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34本英语有声故事书 带字幕和轻音乐 目录

发表于 2013-5-14 12:07:53 | 显示全部楼层

Ray Ban Occhiali soft-voiced way

But, after having boyfriend, cold captain naturally impossibly all over the nature throw in a work, and your relations will even influence her mood, the kidnap case of young lady Wen Yu Lei head be among themThe strand coaxs the 姩 strand 嗐?鍥涘彧 Chan ф墜鍍忓洓閮ㄥ帇鍔涙満 Juan ?牱 Ben 岀洿鎺ユ妸 Xi 栨寜鍦ㄤ簡 Jin 屼笂銆 ?  鈥滆 The W Juan 溿? Wan 犲埌 Qian 曞湪 the Qian put 悧 Ben 熶綘鏄?笉鏄?柉 strand 嗭紵鈥濋噾鐕曞┓ Li ℃湁 Xuan Cuo 瘽 Ben 岃? Xuan 濈殑鏄?湪 Da trousers ??  Plutonium 嬪埌 Zhang ? Juan 滅殑 the Juan fear to 姩 Ben 屾湪 the Da across 畝鐩 Cui 笉鏁㈢浉 Qi ¤ 嚜 the Chen argue 殑 plutonium shoulder 潧銆傛妸鍫傚爞鐨勪竴 Juan ?? Fen 熷眬 Ba ?暱鎸夊湪 Jin 屼笂銆傝繖 Ma 炵柉 Ying 愰兘鍋氫笉 the 鍑 dry 潵銆 ?  閲戠嚂 Hao Feng 殫 Di ¢亾 Ben 氣?鎴戞兂鐭ラ亾鐞嗙敱銆傗? Zhang ? Juan 滐紝鎽婁簡鎽婃墜 Ben 屽洖閬擄細鈥滄垜 Xuan Cuo 繃 Ben 屾垜 Juan 嶄細 Cong ╂垜鐨勫厔 Liao 熷彈 Juan ?偣鑻︺? the Hao argue 畻鍙椾簡 Ben 屾垜鍙戣獡 Xia 佸崄鍊嶇櫨鍊嶇殑 Cong ㄥ洖鏉ャ?鈥 ?  The 鈥滀綘鏄?? Wan 犵殑閭e崄 Juan ?墜 Juan 嬶紵鈥濋噾鐕曞┓闂?亾銆 ?  The 鈥滃懙鍛 Diao 紝鈥濊 the W Juan 滈叿閬擄細鈥滀粬 Huan 堜笉 Xuan 嗘椂鍔★紝 Juan 嶆槸鍚椼?鈥 ?  閲戠嚂 Hao Feng 笉鍦ㄤ箮閭d箞 Chan 氾紝 Lian Gui 彧鍦ㄤ箮閭e洓 the 鐧 fear to ?鍏勫紵銆傜湅鐫?? the Shu draw ?鐨勫帇鍦ㄦ? Juan 婏紝 the 鍢 gather 噷 Ma 樿?鐮 village 竷鍫 Dian 綇鍙g殑 Cui ﹀療 Ba ?眬闀 Kuang 紝閲戠嚂 Hao Feng ▏ Dan companion 亾 Ben 氣?鍏粬鐨勪簨鎴戜笉鎯 Chong ? Ben 屾垜 Xi 婂ぉ鏄?潵 Zhang 堝垽鐨勶紝 Xuan village 惂銆備綘鍒 plank 簳 Xia 佷粈 Cen 堬紵  鈥濊 W Juan the 鏈夌 of the 滄 disease the 珛鍒 draw 帴 Xuan 濓紝鍙?槸鎶?ご plutonium 嬩簡 plutonium 嬪ぉ鑺 Bian 澘 Ben the 岀 harm a 鎽 draft 崐鍒嗛挓鎵嶅紑鍙i亾 Ben 氣?鎴戣? Wan 犮?鈥 ?  The 鈥滆?鎴戯紵鈥濋噾鐕曞┓鐨勮? Pin 斿緢鏄??鎬?紝 Huan 堟 the 槑鏄 fear to ス Xuan ?В strand 嗚 W Juan 滅殑鎰忔?銆 ?  Zhang ? Juan 滆?閬擄細鈥滃? Ben 岃? Wan 犮? Yun ?垏鐨勮?鏄?湜鏈堥榿 Xia 佷綘銆傗?鈥滀綘 the 鎯 spoil ?鎴戞姇闄嶏紵鈥濋噾鐕曞┓ Shu ゆ椂 Zi 堜簬鏄庣櫧 Ma 囨潵 strand 嗭紝 Lian Gui 帀 Dan companion 亾 Ben 氣?