English Verb Tenses

Do you know about the verb tenses? What's the difference between the present perfect and the past simple? Are you sure? How about the past perfect?

Many students have problems with verb tenses. But they aren't really very difficult, I promise. Here you'll find really clear examples and explanations, so you can easily review all the English tenses - firstly how to make them (the 'form'), secondly, how to use them (the 'use')

Click to learn more about the tenses below:

How to make the tense: How to use the tense:
Present Simple Form Present Simple Use
Present Continuous Form Present Continuous Use
Present Perfect Simple Form Present Perfect Simple Use
Present Perfect Continuous Form Present Perfect Continuous Use
Past Simple Form Past Simple Use
Past Continuous Form Past Continuous Use
Past Perfect Simple Form Past Perfect Simple Use
Past Perfect Continuous Form Past Perfect Continuous Use
Future Simple Form Future Simple Use
Future Continuous Form Future Continuous Use
Future Perfect Simple Form Future Perfect Simple Use
Future Perfect Continuous Form Future Perfect Continuous Use

What's The Difference?

Here's another few things you might find useful:

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