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典范英语2文本 (1--55课)

发表于 2012-11-20 18:23:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1 Biff’s Aeroplane
Biff made an aeroplane.
Mum helped her.
The aeroplane looked good.
Biff wanted to fly it.
She went to the park.
The aeroplane flew up.
It went over the trees.
It went over the houses.
Biff looked for the aeroplane.
Everyone helped.
Biff looked and looked.
She couldn’t find it.
She wanted to cry.
She went upstairs.
The aeroplane was on the bed.

2 The Chase
Floppy wanted a new basket.
Mum and Biff went to the market.
They got a new basket.
Mum and Biff went to the toilet. ‘Stay Floppy,’ said Biff.
Floppy saw a cat. He chased it.
The cat jumped over the oranges. Crash went the oranges.
The cat jumped over some plates. Crash went the plates.
The cat jumped over some clothes. ‘Got you’ said a man.
Everyone was cross. ‘What a bad dog!” everyone said.
‘What a good dog!’ said Mum.

3 Floppy the Hero
A fire engine went by.
There was a fire. Everyone ran to see.
‘Get back,’ said a fireman. A barn was on fire.
A little dog ran to the barn. She barked and barked.
Floppy ran to the barn. He jumped in the window.
‘Get Floppy,’ said Chip. The firemen pushed the door down.
Floppy ran out. He had some puppies.
Everyone looked at Floppy. ‘What a good dog!’ everyone said.
What a hero!

4 Kipper’s Laces
Kipper wanted new shoes.
He couldn’t tie his laces. Dad helped him.
Kipper was at school. The class had P. E.
Kipper couldn’t tie his laces. Miss Green helped him.
Kipper was upset. He told Dad.
Dad made a block.
Kipper tried… and tried… and tried and tried. ‘Hooray!’ said Kipper.
Kipper was at school. He did up his laces.
‘Oh no!’ said Kipper.

5 The Wobbly Tooth
Kipper had a wobbly tooth.
Mum wanted to pull it out. ‘No!’ said Kipper.
Dad wanted to pull it out. ‘No, no, no!’ said Kipper.
Biff went on the swing. Kipper pushed her.
Oh no! the swing hit Kipper.
The tooth was gone. Kipper had swallowed it.
Kipper was upset.
‘Sorry,’ said Biff and Chip. ‘Never mind,’ said Mum. ‘Never mind,’ said Dad.‘I’m not sad,’ said Kipper.
‘I’m glad.’

6 The Foggy Day
It was foggy.
Dad wanted to go shopping. ‘Oh no,’ said the children.
They got into the car. They were fed up.
The fog got worse. Dad couldn’t see.
Dad stopped the car. They had to walk home.
The fog got worse. They were lost.
‘This way,’ said Biff. ‘No, this way,’ said Chip.
They saw a light. ‘A monster!’ said Dad.
‘it’s Mum!’ said the children.

7 Poor Old Rabbit!
Floppy saw a toy rabbit.
‘Poor old rabbit,’ said Floppy. ‘Nobody wants it.’
Floppy took it to Kipper. ‘Poor old rabbit,’ said Kipper.
Kipper took it to Mum.
‘Look at this rabbit,’ said Kipper. ‘Nobody wants it.’
‘Poor old rabbit,’ said Mum. Dad washed it.
Kipper brushed it. Chip and Wilma wended it.
Everybody wanted it now. Oh no!
‘Poor old rabbit,’ said Kipper.

8  Super Dad
‘Look at Dad,’ said Mum.
‘Dad looks silly,’ said Wilma. ‘No, he looks good,’ said Wilf.
Dad put on a red nose. ‘Oh!’ said Wilma. ‘Dad looks so silly.’
Dad had a bucket. ‘Put your money in here,’ he said.
Oh no! A man took Dad’s money.
‘Stop!’ called Mum. ‘Come back.’
But the man didn’t stop.
Dad got on a bike.
The man ran fast… but Dad went faster.
‘Got you,’ said Dad. ‘Help!’ said the man.
‘Super Dad!’ said Wilma.

