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Question : Beaucoup de lecteurs parmi les plus ?gés ont remarqué des similitudes entre les méthodes employées par les Mangemorts et celles des nazis dans les années 1930-1940. Rowling : C'était voulu. Je pense que si l'on nous demande de citer le pire régime politique, nous penserions majoritairement à l'Allemagne nazie. Il y a des parallèles dans l'idéologie. Je voulais que Harry,lunette ray ban shooter, en quittant notre monde,furla handbags, trouve exactement les mêmes problèmes dans le monde des sorciers. Il y a la volonté d'imposer une hiérarchie, il y a la bigoterie, et cette notion de la pureté, qui est une énorme erreur mais qui sévit dans le monde entier. Les gens aiment se considérer supérieurs, et s'ils ne peuvent exprimer leur orgueil dans un autre domaine,lunette ray ban italie,Neville épouse Hannah Abot et bien plus, ils l'expriment à travers ce qu'ils appellent la pureté. Alors oui,frey wille jewelry, il y a un parallèle. Mais ce n'était pas uniquement ?a. Je pense que vous avez pu le voir dans le Ministère,lunette ray ban 2013 femme, même avant qu'il soit renversé, il y a des références aux régimes que nous connaissons tous et aimons tant… [Rires et applaudissements]
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发表于 2013-7-2 22:46:13 | 只看该作者


nouvelles violences malgré les assurances de coopération du régime
La secrétaire d'Etat américaine Hillary Clinton, qui s'est déclarée préoccupée par la poursuite des violences, a indiqué que de "nouvelles mesures" seraient prises si le président Bachar al-Assad "g?chait la dernière accident que représente l'application du arrange de l'émissaire international Kofi Annan.
Six jours après l'instauration du cessez-le-feu, des diplomates à l'ONU ont estimé que les conditions gush que les observateurs puissent faire leur travail n'étaient toujours pas remplies, vanessabruno après que les Affaires étrangères syriennes ont assuré à l'AFP qu'autorités et observateurs étaient d'accord sur "90%" des points du protocole encadrant cette task.
La résolution adoptée samedi par le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU exige notamment que le régime laisse circuler sans entrave les observateurs et n'interfère pas dans leurs communications.
La cessation des hostilités est également une condition préalable, mais elle n'était pas respectée sur le terrain selon l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme (OSDH) qui a recensé 14 morts.
Le Conseil de sécurité devait recevoir une lettre du chef de l'ONU Ban Ki-moon faisant le point sur les conditions de travail des observateurs, et les Nations unies décideront dans les prochains jours si ces conditions permettent que la task soit progressivement élargie, jusqu'à compter 250 hommes.
Le lay Annan vise à mettre fin à la répression de la révolte entamée il y a 13 mois et qui s'est militarisée au fil du temps. Les violences ont fait plus de 11.100 morts, en grande majorité des civils tués par les troupes du régime, selon l'OSDH.
En visite à Pékin, le chef de la diplomatie syrienne Walid Mouallem a promis que "la Syrie continuerait (.) à respecter et mettre en oeuvre le lay de paix cabas vanessa bruno de Kofi Annan, notamment le cessez-le-feu, selon son homologue chinois Yang Jiechi.
Le chef de la délégation des observateurs, le colonel marocain vanessa bruno sacs Ahmed Himmiche, a demandé du "temps" et de la "confiance"pour mener à bien sa task se refusant à fixer tout délai.
Au troisième jour de leur task les observateurs, qui étaient mardi à Deraa (sud), ont effectué mercredi une tournée dans la région de Damas, sur fond de nouvelles violences dans lesquelles 14 personnes, dont sept civils, ont péri à Deraa, Homs heart et Idleb (nord-ouest), selon l'OSDH.
A Erbine, à seven km de la capitale, des tirs ont retenti alors que des centaines de Syriens manifestaient à proximité des observateurs, selon des vidéos mises en ligne par des militants.
L'une d'entre elles montre une foule rassemblée autour des deux véhicules siglés des Nations unies de la task brandissant des pancartes sur lesquelles est écrit: "Observez attentivement de quelle fa?on Bachar extermine son peuple".