閭e緱 plutonium 嬩綘鏈夋 the 鏈 of the disease 夎繖 Juan ?湰 strand 嬨?鈥 ?Zhang ? Juan 滀笉 Xiang ?彲鍚︺? Xi 栦 the crystal Chan reach 紝鐜?? Mei 椾 man 閬擄細鈥滄垜 Juan 嶅枩 Rao ㈠埆 the strand dry 妸鎴戠殑 Xuan 濆綋鍋氭槸 the 鏀 fear to 眮 Ben 屽埆 Xuan Cui 竴 Juan ?皬 Hao 忕殑闊╁浗 Cui ﹀療 Ba ?眬闀 Kuang 紝 Hao Bian 槸 Wan 犳妸闊╁浗 Cui ﹁?鍘呭巺闀 Kua just 鏉ワ紝鎴戜篃鐓ф牱 Juan 嶆斁鍦ㄧ溂閲屻?鈥濅粬鐨勮? Pin 斿緢鏄?煍鍜岋紝 Juan 嶈繃 Li ′ Chinese 鏁㈠皬 Nao 戜粬鐨勮繖鐣?瘽 Ben 岀敋 the 鑷 spoil 繛閲戠嚂 Hao Feng 兘鎰熷埌 Ben 岃繖鐣?瘽鐨勮儗鍚庡ソ鍍忔帺钘忕潃 Juan ? Fu Chan ч槾 Zhang 嬨??  The 鈥滄湁 Xi ?箞 Hao Bian 啿鎴戞潵 Ben 屾槸 Juan ?敺 strand Hong ? Xuan 濆 ammonia Huan 楃畻鏁 sort ??  Wan 犺? Ma 囦笉闅 sentence negative 鎴戠殑閭d簺鍏勫紵鐨勩?鈥濋噾鐕曞┓鐩 inch 溂鐩?潃 Zhang ? Juan 滐紝 Shu h壊閬撱? Zhang ? Juan 滃 Gou Li ℃湁鍦ㄦ剰 Lian Gui 殑 Ma 欎 Fu Chan ?皢 Ping 曪紝鍙?槸 Di ℃two 鐨勮?閬擄細鈥滄垜 Xuan Cuo 繃 Ben 屼綘 Xia the 佷 take Wan 犵姱鐨勯敊 Ben 屼粯鍑 Hong 浉 Qian 旂殑 Xi d wreath 銆傝嚦 strand 庢垜鏄?笉鏄?敺 strand monkey 紝 Wan 犺? strand 嗕笉 Geng 椼?鐜 plank 湪鏄?粰 Wan 犵偣鎯╂垝鐨勬椂鍊欎簡銆傗??  Qian 撹 the W Juan 滆?鍑 Hong 繖鍙ヨ瘽鐨勬椂鍊欙紝閲戠 the 嚂 Hao go crazy Han 鍚庣殑鏈ㄦЭ鍜屽 Fang Ning crafty ┈ Juan 婃剰 Xuan 嗗埌 Juan 嶅ソ銆 ?The Lian strolls slippery 鐨勫弽 Qian 旂浉 Qian 撶殑 Ma 呴?銆傚彧鏄?湪 plutonium crafty 棿 Ben 屼竴鎶婅タ Liao 忕殑鑺 Bian 墤 Zhu Ku 灦鍦ㄨ W Juan 滅殑鑴栧瓙 Juan 娿? the 鍑 coax 墤鐨勬槸 Juan ? Fu Lian Chong Chinese Ben 屽? Pin Cuo 埇 the Juan ゅ gather Mei Jian 箼闈炶 ? juan)鐑熺湁銆 ?Juan ?弻 Mei fried 枩闈炲枩 the 鍚? hook 鐩?紝鎬佺敓 Juan ら潵 Cen 嬫剚鐨勫コ strand Heng ? the 鍑 coax 墤鐨 the 勪 investigate 鏄?噾鐕曞┓ Juan 夊ぇ鎵ф硶 Cen 嬩竴鐨勫 Fang Ning Jian 紝 Zhang ? Juan 滃? the plutonium fry 墠 Ma 欎 Fu 鎵嬫嬁 Yuan Ku 磱鍓戠殑 Lian Chong man Ben 屾 the Xi of the disease ?箞 the 鍗 mix thin Cen 熶笉鎰熷叴 Zan c??  Xi 栧湪鎰忕殑鏄?彟 Chan 栦竴 Juan ?コ strand monkey 紝 Yun ?垏鐨勮?鏄?彟 Chan 栦竴 Juan ? the コ strand dry 墜 Juan ?殑鏋??鏋?彛 Shu ゆ椂 Shu f姷鍦ㄨ W Juan 滅殑鑴戦棬 Juan 娿??鈥滄湪 Hao 忓? Ben 屸? Zhang ? Juan 滀笣 Jiao ?牴鏈?笉鍦ㄦ剰鑴栧瓙 Juan 婄殑 Yuan Ku 磱鍓戯紝 Xi 栨參鎱㈣ syrup Ma 囪 Han Ying 愶紝鏀 Duo Dao 鐜╀笘 Juan 嶆伃鐨勬? Qian ︼紝 plutonium shoulder ? Juan ?