9  I Can Trick a Tiger
Floppy was dreaming that he was in the jungle.
A tiger jumped out. ‘Got you!’ he said.
‘I can trick a tiger,’ said Floppy.
‘Look out!’ said Floppy. ‘There’s a bee on your nose.’
‘Oh no! said the tiger, and he let Floppy go.
A Crocodile jumped out. ‘Got you!’ she said.
‘I can trick a crocodile,’ said Floppy.
‘Look out!’ said Floppy. ‘There’s a bee on your nose.’
‘Oh no!’ said the crocodile, and she let Floppy go.
A snake slid out. ‘Got you!’ she said.
‘I can trick a snake,’ said Floppy.
‘Look out! Said Floppy. ‘There’s a bee on your nose.’
‘Oh no! said the snake, and she let Floppy go.
A rabbit jumped out. ‘Got your!’ said Floppy.
‘Look out!’ said the rabbit. ‘There’s a bee on your nose.’
Buzzzzzzz! ‘Oh no!’ said Floppy.

10 The Monster Hunt
Gran took the children on a monster hunt.
Biff saw some monster footprints.
Chip saw a monster gloves, and…
Kipper saw the monster!
‘Come on,’ said Gran. ‘Let’s get that monster!’
The monster ran. It ran up the hill.
It ran into the mill… and hid.
‘Come on,’ said chip. ‘Let’s get that monster!”
They went into the mill.
‘Sssh!’ said Gran. ‘I can see the monster’s tail.’
‘Gran pulled the monster’s tail. ‘Got you!’ she said.
‘AARGH!’ said the monster.
Crash! went a sack. Crash! went the monster.
The monster looked at the children. ‘Help!’ he said.

11 Floppy and the Bone
Floppy saw a big bone.
‘I want that bone,’ said Floppy.
So he took it!
‘Stop! Stop!’’ said Biff. ‘Drop the bone!’ said Chip.
But Floppy didn’t stop, and he didn’t drop the bone!
He ran up the hill.
He ran into a wood… and onto a bridge… and stopped!
Floppy looked down. He saw a dog in the water.
The dog had a big bone.
Floppy wanted that bone, too.
Grrrrrrrr! Went Floppy.
Splash! went the bone. Splash! went Floppy.
‘Oh no! said Floppy. ‘the dog I saw was me!’

12 Ouch!
Floppy was dreaming that he was in the desert.
It was hot in the desert. The sand was hot. ‘Ouch!’ said Floppy.
Floppy saw a girl on a horse. The girl was Biff!
‘Quick! Come with me,’ said Biff. ‘A sandstorm is coming.’
The wind blew the sand. Biff put Floppy on the horse.
The horse went fast. ‘Go faster!’ said Biff. ‘The sandstorm is coming!’
The horse went faster. ‘Ouch!’ said Floppy.
The horse stopped. Oh no!
Floppy flew off the horse. ‘Ouch! Said Floppy.
‘Oh! There’s my cactus,’ said Biff.

13 A Cat in the Tree
Floppy barked at a cat. The cat ran up a tree.
Biff was cross with Floppy. Wilma climbed on the wall.
Wilma climbed up the tree. She couldn't get the cat.
Wilma couldn't get down. Wilma's dad was cross.
He put the ladder up. Wilma climbed down.
Wilma's dad climbed the tree. He couldn't get the cat.
Wilma's dad was stuck. The cat jumped down.
The fireman put a ladder up. Wilma's dad climbed down.
"Oh no!" said everyone.

14 The Egg Hunt
Kate came to stay.
Mum and Kate made a cake. Kate put little eggs on it.
Wilma looked at the little eggs. She had an idea.
Wilma went to the park. She wanted to hide some eggs.
She put them in the trees. She put them in the flowers.
Wilf and Kate came to the park. ‘You can look for eggs,’ said Wilma.
Kate looked for the eggs. ‘Where are they?’ she said.
The squirrels had them. ‘Squirrels like eggs,’ said Kate.
‘So do I,’ she said.