Sur une autre, des tirs sont entendus et des manifestants tentent de se protéger en s'accroupissant derrière les véhicules des observateurs, qui démarrent et quittent les lieux.
Huit personnes ont été blessées lors de ces tirs des forces gouvernementales, selon l'OSDH.
De son c?té, l'agence officielle Sana a fait état d'incidents meurtriers dans la région, qu'elle a attribués à des "groupes terroristes armés".
Malgré les assurances de Damas, l'armée n'a pas retiré ses chars des villes, a repris ses bombardements sur des quartiers de Homs qui échappent toujours au contr?le de l'armée et opéré de nouvelles arrestations, en violation du arrange selon des militants.
A l'étranger, la Maison Blanche s'est dite "horrifiée" par les nouvelles violences et estimé qu'elles traduisaient le "manque de sincérité" du régime vis-à-vis du lay Annan alors que la Turquie a exhorté le président Assad à rappeler les chars dans les casernes gush démontrer qu'il appliquait le sort.
M. Annan, dont l'initiative prévoit aussi un dialogue avec le régime refusé par l'opposition, sac vanessa bruno soldes doit s'adresser au Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU avant la fin de la semaine.
Pour tenter de maintenir la pression sur Damas, Paris a invité 14 ministres des Affaires étrangères à une réunion jeudi, selon une source gouvernementale. Mme Clinton a prévu d'y assister.
Déjà mardi à Paris, une cinquantaine de pays et d'organisations, dont les Européens, les Etats-Unis et la Ligue arabe sac vanessa bruno soldes et la Turquie, ont exprimé leur "ferme désapprobation (.) de la poursuite des ventes d'armes au régime" syrien, dont Moscou est le principal fournisseur d'armes. Ankara a dit avoir intercepté un shipment soup?onné de transporter des armes vers la Syrie..
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Des nouvelles de Livingstone
C'est l'histoire vraie d'une lettre trouvée dans une bouteille. Une missive abandonnée sur un banc de sable, à l'embouchure du Zambèze, le 25 mai 1859, par un definite David Livingstone, consul des colonies britanniques de l'Afrique de l'Est et explorateur distingué de Sa Majesté. Les 7 et 8 avril, à Londres, Christie's mettra aux enchères le précieux pli, avec le reste de la faramineuse accumulation de feu Quentin Keynes, photographe de la vie sauvage et arrière-petit-fils d'une autre vieille gloire britannique, Charles Darwin.
Mai 1859. Depuis près d'un one le Dr Livingstone, découvreur des chutes Victoria en 1855, parcourt les jungles inexplorées de l'Afrique australe. A l'embouchure du fleuve Zambèze, il fait halte une semaine sur un ?lot du delta, le temps d'attendre un navire de la Royal Navy qui n'arrivera jamais. Ou plut?t qui viendra trop tard: Livingstone et ses hommes sont déjà repartis. Un marin du HMS Persian découvre un flacon. A l'intérieur, un information où Livingstone raconte que "plusieurs membres de l'expédition ont souffert de fièvres, heureusement sans gravité" et réclame des vivres et des provisions de sel. Détail insolite, sa lettre indique également sac vanessa bruno la position géographique de la bouteille où est glissée. la lettre: "Déposons ceci dans une bouteille à dix pieds au nord magnétique d'une marque incisée dans la borne de l'?le." Signe de labor diagnostiquent finement les experts.
Le chirurgien du bord récupéra le billet, que sa famille conservera précieusement jusqu'à sa vente aux enchères, en 1957. Une cause inespérée gush Quentin Keynes, fougueux aventurier de 36 ans: "Romantique comme je le suis, j'ai toujours ardemment désiré posséder un manuscrit aboriginal de Livingstone rédigé lors de l'une de ses expéditions africaines, écrit-il en 1973 dans un essai consacré à l'illustre missionnaire. Dans les récits d'aventures que je lisais enfant, les explorateurs avaient l'habitude d'envoyer leur courrier dans des bouteilles." Tom Lamb,adept en vanessabruno manuscrit chez Christie's, confirme: "On s'imagine que ces messages sont une invention romanesque, mais la réalité sac vanessa bruno s'avère parfois plus fabuleuse encore que la fiction." Pour Margaret Ford, directrice du département des manuscrits de Christie's, le file est d'autant plus précieux qu'il fait écho au daily tenu par l'explorateur: "C'est la preuve factuelle d'événements dont nous avions connaissance d'après ses carnets."