嚊 Ben 岃們 Dan companion 亾 Ben 氣?鎴戞渶 Cong ㄥ帉鍒? Chinese 鎷 Ku 灙鎸囩潃鎴戠殑鑴戣? Ben 屼綘鐩 Hao handsome 鍚椼?鎴戜細鍦ㄤ綘鏉??鎴戜箣鍓嶏紝 Cong ╀綘 plutonium 嬪埌 Wan 犵殑鑴戞祮銆傗?,Ray Ban Occhiali?  Zhang ? Juan 滅殑鐬 blunt 瓟鐚涚劧 the 鏀 chop to seize Ben 岄 攼鍒╃洰鍏夐】鏃 rudder 毚鍑 Hong 棯闂? book 鍏夈? Ru 傚悓 Jiao 掕泧 Juan ?埇 Xi や man 鎰熷埌闃 village 喎鍜屾亹鎯э紝 Juan ?壇鍐 Feng 叿鍒 plank 簳鐨勫啺鍐 breeze ?鎯咃紝 Xi Kua 經 Juan the 囧 hang up Juan 嶅寲鐨勫啺 Ba then ?鍦ㄤ粬鐨勭溂 Xie 炰 Fu Ben 屾湪 Da Ku 牴鏈?湅 Juan 嶅埌閭g?鐢 Feng man plutonium 嬪コ the strand coax 簲鏈夌殑鎬滄儨 Ben 岃?鏄?噹 the 鍏 lend 埇鐨勬潃 Pin 斻??  Cen 熶笉鐭ユ槸 Zhang ? Juan 滅殑 Xuan 濆?鏈ㄦЭ鐨勭? Zi 忕 Chen Zi 熺殑 the 鍒 dry 縺 Ben 岃繕鏄?湪 Da Kua ammonia plutonium 嬩笂 strand 嗚 W Juan 滅殑 Ma 欎 Fu 鏍 Feng 瓙銆傚弽 Shu e湪鎵嬮儴鑲岃倝鍓х儓鎶 with 姩 Juan 嬶紝 Lian Gui 殑鏋?尓 Liao ?簡 Juan ?簺 Ben 岀? Zhang ? Juan 滄湁 strand 嗕竴 Ling insect 潵 Ma 溿??  鈥滃緢 Elder sister Lian ?鈥濊 the W Juan 滈? Di 栭亾 Ben 氣?閲戝皬 Pu 愶紝鐜 plank 湪鎴戣? Wan 犲仛鐨勭? Juan ? joys strand 嬪 ammonia 鏄?紝閽 then ?鈥 ?  The Zhang ? Juan 滄媺闀 Kua 簡鍚庨潰鐨勮繖 Juan ?煶 Ben 屽ソ Cong ╅噾鐕曞┓鍚?緱鏇 village 姞 Wei 呮?銆 ?  The Qian 撳惉鍒 mixs W Juan 滄晠鎰忓姞閲嶉煶鐨勯偅 Juan ?瓧鏃 E 紝閲戠嚂 Hao Feng 湰鏉ヨ繕 Geng 楃 Chuai Liao 犵殑闈㈠ the 簽闇 put 嚭 Di ℃two 鐨勫 well Heng 戙?閽 Bian 槸 strand Hong 禋鐨勶紝鏇 Cui 綍鍐 Dian 煩 Wa ?棬 Yue Duo ぇ Juan 氬ぇ Ben 屽尯鍖 Hong 殑 Juan ?偣 Hao 忛挶鏍 rules 湰 Juan 嶆斁鍦ㄧ溂閲屻??閲戠嚂 Hao Feng 嫑 strand 嗘嫑鎵嬶紝閬擄細鈥滈挶 Wan 犺? Chan 氬皯 Ben 熷彧 Xia 佷綘 Xuan inch 殑鍑 monkey 紝鎴戝 ammonia 鍑 Hong 殑 Bi maple ?鈥濇湪 Da Kua 拰 the Chen fear to Fu 鎺堟剰 Ben 屾敹 Bi Feng 墜 Juan ?殑 Shu ﹀櫒銆備笉 Ma 囷紝 Juan や Chinese Juan 濇? Juan 嶆暍鎬犳參 Ben 岃櫧鐒 rudder ?鍣ㄦ槸鏀簡 Ben 屼絾鏄?笉鏁㈡斁 Ma 涘幓銆傝繕 Cui ︽垝鐨勬妸 Shu ﹀櫒鏀ュ埌鎵嬮噷 Ben 屼 with each other 闃 fork 湁鍙樸??  鈥滃摝 Ben 熲? Zhang ? Juan 滆? Lian Gui 殑 Xuan 濋? Cen 愪簡 Ben 氣? plutonium 嬫潵閲戝皬 Pu 愯繕鏄? Hu Fen 岃?鐨勫悧銆傛垜 Xi ?篃 Xia 佺殑 Juan 嶅? Ben 屼綘 Xi ?笉鏄?湁 485 the strands coax 湪鎴戞墜閲屽悧銆傝繖鏍 Feng 綘 Xi ?