Lesson 15
Nobody Wanted to Play
Wilf was cross.
Nobody wanted to play. He went to the park.
Wilf played on the rocket. "I am a spaceman," he said.
He played on the see-saw. "I am juggler," he said.
He played on the horse. "I am a cowboy," he said.
He played on his bicycle. "I am a stuntman," he said.
He climbed up the ladder. "I am a fireman," he said.
He climbed on the wall. "I am a spiderman," he said.

Lesson 16
The Rope Swing
The children went to the stream.
They looked at the swing. Wilf climbed on the swing.
Chip pushed Wilf. Floppy looked at the rope.
Biff climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked.
Chip climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked.
Kipper went on the swing. "What a silly dog!" Said Kipper.
Wilma went on too. "What a silly dog!" said Wilma.
The children went home. Floppy looked at the rope.
Splash! Oh no!

Lesson 17
On the Sand
Biff and Chip played on the sand.
Dad went to sleep. Biff and Chip put sand on Dad.
They made a sandcastle. They put Dad's hat on top.
They went to get an ice crean. Dad was still asleep.
Chip looked at the donkeys. Biff looked at the boat.
They looked at the go-karts.
They looked at Dad's hat. "Oh no!" said Biff.
Dad was hiding. Biff was cross.
The hat was on a stick.
Lesson 18
By the Stream
Mum and Dad sat on the rug.
The children played by the stream. Biff went on the bridge.
They dropped sticks in the water. Kipper couldn't see.
Kipper climbed up. He dropped Teddy in the water.
"Get Teddy," said Kipper.  Biff couldn't get Teddy.
"Get Teddy," said Kipper.  Mum couldn't get Teddy.
"I want Teddy," said Kipper.  Dad couldn't get Teddy.
Dad fell in. Splash!
"I am a frogman," said Dad.

Lesson 19
The Duck Race
Wilma had an idea.
The children made six ducks. "Let's have a duck race," said Wilma.
Mum began the race. "Drop the ducks in," said Mum.
The ducks went down the stream. Oh no! Wilma's duck sank.
Chip's duck got stuck in the reeds. Biff's duck got stuck in the weeds.
Wilf's duck got stuck on a log. "Get it off with a stick," said Chip.
Kipper's duck went fast. It went past Dad's duck.
Two swans flew down. They landed on the ducks.
"Six soggy ducks," said Kipper.

20 The Ice Rink
Wilf and Dad went to the ice rink. They put skates on.
They went on the ice. "Hold my hand," said Dad.
Wilf held Dad’s hand. "This is fun," said Wilf.
Wilf let go of his Dad’s hand. He began to skate.
Whoops! Wilf sat down with a bump. "This ice is cold," said Wilf.
Dad began to skate. He went round the rink.
"Look at me spin!" said Dad.
"Look at me jump!"
Dad got some cold drinks. "Look out, Dad," said Wilf.
Oh no! A banana skin.

21 The Mud Bath
Dad was playing football.
He ran with the ball. "Go on Dad!" called Chip. "Kick it!"
Dad fell over in the mud. Splat! "Bad luck, Dad!" said Biff.
"Oh Dad," said Mum. "What a mess." "I want a bath," said Dad.
Dad went up to the bathroom. He ran a bath.
Dad came down. There was football on TV.
Dad looked at the football. "Go on!" he called. "Kick it!"
Dad forgot the bath. Drip! Drop! Drip!
Plop! Plop! Splat!
"What was that?" said Dad.
Splash! "Oh no," said Dad.

22  Pond Dipping
Wilf and Wilma were at the pond.
The net got stuck. ‘Help me pull,’ said Wilf.
They pulled the net. It was stuck on some junk.
Wilma got a big stick. ‘Let’s pull it out,’ she said.
Wilf and Wilma pulled. They couldn’t pull the junk out.
Mum and Dad helped. They pulled out an old pram.
Plop! A frog hopped out. It made Wilf jump.
Splash! a fish jumped up. ‘A pram full of fish,’ said Dad.
‘Pram dipping!’ said Wilma.

