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100-meter Race

热度 2已有 516 次阅读2012-4-26 20:48 |个人分类:英语作文

     It was  Sports Day soon. My classmates and I were excited. We all wanted to kown about our events. I was in the 100-meter race, because I could run fast. The Sporst Day came. There were lots of children on the playground. They were watching the race. The first event is 100-meter race, and that was exactly the same as my event. I was very nervous and I knew if I could lose in the race because of my nervousness. But any way, I would try my best to get a good score. A big girl ushered the runners to the starting line. My heart pounded quickly. "Ready! Steady! Go!", called thee starter. I ran quickly, but two boys were in front of me. I ran towards the finish line, but they were still in the leading positions. There were other boys in front of me, too.  In that case, could I be in the final? I didn't kown but I hoped so. In the afternoon, The Grade-3 100-meter  final race list was announced. I was in the final race! I couldn't belive it! But in the final race, I met quicker opponents.  In the end, I was second to last. I was still not quick enough. I think I have to practise hard and get a good score next time.






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回复 Bella 2012-4-27 10:00
回复 阿果 2012-4-27 10:07

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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