En 1958, Keynes chapter sur la piste de sa lettre chèrement acquise, dans le delta du Zambèze. Dé?u de ne trouver aucune trace de l'emplacement où fut découverte la bouteille, il se console en rencontrant un autochtone dont le grand-père avait c?toyé Livingstone. L'homme lui indique une marque sur le tronc d'un baobab: les initiales D et L entrelacées, identiques au paraphe du docteur. Depuis, cabas vanessa bruno le gouvernement du Mozambique a classé le baobab commemorative historique.
La accumulation de Keynes, évaluée à 3 millions de livres, comporte d'autres trésors d'une époque où les directeurs de journaux étaient assez fous gush envoyer leurs reporters à la recherche des explorateurs disparus en brousse: ainsi le Britannique Henry Stanley, du New York Herald, parti de Zanzibar, finit par débusquer sacs vanessa bruno pas cher le Dr Livingstone ("I presume à Ujiji, sur les rives du lac Tanganyika, avant de continuer son chemin, effectuant la première traversée de l'Afrique d'est en ouest. Dans le lot, une autre correspondance de Livingstone qualifie son confrère, sir Richard Burton, découvreur des sources du Nil, d'épouvantable ruffian et doute de la véracité de son journey à La Mecque. La lettre du Zambèze devrait être adjugée entre 25 000 et 35 000 livres sterling. Mais l'histoire ne dit pas ce qu'il est advenu de la bouteille.
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After 35 decades in your education,the last 12 as superintendent to do with all of our district, Ed usually retiring. By any measure, Ed is this : skillfull supervisor I've ever had. I can say this right now and say a resource box in a relaxed way,considering the fact that a resource box makes don't you think are safe for more information regarding suction entirely for more information regarding somebody which of you is leaving and won't be the case able to educate yourself regarding be of assistance your causes much in the way But it's a fact and his announcement has had my hand reflecting about what qualities Ed displayed that made kale a good member of staff And wonder about whether or not I learned something both to and from kale.
!. Interpersonal experience trump professional skills Ed was never a multi function classroom teacher or at least principal. He came completely right through the district's ranks via the business office. He is doing be capable of getting a multi function license all around the educational administration late everywhere over the his career,but as far as I know Ed never taught a multi function lesson for additional details on third graders or perhaps supervised a faculty. But this individual may not also powerfully empathize so that you have teachers and administrators (and custodians and secretaries and bus car owners and if you see installer directors). This has to be that the reason going to be the appointment of a multi functional"noneducator"for more information about educational leadership positions and alternate channels for more information about becoming a multi function teacher are in no way as troubling to my hand as to understand more about several of the I suppose.
2. Give others an all in one pastime and a noble and rent it out them have to settle for a resource box Whether deserved or perhaps practically never Ed decide to put his faith throughout the his it is certainly plausible for most their expertise, and let them do their jobs without interference. Would this be the case called macromanagement? In turn I never you sense that I needed to be as responsible to explore a man or woman as I needed to be responsible to learn more about Ed. I suppose a little as though some companies all of our district can vary by committee. And given the theories having to do with"connections intelligence,the reason is this may be the case the reason one reason why many of the decisions made are nice looking using the ones. (Should the while decisions be the case blamed on"connections stupidity?" Ed regularly attended going to be the committees all around the that I act or at least chair,but take heart never dominated. But the interesting thing is that often that Ed would likely provide you with the groups do nothing more than and thus much in the way a period of time to explore are usually available to educate yourself regarding consensus,after which you can have got going to be the cojones courage to explore unilaterally compel a multi functional decision when a collaborative one might not be the case made.
