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The Gokart Race Lesson15 4a 典范英语

发表于 2012-4-22 19:21:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Lesson 15
The Go-kart Race
    Wilma and Biff saw a notice. It was about a go-kart race. Wilma had an idea. She told Biff about it. Biff and Wilma were excited. They told Mum about the race. "We need a go-kart," said Biff. "What about the old one?" Mum went to the shed. She found the old go-kart, but it was broken and rusty. "Oh no!" said Biff. Biff told Dad about the race. Dad looked at the old go-kart. "This one is broken."he said. "But we can make a new one." The Mums and Dads made a new go-kart. Everyone wanted to help. Biff and Mum looked at the plans. Wilma helped her dad. Mum painted the go-kart. Chip helped. He was good at painting. "It looks brilliant!" said Biff. Everyone looked at the new go-kart. Biff wanted a go but Mum said she couldn't. The paint was stell wet. Mum took the children to a park. There was a hill in the park. It was a good place to try the new go-kart. Wilma went first but everyone had a go. Biff went last. "It's brilliant!" she said. Wilma saw another go-kart. "It's Anneena. She's got a go-kart too." Everyone looked at Anneena's go-kart. "It looks fast," said Wilma. "But I bet ours is faster." "I bet it's not," said Anneena. Wilma and Anneena had a race. The go-karts raced down the hill. Anneena was in front. "Come on!" shouted Biff. Suddenly, a dog ran infront of Anneena. He go-kart crashed into a bush. Wilma crashed into Anneena. Everyone looked at the go-karts. Wilma's front wheels were bent. Anneena's go-kart was broken. Everyone was upset. Chip looked at the broken go-karts. He had an idea. He told Mum what the idea was. "What a brilliant idea!" said Mum.
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发表于 2012-5-4 17:47:13 | 只看该作者
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