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Six in a Bed(六人同床)典范英语1a第2课带字幕动画视频

发表于 2012-9-9 10:31:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Six in a Bed(六人同床)典范英语[《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree)] 1a第1课带字幕动画视频
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like the trivalentform

First quadrivalent vaccine against seasonal flu wins fda approval by efwegbe erergeer

First quadrivalent vaccine against seasonal flu wins fda approval by
Article Posted: 06/05/2013
Article Views: 5
Articles Written: 1253 Word Count: 443 Article Votes: 0 First quadrivalent vaccine against seasonal flu wins fda approval
,, On Wednesday, the US Food and Drug Administration announced it hadapproved FluMist Quadrivalent,ルイヴィトン ダミエ アズール ジッピー コインケース ホワイト N63069 オンライン販売, a vaccine to prevent seasonal influenza in people aged 2 to 49 years. This is the first quadrivalent flu vaccine, that is one that contains four strains of flu virus, theagency has approved. FluMist Quadrivalent, made by MedImmune LLC of Gaithersburg inMaryland,ルイヴィトン タイガ ポルトフォイユフロリン 二つ折財布 グリズリ M31118 販売のための, contains weakened forms of two influenza A strains andtwo influenza B strains. The vaccine is administered as a nasal spray,【2012年モデル】ルイヴィトン タイガ ポルトフォイユコンパクト 二つ折財布【札入れ】 グラシエ M32642 販売のための, like the trivalentform,ルイヴィトン ダミエ ハムプステッドMM ショルダーバッグ ダークブラウンN51204【楽ギフ_包装】【楽ギフ_のし】 オンライン販売, FluMist.
The FDA approved FluMist Quadrivalent after reviewing safety andeffectiveness studies conducted previously for the trivalentvaccine, together with three new clinical studies that examined thequadrivalent formulation in about 4,ルイヴィトン ダミエグラフィット サンチュールポシェット オム 35MM ウエストポーチ グレー M6837T 【2012年新作】 売却,000 children and adults in theUS. The results of the studies showed that the immune responses fromFluMist Quadrivalent were similar to those of FluMist. The most commonly reported side effects in children and adults wererunny or stuffy nose, with headache and sore throat reported in adults only. There are two types of flu virus that cause illness and death inhumans: influenza A and B. Every year, scientists get together to decide which strains of fluvirus to put into next season's vaccines.
They decide which particular A and B strains to include in thevaccine based on which strains have been prevalent recently, forinstance in other parts of the world. A vaccine approved by the FDA usually contains three strains: twoof the A virus and one of the B. But in a typical flu season, there could be a second B strain goingaround, or what sometimes happens, is that the B strain in thevaccine ends up not being the one that eventually circulates andcauses illness. By including a second B strain,ルイヴィトン モノグラム ポルトフォイユフロリン 二つ折財布 ダークブラウン M60026 販売のための, a vaccine increases the chances ofadequate protection against the strains that actually end upcirculating once the season arrives. Dr Karen Midthun, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluationand Research at the FDA, told the press: "Illness caused by Influenza B virus affects children, particularlyyoung and school-aged, more than any other population." "A vaccine containing the four virus strains most likely to spreadand cause illness during the influenza season offers an additionaloption to aid in influenza prevention efforts," she added.
Flu seasons are unpredictable, with some seeing many more deathsthan others. For instance, between 1976 and 2007,some seasons sawfewer than 5,ルイヴィトン ダミエ グラフィット ダニエルGM ショルダーバッグ グレー N58033 オンライン販売,000 deaths linked to flu in the US, but there werealso others where more than 40,000 people died from flu-relatedillness. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD.
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发表于 2013-6-16 10:15:33 | 只看该作者


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