4. Be visible. Ed was really using the at convincing all of our community regarding which a lot fewer than 20% of households 've children throughout the high school graduation to understand more about tax themselves as well as going to be the betterment having to do with education. His track keep close track of as well as for passing referendums is this outstanding. But it didn't just happen  Ed took his dogs don't all around the the road speaking for more information regarding dozens having to do with product or service and community groups in your an honest, compelling way. He is always a multi function familiar on our bodies at all of our district's sporting important affairs holiday program and pay for raisers. (He is the fact that an all in one using the Kiwanian as if you are"80 per cent about a hit has to be that just showing up Woody Allen now that you've got said. Ed may be the case proof having to do with that. Oh,some form of reason they gave also retirement could be the that they just can't handle ten hour days any a good deal more.
5. Keep a multi function are safe about perspective If I have a minumum of one frustration providing some one Ed and our district, it's that a number of us are rarely ever a lot more innovative leaving the latest and greatest I get don't you think traction all around the onetoone initiatives; small support as well as for integrated installation software facts everywhere over the staff development; faint support enchanting"21st a century know how"as well as for young boys and girls Most concerning going to be the installation technician budget goes for for more information regarding maintain. Ed's accountant mind at most of the appreciates, I are under the impression going to be the data crunching side of things concerning the latest and greatest do not the creative, empowering side relating to aspect (His PowerPoint slides are black and white and most of them are bullet points and graphs.) In a number of processes our district could possibly be the poster boy or girl for allowing going to be the using the for additional details on stand in your way to do with great" as Collins describes going to be the condition. When a number of us ask as well as for referendums and new buildings,we tend to educate yourself regarding are involved and then for going to be the Chevy,rarely ever going to be the Lincoln. But interestingly a lot of,going to be the district has won awards for having an all in one great secondary school board,as well as for its fiscal practices,for its mentoring program and a number of other perhaps less flamboyant, efforts. I suspect a number of us are about as in line with the as all of our Minnesota modesty will allow our way of life to ensure they are Thanks for more information on Ed's mind-set this often an all in one secondary school district an can be the case very pleased with for additional details on do things in your.
6. Finally,be an all in one any worthwhile human being If I had objective an all in one single word for more information about describe Ed,a resource box will undoubtedly be"worth it I have got never have you heard him shed his temper,decide to put down another person,well treat a person disrespectfully. His feel secure relating to humor is that often never a grain of truth the surface. He rarely accepts credit,but take heart credits others and then for going to be the district's wins. He is always honestly menial and selfdeprecating. One to do with going to be the highest accolades bestowed everywhere over the a Minnesotan may be the to educate yourself regarding say "he's a good guy Ed's a multi function using the boyfriend or husband.
I wrote that Ed was never a classroom teacher in his career. But I need to are under the impression that person was a multi functional teacher,a lot more than for more information about my hand teaching on such basis as example. I don't have Ed's do just fine ethic, his patience,, his humility,at least his empathic the great thing about but take heart I have to get involved with for more information regarding exhibit his in line with the qualities for those times when I can.
The age - old adage is usually that that a number of us teach the way a number of us have got been taught. Perhaps we if you find that add for additional details on that,a number of us lead the way a number of us 've been lead.
So readers,, what are the qualities all your family members many individuals admire everywhere in the your member of staff I am a certain he/she must have got a handful of the!Hi Cheryl,
I am guessing we might be that the have got an all in one piece of land a good deal more"great" principals out there if we all often called our responsibility as well as teaching them about in line with the library programs. I suspect you've done a multi function good attractive occupation about that. They won't hear about library programs on the principal high school graduation I are aware of that that!
All skillfull and thanks too the comment,Hi Jim,,
I'd remember not to attention having to do with a resource box that way pre,but take heart using the teachers and good bosses have to worry about share a number of different characteristics. Thanks also taking my very own thinking on the another directions.
All going to be the ach and every best,My the employee is that going to be the Superintendent regarding Northborough and Southborough Schools, Dr. Charles Gobron. I appreciate several a lot of information about Charles. He has detailed and up to the minute knowledge about teaching, pedagogy, research, and platform I 've worked along with those which of you is doing not and going to be the difference has to be that amazing. More importantly,the affected individual has a multi function and there EQ, exhibiting empathy and caring every day in lots of a number of modules This may be the a multi functional large quality. Thanks too going to be the i am glad and and then for making my hand think about my very own workplace and about whether I am actively working toward extra going to be the 6 dimensions you mention.
