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发表于 2013-4-11 08:00:06 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-4-11 08:03:22 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-4-11 08:12:03 | 只看该作者

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Increased Efficiency And Cost Savings - Can Facilities Maintenance Software Really Deliver On Its Pr
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responsible for facilities management in today's rapidly changing
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not wishing to over-simplify the solution, in most cases a system that
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maintenance procedures which have traditionally been fragmented.The
question then becomes how to do it,Jordan Retro 8. Modern database-driven systems hold
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Management System" might initially give the impression that it's used
for computer hardware or software, but in fact these programmes have the
ability to manage maintenance operations in industries as diverse as
manufacturing and healthcare - and of course facilities and properties,Jordan 8.In
the case of facilities maintenance, one approach that might be adopted
is similar to that of a family tree. All assets (and the component parts
thereof) are arranged in an easily accessible structure that enables
both a quick overall overview and individual monitoring of things like
service or maintenance requests,Jordan 8. Furthermore, the maintenance software
also provides all the information necessary for detailed cost analysis
and, in many cases, can be customised to deliver functionality and
reporting routines that mesh with a company's existing practices. The
result is that rather than having to make adjustments to fit in with the
way the software wants to work, a well-designed CMMS can be precisely
tailored to suit your operation.So why isn't everybody working this way?A
not inconsiderable hurdle has been the overall cost of these systems,Pre Order Retro 8,
which frequently demand on-premise server installation plus an ongoing
investment in maintaining them. While this might work for large,
multi-national concerns, in small to medium facilities management
operations bringing in the required infrastructure and staff can be
there is now a viable alternative, provided under the general banner of
SaaS (Software as a Service). In a nutshell,Bugs Bunny Shoes, providers offer access to
databases and supporting software which is managed on your behalf. There
are numerous payment structures - a monthly fee being a common approach
- enabling facilities management businesses to benefit from the
expertise they need without massive initial investment. There's the
additional advantage of being able to trial a services without huge
up-front costs. Commitment terms vary, but generally allow for an easy
out if things don't turn out to be suitable.Of
course working on what is effectively somebody else's infrastructure,
over the internet or "in the cloud", inevitably brings up questions of
security and availability. While system security is, quite rightly,
something each organisation should investigate, in the majority of cases
standards are extremely high. The threat, if such exists, is not from
hackers breaching the encryption but more likely from someone in your
offices writing their log-in information on a discarded post-it note!As
for availability, with 24/7/365 monitoring and so-called double
redundant systems it could be argued you'll receive greater reliability
from SaaS than you might from running your own server.So
returning to our original question: can facilities management software
deliver the nirvana of increased efficiency while helping you reduce
costs? It can certainly offer tremendous advantages over de-centralised
practices. It has definitely become more affordable - certainly within
the budget of most asset management organisations. The right provider
can offer you flexibility and a vast array of customisation options.
Perfect? Probably not, but if you're not currently using CMMS it could
be a very big step in the right direction.
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【转载】大视野:微信收费的可能性 楼市仍处黄金期_证


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