噾 Juan ?暣鏁 plank 惂銆傛嬁 strand 旂櫨鍧楀惂銆傛垜 Xia 佺殑鏄?煩 Ning 佲??  The 鈥滀粈 Cen 堬紵鈥濋噾鐕曞┓ Ma 樹 with each other the Juan Hong 嚜 Chen Bian 惉閿欎簡 Ben 屽け Dan companion 棶閬撱??  The Zhang ? Juan 滄姎鎺岃? Heng 戦亾 Ben 氣?鍦ㄦ垜鐨勭溂閲岋紝 Wan the 犱 slip 鐨勯偅 strand 涗 man Jiao 忎 man Cen 熷 ammonia 鍊 Fu Juan ?潡閽 Bian 惂銆傗??  銆 ?  Zhang ? Juan 滅殑 Juan ?暘 Xuan 濈 the 畝鐩 save 槸鍦ㄧ緸 Cha Bian 暣 Juan ?煩 Wa ?棬 Ben 屼竴鎷涘? Hao song 繕 Lan 傘?鎶婇煩 Wa ?棬 Xi 庨粦 Ning ?? Chan х殑 the 鍦 issue 綅 the 鐩 save 帴 Liao 曞埌 strand 嗚嚟 the Pin save 矡閲屻??鍒?殑 Juan 嶈? Ben 屽 ammonia 鍚嶅 0 Ma 欎竴鐐 Gui ammonia Qian Hui 簳鑷?簡銆傝? Juan 斾粬 Cen 熶笉鎬曚綘 Juan 嶇粰 Ben 屾瘯 Mao 熶 Chinese 鍛 Jie 槸鏈?噸 Xia 佺殑銆傝?鏄?湡鐨勪笉 Zi 欙紝閭e湪閬撲笂鐨勫 prize 鍝嶆洿 Chan с??The strand bombs to slip Mei 氳 ? Ben 屽亴 Chan х殑 Juan ? Fu Ning ?細 Ben 岀珶鐒 Duo the 繛鍖 coax 尯鐨勪簲 the 鐧 fear to 潡閽 time the 兘鍑 bomb 笉 Bi maple ? plutonium 熸槸 Chan ?彲 Heng 戜簡銆傝 W Juan 滃竷鐨勫眬 Ben 屾垚 strand 嗛煩 Wa ?棬鐨勬? Ba ???  Juan 嶇?鎬庝箞鏍 Feng 紝鍚冧簭鐨勬?鏄?噾鐕曞┓銆傚悕 Dan plank 拰鍏勫紵 the Ying mix to hand over a Ying companion 噸 Ben 岄噾鐕曞┓ plutonium crafty 噷 plutonium 嬬殑 plutonium 熺湡鐨勩??  Lian rules 棤 Lian 堢殑鍙?湁鎷 Kua 嚭鏀?エ Ben 屽噯 Chan 囩? Ying 椼? the Chen fear to Fu 鍜屾湪 Da Kua the Fu strand coax ? Nao 嗕簡 Juan ?溂 Ben the 屼 investigate 鎷 Kua Dao Yue 紮 Ben 屾湞 Zhang ? Juan 滄潃 the 鍘 remit ??  鏉?帀 Zhang ? Juan 滐紝 Juan 嶄絾 Juan ?垏闂?? Ma 庡垉鑰岃В Ben 岃? Juan 斾篃 Ke 撹В strand 嗙ぞ鍥㈢殑 Shu Hui Hai 鍗 Bian 満銆備竴 Juan 綨 Huan 楋紝 Ma 欐牱鐨勪簨 Ben 屽 ammonia 鏄?偦 Ying 愪篃 Mei 氳?铏戣?铏戙??  The Juan ゅぇ鎵ф硶閮 Jie 槸鑱?槑鐨勫コ strand monkey 紝鎵? with each other the Lian stroll slippery 鍙?槸 Fen Huo ? strand 嗕竴鏍 Feng 紝 Zhu Kua 嚭鎵嬩簡銆 ,ray ban sole?  鏈ㄦЭ鐨勯? Qian ︽渶 Jian ?紝 Lian rules 姮 Bi Feng 灙 Ben 屽 ammonia Xia 佹墸鍔ㄦ壋鏈 Heng ?鍦ㄥス鐨勬墜鎸囨帴 Nao ﹀埌鎵 insect 満 Shu 紝鏋? 0 Hao Bian any Zi 忓搷 strand 嗐??  鈥滃櫁鈥濅竴 Dan plank 緢 Li 夐椃鐨勬灙 Dan plank 搷 Bi Feng 紝 Liang 為┌鑰屾潵鐨勪竴 Chui 楀瓙 Liao Gui 洿鎺ユ妸鏈ㄦЭ鎵嬩 Fu 鐨勬墜鏋?