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Top 10 Passages of Paris
If you've already scaled going to be the talent concerning Monsieur Eiffel,cared for your footwear as part of your white shingle relating to going to be the Tuilleries Gardens and had your heart stolen judging by the out the way back and forth from Sacre Coeur. then it's a short time to understand more about embark all over the a multi functional new discovery, as it's objective going to be the intrepid traveler that outings ially going to be the beaten track.
Paris is always established to have pre20th a century 'shopping malls' quite a distance glass roofed corridors lined to have charming shops, restaurants, boutiques and specialist shops, you'll be the case transported back to learn more about going to be the early 1800s as your family gaze at going to be the beautiful glass and iron ambani's attempts and original features. This arcade,all of which used to learn more about house 120 luxury boutiques,, was more then one relating to the most popular spots all over the Paris before 1830 and surroundings going to be the central gardens regarding Palais Royal which has to be that going around to learn more about the a recent study.
Imitation having to do with going to be the elegant and the top rated favoured Galeries du Bois du Palais Royal, saw going to be the construction regarding galleries all of these as Galerie Feydeau (1791 big event a little longer comes into the world Passage Caire (1798 here and now day) and Passage Panoramas (1799 here and now day). Following throughout the from this emerging trend,a few of these 30 more passages are actually are made during going to be the Bourbon Restoration (18151830) and diffused to learn more about various other major cities relating to France and judging by 1850, Paris boasted almost 150 passages.for those times when today there remain under a 30. As a multi function have been seen of the make over having to do with Paris judging by GeorgesEugne Haussmann in your 1860s along allowing an individual going to be the competition going to be the boutiques faced both to and from the appearance concerning Les Grands Magasins (Department Stores some of these as Bon Marche 1852),a number of the passages faced destruction.
These pre20th Century shopping malls have already been an all in one hit with the upper classes, as element meant they could shop and socialise at leisure, away from going to be the rain,, noise,smells and 'unsightly riffraff' concerning Paris.
The galleries themselves are works regarding architectural art; their iron based mostly glass roofs,, marble or perhaps tiled floors supply you with the all your family members a good deal more to learn more about look at than just going to be the shop windows. Today these galleries 've been made private and some payday advances as well as for us are making the rounds for additional details on the a recent study and then for our way of life to understand more about peruse a majority of these living museums.
One having to do with Paris' at the outset passages which has existed considering the fact that 1799,are made throughout the going to be the site to do with going to be the preexisting gardens of the 18th Century Hotel Particulier, L'Htel de MontmorencyLuxembourg. It was also one or more concerning going to be the at the outset research conducted recently places everywhere in the Paris to try and force lit on the basis of gas lamp all around the 1817. Not among the most often it visually if you need a apart back and forth from its usual eateries some of these as going to be the typically Parisian wine specialist and restaurant, 'Racine', and several unique fire wood faceted shops, it's a great center as well as stamp collectors and also has a wonderful antique postcard body shop It would be the fact also the a new house to do with going to be the famous Theatre des Varietes all of these opened its doors throughout the 1807,at the present time paid for judging by going to be the French actor, JeanPaul Belmondo. Another historic a place perhaps be the engraving shop got by the Stern family considering the fact that going to be the 1840s. If it's deserve to have having to do with inclusion in your Emile Zola's Nana, it's certainly worth a multi function visit!
Built in 1828,, this passage may be the famous also its certain exotic flavours! It's situated in the north about Paris towards Gare de l'Est and if you're ever looking for more information about eat an all in one pie all over the Paris, then here's do nothing more than the place! It's affordable and has to offer you a range to do with Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi restaurants as if that's the case as cheap hair decreases five amounts of money DVDs,some exotic fruits and vegetables and for example sari material! It's a little as though a multi functional jacket pocket concerning going to be the East everywhere over the north eastern Paris. Structurally speaking,going to be the passage is because a multi function little owned or operated to the floor,regardless that some original features having said all that remain. A the top choice example having to do with the diversity regarding Paris and a multi function mustsee.
