广告牌、绿化建设补10万元,打官司费用补1万元,其它遗留问题补73820元。另外,还补偿吴官海一宗100 m2左右的宅基地”。
①、把“历年道路建设”、“上下水管网建设时占用乙方的青苗及地上附着物等未处理的遗留问题一起折算,甲方同意给予乙方包干补偿费用10万元” 重要删掉,“历年”、“未处理”、“遗留问题”充分说明掇刀区政府非法武力强占承包地不给补偿。
② 、“有线电视安装”荆门市政府自己证明将吴官海的有线电视也强砸了;
③ 、“房屋价格”荆门市政府自己证明给吴官海的房屋是危房170000.00元,其他人好房139500.00元;
④、“房屋装潢”、“搬家所有物品损失费” 荆门市政府自己证明将吴官海及亲戚非法绑架限制人身自由非法强折的野蛮行政行为。
⑤ 、“宅基地建设落实”荆门市政府自己证明将吴官海及亲戚非法绑架限制人身自由非法强折的野蛮行政行为,宅基地建设都没落实。
1 调查需不需要证据,他们调查的证据从哪里来,希望您能将调查笔录及相关证据给当事人和网友们看看,以说服我所提供的证据不正确;
2 调查要不要询问当事人,是否下转的只经下一级部门随便回复就算处理结束。
4、中央“立党为公、执政为民、以人为本” 都是口号吗?
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作者: bfpbq206719    时间: 2012-10-19 17:29
标题: although not really
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作者: 庚惠灏常wxfwZ    时间: 2012-12-9 19:10

作者: 97007475    时间: 2012-12-11 18:47
标题: it seems that speculators have
July 22, 1999 will come to be known as the day Korea's greenbelt zones ceased to exist, 28 years after coming into existence in July of 1971. While the country wheezed and coughed through rapid development and industrialization, greenbelt zones served as the lungs of Korea's congested urban centers by blockading their sprawl. These greenbelt zones have given hope over the years to people who have been suffering from the effects of pollution stemming from the country's industrialization. I felt frustrated with the government's announcement today that it is ending its greenbelt policy for two reasons,hollister.
First of all,abercrombie, government officials in charge have been insisting all along that the greenbelt issue is the most important item on the country's political agenda, saying that in addition to residents of the greenbelt zones, most Koreans were against the lifting of the ban on development in these areas,abercrombie and fitch. Despite prevailing public sentiment in favor of preserving the greenbelt, the government instead barreled ahead over the course of just a year and a half to lift protections on these special zones. On this day, when the government announced the end of its greenbelt policy, six journalists, professors and private citizens who had been participating in a government consulting body for the greenbelt issue, resigned from their posts, claiming that the announcement had been made without consulting with them.
Secondly, it seems that speculators have, once again,abercrombie, proven to be right. For the past 28 years, real estate investors and speculators have been snapping up lands in the greenbelt zone, with ownership of 79% of all greenbelt lands changing hands during that period,abercrombie. Out of a total of approximately 742,abercrombie france,000 residents currently living in greenbelt zones, 589,000 have officially "relocated" there from other areas of the country since the introduction of the greenbelt policy, but these regions also claim a 65,jordan pas cher.5% rate of residents who are renting housing. The numbers do not add up. This rate is also far above the 46.7% average rental rate for the rest of the country,hollister france. Likely,moncler, many landowners have been ensconced in their luxury apartments in Seoul,air jordan, keeping their fingers crossed, hoping for the day that has now arrived,hollister pas cher.
With the government appearing to lose interest in upholding the greenbelt policy in recent months, land sales in protected areas doubled this past May,hollister. For whom and for what has the government decided to end its protection of greenbelt lands?
(July 22, 1999, santafe@chosun.com)
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作者: tdgdet22a    时间: 2012-12-20 21:54
标题: The end of Ji'nan launched a million people group
      "million people group purchase of housing" in Shenzhen was like a raging fire.Yesterday, the reporters in a telephone interview the action promoters Zou Tao learned that, at present, nearly 30000 people enrolled in the group purchase activities, many real estate developers and related industries has also been actively involved, group purchase price will be lower than the market price number.
The end of the year, Zou Tao will come to Ji'nan, and a number of local enterprises and enthusiastic citizens together, build group purchase real platform.      Shenzhen applicants has nearly 30000 people       reporters yesterday in the Zou Tao million housing group purchase online to see before the people, and jealousy and slander instead, at present has accounted for the majority of people who support his.
"From July 4th to establish group purchase platform up to now, already has nearly 30000 ready buyers here in our registration, registration day throughout the country for 800 - 1200 people, now we have to establish a threshold, required a 50000 yuan deposit man to enlist.
"According to Zou Tao, there are many property developers search actively, to sell their property, but any sale of the need to provide contains 40 content list, which requires a detailed description of flats facilities, property management fees, parking fees, near the bank name, school name.
All these projects were examined after qualification, million housing group purchase platform that will lead the purchase with the developers signed a contract, pay the deposit.      purchase discount of nearly 30%       recently, million housing group purchase platform and a real estate developer about 6000 yuan / square meters of commercial housing transactions fold.
How they will fold down thousands of yuan?      to this, Zou Tao says, the house price of Shenzhen to the border checkpoint for the sector, the price per square metre for 12000 yuan, 20000 yuan, but the price per square metre for 8000 yuan, 10000 yuan, the definite property in outside Shanghaiguan, or new, lower than the market price is close to 30%.
"The real estate developers agree with our housing group purchase platform of direct marketing, at the same time they want to expedite the recovery of funds for construction, so take the initiative to send us a letter of invitation.
"He said, the general real estate marketing cost is allocated to house price is 500 yuan, 1000 yuan / square meters, but the property developers in order to reduce the cost of marketing, advertising planning, removed the costs, through Zou Tao's million housing group purchase platform, using the way of direct selling, so housing price drop a lot.
      who buy a house, who pricing       "and now the property market is transformed to buyer's market from seller's market, the country also began to pay attention to the construction of low-income housing.
Let developers public costs, pricing can not be realized by people not necessarily."Zou Tao says.      "the market only a few not prices or not understand the market people buy a house to purchase, most people in the wait-and-see.
Hope that within the next 6 months, we can get more than 95% ready to buy a house occupied by the citizens' unity '."Zou Tao tells a reporter, at present, in addition to the large demand of the public has the self-help registration, there are also many banks, decoration companies, home furnishing supplies company housing industry chain of the unit is joined in succession come in.
"We built this platform can let in the real estate industry chain in each unit is benefit, realize 'win-win'."      "Ji'nan will copy the pattern"       Zou Tao says, any one can replicate the capital city, Ji'nan is not exceptional also,abercrombie france, but the premise is to have a strategic vision of entrepreneurs or people to build a platform, at the same time must have sufficient funds and professional the support of people.
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The Front has recently rejected Morsi's invitation to dialogue and urged citizens to boycott the referendum, citing the worries that the constitution serves merely one faction, namely the Islamists.
"The National Salvation Front decided to take part in Saturday' s referendum, urging citizens to say 'No' to the draft constitution," Amr Moussa, former Arab League chief and member of the Front, told Xinhua.
As for the referendum results, "If the result was 'No,' there would be complete respect on our part because it would be the final word of the people and no one could impose their opinion on the will of the people," FJP media spokesman Sobea said.
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