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发表于 2013-2-20 15:01:45 | 只看该作者


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?chaotic moment, a man rushed toward the two leaders, shouting as he held up the body of a 4-year-old boy. The two prime ministers cradled the lifeless boy who Hamas said was killed in an Israeli airstrike. Israel vociferously denied the claim, saying it had not operated in the area.
Fighting to hold back tears, Kandil told reporters the Israeli operation must end.
"What I saw today in the hospital, the wounded and the martyrs,Miu Miu Handbags, the boy ... whose blood is still on my hands and clothes, is something that we cannot keep silent about," he said.
An Egyptian intelligence official, meanwhile, said an Egyptian proposal for a cease-fire in Gaza was presented Friday to Haniyeh and other Hamas leaders. The details were not made public.
However, Hamas replied that a cease-fire was premature because military chief Ahmed Jaabari's "blood has not dried yet,Miu Miu Online."
The Egyptian official said Hamas officials promised to study the cease-fire proposal again in the coming days,Miu Miu Purses. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.
A senior Hamas official confirmed that Egypt,Miu Miu Online, which often mediates between Hamas and Israel, was working behind the scenes to arrange a truce.
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was discussing a sensitive diplomatic matter, said Hamas was demanding an end to the offensive, limits on Israeli ground activities along the border, a permanent halt in assassinations of Hamas leaders and an end to Israel's blockade of Gaza.
"These conditions must be honored and sponsored by a third party," he said. "We will stop all armed activities out of Gaza in return."
An Israeli official refused to say whether Egypt or any other country was involved in cease-fire efforts but said Israel would not settle for anything less than a complete and long-standing halt to the rocket fire. "We're not interested in a timeout that returns us to square one," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not allowed to discuss the matter with the media?China’s education system emphasizes rote learning at the expense of creativity. While Americans are more often taught to think and speak independently from kindergarten, Chinese students do well in math and science at the expense of independent thinking. Many companies value mathematical ability. But focusing on this alone doesn’t prepare young people for winning clients, giving presentations or closing deals,Miu Miu Online.
In China, students push themselves incredibly hard to get into local universities by studying for the rote learning and memorization heavy “Gao Kao” (higher entrance exam),Miu Miu Online. They have been known to attach intravenous drips to themselves while preparing so they do not have to take meal breaks. But this exam system is “holding China back,Miu Miu Handbags,” says Helen Gao in The Atlantic:
“If the country wants to keep growing, its state economists know they need to encourage entrepreneurship and creativity, neither of which is tested for on this life-determining exam,Miu Miu Bags.”
As this Wharton paper outlines, it may be better for Chinese students to get their degrees from a second- or third-tier foreign university than an elite Chinese school. Multinationals in China say “it is difficult to find acceptable hires despite having so many college-educated applicants,” the paper adds.
Multinationals tend to prefer hiring sea turtles because they come with better inter-cultural skills.
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