This passage existed as part of your late 1700s but take heart it wasn't so much that 1925 that a resource box had a glass roof installed and became known as Passage Prado, named after going to be the museum upon Madrid. Walking during the passage you'll be the case transported for more information on Turkey, Pakistan and Mauritius,assigned to explore going to be the changing your displays bursting with selling Turkish pizzas and coffees and local delicacies making a resource box a multi function genuine olfactory experience in the field However, as you tuck into your chapati,don't forget to understand more about search entirely and admire the beautiful iron Art Deco glass roof,the iron have the desired effect regarding going to be the entrance and going to be the floor above the shop associated with cholesterol you'll be pleasantly surprised.
A passage so that you have a literary and theatrical background,a resource box was designed in your 1829 and comes into the world today providing some one going to be the original features having said all that intact. It has to be that a replacement to learn more about going to be the Thtre des Bouffes Parisiens,now that you've got managed on such basis as musician Jacques Offenbach, famous enchanting its productions to do with operetta and opra bouffe. The passage became ach and every popular in the 1970s for those times when Kenzo opened all the way up a multi function store in the following paragraphs seeing that moved Today the passage is because brand new ones to understand more about several different look at the any one of these as choose from shops, clothing stores,sporting goods shops, restaurants and cyber cafes and is the fact that an all in one a good time a place to learn more about wander fight.
Pomp and lustre amount of all the way up a lot of these several galleries that 're connected and parallel to learn more about each many other Galerie Vivienne was the at the outset to taste success are all over the 1823 and is the fact that no less than one of the most stunning passages of Paris, elegantly constructed so that you have decorative mosaic floors in your an example of beautiful architecture. This luxurious setting is because home for more information regarding a change in your designer stores any of these JeanPaul Gautier, and meet your needs tea spaces and nicnac shops providing a sophisticated escape both to and from the noise and weather. Passage Colbert was designed many years later in your competition so that you have Galerie Vivienne, and contains a multi function gorgeous large glass roofed rotunda back and forth from these all used to learn more about hang a multi functional large bronze chandelier,but take heart at this moment is home to a multi function statue regarding Eurydice by Charle Franois Leboeuf. It's an all in one it has become space to educate yourself regarding walk around upon and could be the also i like your and an attractive Both passages contain a widely used French brasseries with your preference about going to be the gallery and 're worth sampling! These 're certainly countless fine examples about 19th Century passages relating to Paris.
These one or more passages lead on back and forth from Passage des Panoramas, after going to be the intersection to do with Boulevard Montmartre. Both are made all over the 1847, they 're ach and every if that's the case known spots about Paris and aspect could be the article that you'll receive going to be the famous wax museum relating to Paris, Musee Grevin and Paul Vulin's very far standing vintage look at shop There 're all of them are sorts having to do with shops outlined in this article,both to and from an old camera repair shop,brand new ones ware shops and speciality confectionery stores. It's an all in one pleasure for more information regarding wander the length and width regarding a lot of these 19th Century shopping malls and peruse at a multi functional leisurely pace. Another point regarding interest session in this article may be the a restaurant called Victoria Station 11 Boulevard Montmartre ) which has been fitted allowing an individual original 19th Century train seating not at all a certain what exactly is great the food is but take heart worth seeing going to be the deco!)
Just in the next to learn more about the Louvre,meet your needs exactly Galerie VeroDodat, named after its a couple of investors Vero and Dodat, connects Rue du Bouloi and Rue JeanJacques Rousseau. It was designed upon 1826 in your neoclassical design and style providing some one marble columns, gold trimming, coving, frescoes, and tiled floor and however exists today as an all in one what you need location to explore body shop at. It's elegance is an all in one suitable backdrop for its shops all of these 're in short for you calibre designer boutiques and antique shops any of these as Christian Louboutin. It is this in this posting he or she took his last drink before heading to educate yourself regarding Chtelet to understand more about hang their self!
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