23 Sniff
‘Will you look after Sniff today?’ said Mrs May.
Wilf and Wilma were happy. They wanted to look after the puppy.
They took Sniff to the park. The puppy was excited.
Sniff liked to roll on her back… jump up for a stick… run after a ball… andbark at a cat.
Then Sniff went in the mud. She ran after a duck. She jumped in the pond, andshe barked at a dog.
‘I am hot,’ said Wilf. ‘I want a rest.’
‘I am hot, too,’ said Wilma. ‘I want a drink.’
Mum couldn’t find Sniff. She couldn’t find Wilf and Wilma.
Mum and Dad looked and looked. ‘They must be lost,’ said Mum.
They were fast asleep. ‘They are worn out,’ said Dad.

24 The Steel Band
A band came to play.
"My name is Stan," said a man. "I want you to help us."
"I want you to clap," he said. "Clap your hands and tap your feet."
"I want you to sing a song." "Sing it with us!"
The children sang with the band. "Now clap as you sing," said Stan.
"Who wants to play in the band?" the children put up their hands.
Everyone wanted to play. "You can all play," said Stan.
Wilf hit the drum. "Tap it," said Stan. "Don"t bang it."
What a grand band!
25 Kipper the Clown
The children put on a circus.
Kipper was a clown. Floppy pulled his leg.
Chip was a strong-man. He made everyone laugh.
Wilma and Biff did gymnastics.
Everyone had a drink. "What a good circus!" said Mum.
Wilf was a stuntman. Kipper was fed up.
He wanted to be a stuntman. "Look at me!" he said.
Everyone looked at Kipper. Oh no!
"I'm a clown, after all," said Kipper.
26 The Jumble Sale
Mum and Dad were spring-cleaning.
Mum looked in a drawer. Dad threw things out.
The children looked at the junk. They played with the old toys.
Mum put the old toys in the car. The children were sad.
They all went to the jumble sale.
The children wanted to buy something. "What a lot of junk!" said Wilf.
The children saw their toys. They counted their money.
It was time to go home. "What's in the bags?" said Mum.
Oh no!
27 Kippers Idea
Dad took Kipper to school.
They went past the library. A lady was painting the wall.
Kipper ran into the playground. He wanted to play.
There was a drawing on the wall. It was a drawing of Kipper.
The wall looked a mess. Mrs May was cross.
The children were painting. Kipper had an idea.
Miss Green drew circles on the wall. The children painted faces.
The wall looked good. Everyone liked it.
"Good for Kipper!" everyone said.
28 At the Seaside
The family went on holiday. Wilf and Wilma went, too.
The hotel had burned down. "Sorry!" said the man.
They looked at a new hotel. "Too expensive," said Mum.
They looked at an old hotel. "No, thank you," said Dad.
Every hotel was full. "Sorry!" said everyone.
They had to go home. But the car broke down.
A farmer stopped his tractor. "Can I help?" he said.
The farmer had a bus. "You can stay here," he said.
"What a good holiday!" said Wilf.
29  The Snowman
It was snowing. "Hooray," said the children.
They saw Wilf and Wilma. Wilf was sweeping the snow.
Biff had a good idea. She made a giant snowball.
Everyone pushed the snowball. Floppy barked and barked.
Wilf had an idea. He wanted to play a trick.
The children made a giant snowman.
Wilf's dad opened the door. He saw the snowman.
Wilma's mum took a photograph. The snow fell off the roof.
"Six snowmen!" said Wilma's dad.
30 Strawberry Jam
Dad wanted to make jam.
He picked some strawberries. They were too small.
Mum took everyone to the pick-your-own.
They all picked strawberries. Kipper put some in his pocket.
Chip took the strawberries to the car. The car was locked.
He forgot about the strawberries.
The children had an ice cream. It was time to go home.
The car ran over the strawberries. "Oh no!" said everyone.
"Traffic Jam!" said Dad.

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发表于 2012-11-21 16:01:31 | 只看该作者
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