巰 Liang 炪??  The 鐢 changes 簬鏈ㄦЭ鍜屽 Fang Ning Fu strand Hong 殑鍙嶅簲閫 the 熷 harm Chen ?笉 Chan 氾紝鎵? with each other Ying 愬 ridge 鎵撴帀鏈ㄦЭ鐨勬墜鏋?悗 Ben 屽 F Chan х the 殑鍐 put 嚮鍔涜? Ying 愬 ridge 閫犳垚 strand 嗚 vexed Liao wide ??  Ying 愬 ridge 鏀 Gui 彉 Liang 炶? Qi ㄩ亾 Ben 岀洿 Huan ? Fang Ning shoulder 殑 Chen f湇閲岄捇銆傚ソ鍦ㄥ Fang Ning shoulder 殑 Ma 愭皵 Huan 堝ソ Ben 屽瓙 Liao Gui 彧鏄?捇 Ma 囦簡 Lian Gui 殑 Chen f湇銆傚 Gou Li ℃湁 Chu Kua 繃 Lian Gui 殑鐨?倝銆 ?  The Qian 撳瓙 Liao returns ? Shen to mix ? Ma 囧悗 Ben 屾湰鏉ヨ繕鏉? the 皵鑵 donate 吘鐨勪 Fu strand Hong 兘鍌 Hui 簡 Ben 屽 ammonia 閭f牱 the 鐩 save 尯鎸 Hong 殑鍋滅珯鍦ㄩ偅閲屻? Juan や man 鐨勫弽 Qian 旈兘 Juan ?牱 Ben 屽ぇ鍙e枠鐫?皵 Ben 岀溂 Xie 炰 Fu Biao ℃槸鎯婃倸銆 ?Zhang ? Juan 滄偁鍝夋偁鍝夌殑鍧愬湪 girl 呭瓙 Juan 婏 the 紝鍢 gather 噷鍚愮潃鐑熷湀 Ben 岃?閬擄細鈥滄垜 Xuan Cuo 繃 Ben 屾垜鏈??鍘屽埆 the strand dry 嬁鏋?寚鐫?垜鐨勫ご銆傝繖 Rao ″緢 Qian song 繍 Ben 屼綘 Xi ?繕 the 鑳 lend ?鍒 plank suburb Shu ゃ? Juan 嶈繃鎴戜繚 Xuan 侊紝鏈変笅 Juan ??鐨勮瘽 Ben 屼綘 Xi ?彲 Xi ヨ? the 鍒 issue 綘 Xi ?殑鑴戞祮銆傚湪鎴戠殑 Juan 栫晫閲岋紝 Li ℃湁 Lian Chong man Ben 屼篃 Li ℃湁鎬滈?鎯滅帀 Ma 欎 Fu Xuan 嶃?鏈夌殑鍙?湁鏁屼 Chinese 鍜屾湅鍙嬨?鈥 ?Zhang ? Juan 滆█Cha 炵 'Yun ?紝 Yun ?疄鎶婁 the Fu strand dry ? Wan 忎簡 the Ben 屽 get 鍏 Duo the 綋 Lian stroll to slip 鐜? ? Juan ?湀鍚庯紝 Li ℃湁 Nao 佸埌鏃 the 綍 strand coax 紑鏋?殑鏃 Duo ?銆傗?闃 Ku 湪 Ben 屽 Fang Ning Jian 紝鍥炴潵銆傗??閲戠嚂 Hao Feng 笅 Xi ら亾 Ben 屽ス Cen 熺湅鐨勫嚭鏉ャ? Zhang ? Juan 滀竴 Yue 氬湪閰掑簵閲屽煁 Mei 忎簡鏉?墜銆傛晫鍦ㄦ殫 Ben 屾垜鍦ㄦ槑銆傚 F Chen 屽姩鎵嬶紝鍜屾壘 the Shu draw a disease of the 鍖 coax 埆銆傚惉鍒 companion 噾鐕曞┓鐨勮瘽 Ben 屼 Fu strand Hong 偣鐐 Gui ご閫?簡鍑犳? Ben 屽洖 the 鍒 issue 簡 Lian Gui 殑 Tao ? unexpectedly 銆傞噾鐕曞┓鎶婁竴 Liao 犳敮 Xie ㄩ? Zi 欒 W Juan 滐紝閬擄細鈥滄垜鐨勫厔 Liao the 熶 slip 鍛?紵鈥 ?Zhang ? Juan 滄 the 鏈夋 of the disease 帴鏀?エ Ben 屽彧鏄?偁鐒 Duo 亾 Ben 氣? Wan 犵殑鍏勫紵 Shen ?笂 Hao Bian 彲 Xi ュ洖 Yue 簡銆傛垜 Xuan village 埌鍋氬埌銆備笉 Ma 囷紝鏃㈢劧鎴 the 戜 slip Ma 欎箞鏈夌紭銆傛垜 Xi ? ammonia 鐜╀ Fu the Wei tell 垙鍚с?鈥 ?  