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Qing Ming day light is used to pumping with apple tree money was spent 1000 multivariate, it is so dry, a few days it again once poured, last night, in a Kunming restaurant son saying on the phone and saved 3000 yuan, I today to rural credit cooperatives to the son has money on the card take out,abercrombie."
Zhaotong city rural surplus labor goes out Wu labour, not only rich rural, also created a number of small boss.Yanjin County Xiang Yang cattle Village Road ditch agency is one of only 25 households in 112 villages, but all the year round 60 people outside workers, labor income average per capita amounts to 2400 yuan, among them 6 people become migrant boss, year income can amount to 10~40 yuan.Yanjin county and the town of Walnut Village Star Club was home to 7 people (4 people labor, migrant workers 3 people), in Shanxi Yangquan iron factory workers,abercrombie, years of Wu industry income 3 yuan,jordan, net income 2 yuan, through working capital accumulation, not only built a bungalow, and solves the daughter Chongqing read technical secondary school annual expenditure costs 15000 yuan, housing repair funds and educational expenses of children from all workers income.
"son of the money saved urgent."In April 5th,air jordan pas cher, although not rush street, Zhaoyang District Leju Township in the village of 21 groups of Chen Qilian early in the morning to rural credit cooperatives to catch, in spring ploughing production, seed, fertilizer, pesticide either for money.
million labor export has brought tens of billions of yuan big industry.According to the Zhaotong municipal labor and social security bureau director Xiong Minghai introduction: at present, Zhaotong 11 counties have established city, county, countryside three class interaction in the transfer of rural labor force market network system, "work economy" of Zhaotong city has become the most effective "the project that help deficient up", the new economic growth points and the most potential a new pillar industry.
Zhaotong person much ground is little, environment and resource condition is poor, rural surplus labor force of up to 1700000 people.Go up century since 90 time, Zhaotong every year hundreds of thousands of rural surplus labor force from a work, each "young worker" each year to the home returning amount of cash.From the beginning of 2004, Zhaotong municipal Party committee, city hall is keen to see "work economy" era of signal, to make "completes the new time countryside human resources development, speed up the transfer of rural surplus labor, widen the farmer is added receive area&quot,jordan; the strategy is decision-making,abercrombie, in 2008, and set up a &quot,abercrombie;million service output" industrial action, organized and orderly surplus rural labor collective work, from now on, Zhaotong economy begins to enter large-scale, industrial development of the track, for impoverished area farmers shake off poverty as soon as possible to break a path to success.
Yongshan County Township Gan Shan village belongs to the alpine mountain, there are 11 agricultural cooperatives in 608 households in 2437 person, rural labor 1250 person, only 2 clubs of 470 acres of land to grow corn, the remaining land only potato planting, buckwheat, oats and orchid seed.The masses of the past can only rely on the traditional planting and breeding to maintain life, since the beginning of 2004 by Secretary of village Party branch organization led 130 rural labor to Henan workers, opened the village a large number of surplus rural labor goes out Wu labour.This year, the number of migrant workers to reach 860 people, labor net income exceeds 4000000 yuan.The village through the workers earn money,hollister, the adobe into a brick house, harmony, harmonious, whole village showed a thriving scene,hollister.
in Zhaotong, such as the Chen Qilian family there are many.According to the Zhaotong City Human Resources Office to provide, as of now, the city's agelong and outer work of rural surplus labor amounts to 1274300 person, year achieve workers wage income exceeds 14000000000 yuan.
in the county human resources office, registration of migrant workers migrant workers in a continuous line, leading the town of Ping Village section on home except the youngest son to stay at home to read, the remaining 4 people are ready to work in Chongqing, and together they are the village more than 10 person.According to the Ludian County Human Resources Office assistant director Ruan Diangeng introduced: nearly two years since Ludian county has had a large number of migrant workers who bring out many migrant workers their salary is in 2500 to 3000 yuan of above, export of labor services in Ludian has become a stable income for people in dry land "booster".This year, county human resources office organization output workers nearly 110000 people, year labor income will exceed 100000000 yuan.
reporter Cai Houyou correspondent Wen s q (Yunnan daily)
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