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Let's dodge some ball

热度 4已有 253 次阅读2012-8-17 18:57

      今天下午最后一节课,我们玩了一个游戏叫“dodge ball”。游戏规则是如果你扔球,这个球打中了一个人,那个人就出局了。如果你朝那个人扔球,那个人接住了,那你就出局了。第一场dodge ball开始,大家分成了两个team,每个人都忙着捡球、扔球、闪避、接球,时间一长,我们队就剩我和其它一个女孩子了。我很灵巧,敌人扔过来的球,我都能闪避。当别人准备扔球的时候,我走着交叉步,为了能随机应变。不一会,敌人也快“凋谢”了,我和我的team mates一起努力,最后把敌人都给打倒了。下面几局dodge ball,也都是我们队赢了,看来我们队的确很强哦!






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回复 David 2012-8-17 21:03
Dodgeball is any of a variety of games in which players try to hit other players on the opposing team with their own balls while avoiding being hit themselves. This article is about a well-known form of team sport with modified rules that is often played in physical education classes and has been featured in a movie, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story. In the United States, the game is typically played among children 6-12 in elementary school. However, internationally, the sport has also emerged as a popular middle school, high school and college sport. It is also popular in informal settings and is often played on a playground, in a gym, or in organized recreational leagues.
回复 David 2012-8-17 21:08
Definition of DODGE
an act of evading by sudden bodily movement
回复 江湖一把刀 2012-8-19 21:39
Dodgeball中间不需要空格吧!文章的题目是不是要 "Let's dodge some balls!" 会更好?

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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