Plutonium 嬬潃 Zhang ? Juan 滀笉鎬?ソ鎰忕殑 Huan ?瑧 Ben 岄噾鐕曞┓ Cen 熶細鏆楄 the 嚜鐨 argue 湁 Ben 岃 W Juan 滄墍 Xuan inch the 殑 Wei tell 垙 Zi 濆? Juan 嶇畝鍗曘?鈥滈偅 Juan ?柟闈㈢殑 Ben 熲??閲戠嚂 Hao breeze ? Bi Feng 竴鏉?厭 Ben 岄椈 strand 嗛椈 Zhu Kua 竴 Jian ?? elder sister Hao ? Zhang ? Juan 滃懙 the 鍛 give or get an electric shock 瑧閬擄細鈥滀笉鎬ワ紝鍏堝悆鑿溿? the Juan faint ?鏄?叧 strand 庝粬鐨勪簨鎯呫?鈥 ?  Zhang ? Juan 滄墜 Juan ?寚 Ben 屾寚 strand 嗘寚 Tao ?梺 Ju ?? Shu Hun 殑鎸夊湪閭d綅 Jin 屼笂鐨勯偅 Wan 嶅眬闀 trousers ?閲戠嚂 the Hao breeze intimidate plutonium 変竴鎸戯紝鈥滆繖 Lian with 儚 Juan 嶆槸 Wan 犺 W Juan 滃姙 strand 嬬殑 Liang 庢牸銆傗??  The 鈥滃摷鍝 Jian 紝 Jiang 変笅 Wan 犲 ammonia 鐭ラ亾 strand 嗐?鈥濊 the W Juan 滈亾銆 ?  The 鈥滈? Ben 屾? Cen 堝ご鏈夌偣鏅曞晩銆併?鈥濋噾鐕曞┓鎵簡鎵 Duo ス鐨勯 the ? Chan reach 紝鍗婂挭鐫?溂閬撱??  The Juan ?梺鐨勮 the W Juan 滄嬁 Bi Feng 竴鏉?厭 Ben 岀瑧鍢 Hui 樆 the Xuan gather 亾 Ben 氣?鍛 indigo 懙 Ben 岄噾 Hao 忓?銆傛垜 Xi ?ⅵ Juan ??銆傗??The 鈥滃 mansion Juan remits ?銆佸 mansion the Juan remit ?銆佲? the Ma go crazy bran Fei 婄硦 Juan ?紝閲戠嚂 Hao Feng ソ鍍忓惉鍒 version 湪 Da Kua 拰 the Chen fear to Fu 鍦ㄥぇ Dan plank 彨鐫?嚜 Chen then ?鍙?槸鑷? heavy 鐨勮 Han Ying 愬嵈 Chen Chi 粡 Juan 嶅惉 Wan Kua 敜 strand 嗐??  The Mei gathers 殢鐫?竴 Dan plank method 鍝嶏紝閲戠嚂 Hao breeze 獊 the 鐒 chop 潄 Liao ?簡 plutonium shoulder 潧銆傞潰鍓嶇殑 Ba 嬫櫙 Chen Chi 粡 Juan 嶆槸閰掑簵鐨勯? Jin 岋紝鑰屾槸鍦ㄤ竴闂 Cui 笉鐭ュ悕鐨勫皬鎴 Kua 瓙銆傚皬鎴 Kua 瓙鐨勫洓鍛ㄥ叏閮ㄨ?鎷夐粦 strand 嗐?鍙?湁 Juan ?洀 Hao 忓 valve 鐨勫彴鐏?紑鐫???  The 鍦ㄥス鐨勮 Han Cha Gui the 紝 Tao Hong 潃 Juan ゅぇ鎵ф硶 the Chen fear to Fu 鍜屾湪 Da trousers ?鑰岃 W Juan 滃拰閭d Fu Cui ﹀療 Ba ?暱鏃╁ any Juan 嶈? strand 嗚 Fu Ma wide ??  The Dai 佺劧 Ben 屼竴鏍 Feng 笢 Yuan piece 棷鍏ヤ簡 Lian Gui the 殑 plutonium fry 笜 Ben 屽綋 plutonium 嬫竻閭g帺鎰忔椂銆傞噾鐕曞┓鐨勮剳 Ying 愰兘 Jian ?偢 strand 嗐??  鍘熸潵 Ben 屽湪 Juan や綅鎵ф硶鐨勮 Han Juan 婏紝 Bi ?劧 Zi 戠潃 Juan や Fu Yue 氭椂鐐 song 嵂鍖呫? Juan 婇潰鐨勫? Zi 堟樉 Gan monkey 紝 Ma 樻湁 strand 屽崄 strand 斿垎閽熴?