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发表于 2013-4-28 03:51:25 | 只看该作者

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AP   (reporter Zhang Heping) the reporter learns, from Zhejiang city of Wenzhou province procuratorial departments in June 22nd,abercrombie, Wenzhou Procuratorate on suspicion of the crime of breach of privilege, according to the arrest of the Wenzhou property "door" main responsibility person, Wenzhou City alterations command raw party secretary, deputy commander, the old city reconstruction headquarters under the Wenzhou real estate joint limited company chairman Wu Quanshu.
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Rodriguez said Hallet received economic resources from some foreign non-governmental organizations, which he transferred to the students and young members of right-wing parties to perform violent actions.
Rodriguez said 500 videos were seized from Hallet, as a proof of his engagement with destabilization plans against Maduro's government.
发表于 2013-4-28 04:10:10 | 只看该作者

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yesterday afternoon, Guangzhou City Economic and Trade Commission, Guangzhou City SME Bureau held a "government bank project financing docking in the Hotel Canton". According to City Economic and Trade Commission official responsible for the introduction, the purpose of the meeting is to build a platform for exchange and cooperation, realize the financing docking enterprises and financial institutions, the implementation of political cooperation project.
发表于 2013-4-28 05:15:09 | 只看该作者

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2011, the completion of the city's above-scale industrial output value of 1.27 yuan, of which the vast majority of manufacturing industry contributed.

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about 3000000 Guangfo pass card, even half is to charge a deposit of ordinary card, the annual interest is a great "xiangbobo", that deposit behavior may exist, some people suggested that such a question. Yesterday, the company said, Guangfo pass card to charge a deposit of only about one hundred thousand, the interest for their huge operation cost is very little.
发表于 2013-4-28 06:44:11 | 只看该作者

May 17th afternoon at 2 o'clock

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May 17th afternoon at 2 o'clock, the sixth grade students Chen Nanjing Jiangning Science Park Primary School in class with students fighting, be the teacher call up to the back of the classroom. Then, the teacher found two operations without writing, asking them to the podium and homework. 20 minutes later, Chen classmate suddenly faint in the ground, the teacher found the situation,air jordan pas cher, immediately took him from the ground up and rescue,michael kors outlet, and call 110, call 120 and report to the leadership of the school,supra shoes. They rushed to a hospital for treatment,oakley sunglasses, but died.
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through detailed investigation report, will find the United States of America has been in the tangled as to why general enterprises to set up party committees, and why the company executives have served in the army." A person in charge told reporters reluctantly, the United States will these things as a "evidence" to demonstrated the relationship between enterprise and government, and to investigate the company R & D center, sales channels and manufacturing factory results have been cast aside, this let waiting for nearly a year they feel very disappointed. Mr
发表于 2013-4-28 08:13:54 | 只看该作者

发表于 2013-4-28 10:11:13 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2013-4-28 13:38:54 | 只看该作者

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