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◇ Wang Shichuan

in recent years,asics running shoes, the state of township health is made, shortly before the State Council reform office director Sun Zhigang said, the central three years a total investment of about 60000000000, support more than 2200 county-level hospitals, 3 more than a basic medical and health institutions and village health room construction. But the announcement from the audit report, some of the funds use worrying. Investigation shows that, despite the lack of basic medical institutions, but there are still nearly 80000000 yuan in the construction of misappropriated funds. At the same time, the individual project construction procedure does not comply with the provisions of.
of course, the lack of not only the people,abercrombie and fitch, but also the lack of facilities. Or in the case of Zunyi, medical apparatus and instruments most village health room only stethoscope, thermometers, blood pressure and other old 3, unable to meet the medical needs of farmers. In this way,hollister, the farmer is sick can not see a doctor in the village, had poured into the county or city, natural appear similar to "the people of the whole country run union" doctor "".
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no qualified medical personnel,hollister, the villagers not only difficult, but also easy to be misdiagnosed or as mice. In November last year, Anhui Guoyang County town of more than 100 people to Dan Henan Maqiao town near the city of Yongcheng, a private clinic for intravenous injection, the results were infected,abercrombie. The reason is, the clinic "not previously listed,hollister france, is relatively simple, poor sanitary conditions, and the so-called" doctor, also not in the City Health Bureau for the record.

some extent, rural hollow and empty health has certain correlation. If the township not good doctors, good teachers, the township changed the outlook is almost impossible,hollister, the public service quality greatly reduced. To alleviate the difficulty and expensive, enrich the township medical resources is the necessary path. One time in hardware, on the other hand, should improve the rural medical staff, make excellent medical talents willing to sink, stay.
Yangtze daily news agency released 6 of the 45 rural counties of the construction of medical and health service system the special audit investigation shows,hollister, as of 2011 6 at the end of the month, the number of health workers per thousand population in township hospitals,supra shoes, county hospital for 1.2 people and 1.09 people respectively, far below the average level in 2010 4.37 people nationwide. Average every 4.5 village health room only 1 are practicing rural doctors qualified personnel. (the April 7th "people's Daily")
basic lack of doctors, nurses, medical technicians lack lack is a common phenomenon in the more long-term. Taking Zunyi as an example. In 2010 March, Guizhou City, Zunyi Province Health Department issued a about rural health survey report &quot,hollister france;, from 1993 to now, our city more than 200 township health centers, no added a formal establishment of medical personnel,hollister france. The city has more than 50% farmers in the short term no money,air jordan; poverty population with 25% of the population is poverty caused by illness." Zunyi County Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine as a responsible person said, "a considerable part of hospital only 3 people to 4 people, individual township health centers or even only 2 people, even the most basic epidemic prevention, women's work cannot be completed, not to mention the doctor to solve the problem of local people."
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According to local police, the incident began when a police officer on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus was shot dead by two men. These men then left the campus in the officer's police car around 10:30 pm local time. The two suspects then carried out an armed carjacking in Watertown.
发表于 2013-4-24 04:08:57 | 只看该作者

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