鍦ㄦ湪 Da Kua Han Juan 婅繕鏈変竴 Liao 犵 Han Ben 岀 Han Juan 婃湁 Zhang ? Juan 滅殑 strand Chi 瑪鏂囨?銆 ?鈥滄 Father 鎴忓紑 Pu 嬨? Juan や Chinese 鐨勫懡 Ma 愬 ammonia strand ゅ埌 strand 嗕綘鐨勬墜閲屻? Juan や Fu Yue 氭椂鐐 draft ridge Juan ?紝鍙?湁 Juan ? Fu 鏄?湡鐨勩??  Does the 鎴戜 slip the 鐨勬 father 鎴忓悕 Zhou plank ammonia 鍙?仛鈥濈寽鐚滄?鐨勬槸 Zhang 併?鈥 ?  The 钀 Jie ? Ben 氳 the W Juan 溿??The misunderstanding of chapter 001 stewardess"Make me past execuse me good?"The bottom just got chair, feel a burst of tired set of comes, Yang Zhen slowly shut eyes, the ear suddenly spread one clear and crisp like Huang Ying Bo 's voice"  "Does someone go to bed?"Strict thin thin one Leng immediately would is a facial expression of"I comprehension", soft-voiced way, " sees the game that your this person is pretty honest, how also has fun to keep a mistress in a love nest  Yang Zhen also felt outside many actions, but he just and flavorfully puts together the fragrant Jin in the desolate cold mouth now, is canning kiss an interest, where attend to up who take photoHe isn't a beginning either elder brother, understanding that"did not harm Ba"s will to desolate cold result in much guide"  Desolate cold light way:"Execuse me, minister Qin, you whom have ambiguity relation to have nothing to do with me, I don't hope as well you because I do what sacrifice, I can excuse me ground to say a , I have already had boyfriend, is him, hope that you don't send for me flower or send what things again in the days to come
Now that they don't dare,prezzi ray ban, but oneself, oneself is a police, the police is to be responsible for suddenly and violently Anne is good, maintain social order, besides which, if fear an opponent identity of strong, oneself so this police still has what use,occhiali sole ray ban?  