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发表于 2013-3-13 18:18:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-3-13 19:40:18 | 只看该作者

and other similar compositions.

Miss Bingley was engrossed by Mr. Darcy, her sister scarcely less so; and as for Mr. Hurst, by whom Elizabeth sat, he was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards; who, when he found her to prefer a plain dish to a ragout, had nothing to say to her.
It even became an occupation in the calm, to wonder when the wind WOULD spring up in the favourable quarter, where, it was clearly shown by all the rules and precedents, it ought to have sprung up long ago.  The first mate, who whistled for it zealously, was much respected for his perseverance, and was regarded even by the unbelievers as a first-rate sailor.  Many gloomy looks would be cast upward through the cabin skylights at the flapping sails while dinner was in progress; and some, growing bold in ruefulness, predicted that we should land about the middle of July.
Paul's!), and had it fixed, with a paper crown upon its head, on the walls of York.  The Earl of Salisbury lost his head, too; and the Duke of York's second son, a handsome boy who was flying with his tutor over Wakefield Bridge, was stabbed in the heart by a murderous, lord--Lord Clifford by name--whose father had been killed by the White Roses in the fight at St. Alban's.
He carries the village - that is to be - with him:  a few frame cottages, and an apparatus for smelting the copper.  He carries its people too.  They are partly American and partly Irish, and herd together on the lower deck; where they amused themselves last evening till the night was pretty far advanced, by alternately firing off pistols and singing hymns.
The more trivial sort imitated the actions of meaner persons, at first composing satires, as the former did hymns to the gods and the praises of famous men. A poem of the satirical kind cannot indeed be put down to any author earlier than Homer; though many such writers probably there were. But from Homer onward, instances can be cited,--his own Margites, for example, and other similar compositions.
The ladies were dressed finely, with the taste and care I had so much admired.  Louison turned away from me with a splendid dignity and stood looking up at the wall, her hands behind her, a toe of one shoe tapping the floor impatiently.  It was a picture to remember a lifetime.
"What an excellent device," said he, "the use of a sheepskin for carriages. How very comfortable they make it;--impossible to feel cold with such precautions. The contrivances of modern days indeed have rendered a gentleman's carriage perfectly complete.
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发表于 2013-3-13 20:19:05 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-3-14 07:19:44 | 只看该作者

che Giuliano ebbe a fare su d'un muletto

We were within a few hours of eloping together for Scotland. The treachery, or the folly, of my cousin's maid betrayed us. I was banished to the house of a relation far distant, and she was allowed no liberty, no society, no amusement, till my father's point was gained.
But it would not do; he had not come to the point. He had been most agreeable, most delightful; he had told Harriet that he had seen them go by, and had purposely followed them; other little gallantries and allusions had been dropt, but nothing serious.  "Cautious, very cautious," thought Emma; "he advances inch by inch, and will hazard nothing till he believes himself secure."  Still, however, though every thing had not been accomplished by her ingenious device, she could not but flatter herself that it had been the occasion of much present enjoyment to both, and must be leading them forward to the great event.
And a prominent Swedish author, P. Wisselgren, writes: "Some years ago I spent one of the most delightful evenings of my life with Bishop Grundtvig. I doubt that I have ever met a greater poet of conversation.  There need be no _hostility_ between evolutionist and theologian.    Shall we be thus afflicted in his wreaks,   His fits, his frenzy, and his _bitterness?_    Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate,   Nor set down aught in _malice_.  Every obstacle which partisan _malevolence_ could create he has had to encounter.
And ever since she was twelve, Emma has been mistress of the house and of you all. In her mother she lost the only person able to cope with her. She inherits her mother's talents, and must have been under subjection to her."  "I should have been sorry, Mr.
Nessuno mi si faccia severo per questo viluppo d'apostrofi, le quali non sono poi troppe, per chi novellando si trova con uno de' suoi personaggi, in luogo di memorie dolcissime. E tiri pur oltre, che io bader?a non farlo uscire spedato per le vie dirotte, che Giuliano ebbe a fare su d'un muletto, pigliato a nolo nella terra di Carcare; piena allora di contrabbandieri, che facevano servizio con pronto animo, a chi avesse viso di perseguitato e di largo spenditore.  L'Apennino, salito al passo lento della cavalcatura, era sembrato interminabile al giovane, che per tutta la via non aveva aperto bocca a parlare colla sua scorta.
Well, not bearing to be so suspected by my Brother, I left the room immediately, and have been ever since in my own Dressing-room writing to you. What a long letter have I made of it! But you must not expect to receive such from me when I get to Town; for it is only at Lesley castle, that one has time to write even to a Charlotte Lutterell.--. I was so much vexed by William's glance, that I could not summon Patience enough, to stay and give him that advice respecting his attachment to Matilda which had first induced me from pure Love to him to begin the conversation; and I am now so thoroughly convinced by it, of his violent passion for her, that I am certain he would never hear reason on the subject, and I shall there fore give myself no more trouble either about him or his favourite.
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