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Anonymous is not group. It is not an organization. Is there a better word? I'd love to hear it. rm).
The overthetop, ominous voice of Anonymous was established in an online video and manifesto directed at the Church of Scientology:
The Anonymous logo is comprised of a headless man in a suit, with a question mark where the head should be, juxtaposed against a UN flag. All of these elements are freely interchangeable and can combine with other Anonymous imagery (see top illustration). According to Walker, the logo is "a cleverly subversive, and ironic, appropriation and exploitation of paranoia about Big Brotherstyle faceless power."
And then there's the mask. Appropriated from the graphic novel and movie "V for Vendetta,jeremy scott adidas shop," the V mask (designed by comic book artist David Lloyd) has become the de facto public face of Anonymous, and it serves as such a powerful image that it has skipped over into other street protests like the Occupy Wall Street movement.
In this episode, Rob Walker explores the origins of the memelike images in the Anonymous "visual brand" and explains why these icons so powerfully define a phenomenon that eschews definition.
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