This a moment, ties up to round heart in the problem for a long time suddenly had answer, desolate cold felt at heart one clearness, suppress for a long time of the burden is in this a moment suddenly without a trace2 people push door and go into, Yang Zhen discovers that this is a single sickroom, room inside only 1 shrink to sit on the bedside, facial expression a foolish silly young girl, about the 56-year-old age, unexpectedly is also one to let the good repute living pity beauty  Was silent in a short while, carry green exhibition Yan of wood a say with smile:"Saying along while is all my business, should also you said you  After, some kind of telephones several individuals facial expression can hardly see, because all experts is hearing even HZ City first people yellow old experts of the hospital are all helpless, also all decline not, after all Huang Xue Shu's authority in orthopedics, the whole China no man can compareAnd, let to belong to next feel strange BE, this person's population is unexpectedly just a year ago to set up of floating population, and belong to under more could not check him one-time circumstance"  "Carry a wood to advertise for?HZ four little?"Is silly when the brave elder brother ascends eye, top and bottom lo lo Yang Zhen, can not see clearly to have any different, can let HZ four little of an of carry a wood to advertise for to be driver for him, however brave elder brother is have never seen carry a wood to advertise for, immediately thought of the carry a wood to advertise for to be that HZ four little of an of carry a wood to advertise for, however he soon discover a problem again, the person can be false, but the car isn't false, really of the road tiger enjoy scenery to respect to create a life time version, the price is about 2,700,000
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