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发表于 2013-5-17 02:49:03 | 只看该作者

Age of Discovery 4 how to create a sub-fleet_1

Age of Discovery 4 how to create a sub-fleet Think the answer 0 | 0 people think that the answer does not help Must first have a boat, that's for sure. Ship best five bought the boat transformed into a material, five warehouses, four turrets (if you have the money), all the other sailors room. Then local fleet in the dock, requires you to have a certain value of power (specifically, I can not remember) and a men in command of more than 150 (individual tasks can not be appointed, and some plot requirements can not leave the hero there, some a spendthrift ~ ~). May appoint the fleet in a certain area of ??business, it is best not to let him play a war, unless your main fleet K, but the opponent, let him come out. Finally, remember, if you occasionally look at the your Squadron situation, if he encountered pirates or hostile forces attack loss, do not forget to pumping of time to add to the ship.
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