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发表于 2013-6-3 20:56:48 | 只看该作者

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Indian State vs. the Maoists: A Protracted Battle
By Nitin Gokhale
The greatest possible threat to India s progress is posed by a violent Maoist movement spread across the country.
Our aim is to overthrow this democracy and parliamentary rule ,toms coupon code, which are nothing but means for the dictatorship of the feudals and comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie, which stand in complete opposition to 95% of the population s interests, using armed force, to establish a new people s power. We feel it is a wonder of wonders to say that these elections and the parliament are sacred and that the present rule is the highest form of democratic rule .
CPI  philosophy of armed struggle to overthrow the Indian...
360° Analysis / Ahmad Al-Assir / Al-Qusayr / Chris Zambelis / Foreign Fighters / Hezbollah / Iran / Lebanon / March 14 bloc / March 8 bloc / Saad Al-Hariri / Salafism / Salem Al-Rifai / Sectarianism / Shia / Sidon / Sunni / Syria / Syrian Civil War / Middle East / Global Security
Lebanese Salafist Cleric Organizes Militia Forays into Syria
By Chris Zambelis
Chris Zambelis analyzes the recent decision of Lebanese Salafist cleric Shaykh Ahmad al-Assir to mobilize an armed militia to join the uprising in Syria and its implications for Lebanon. The role of Al-Assir, who singles out Hezbollah and Iran as malicious and hegemonic forces, has to be understood in the unique context of his home base in Sidon, southern Lebanon. [Note: This article was originally published by The Jamestown Foundation.]
With the militarization of the Syrian uprising complete,black toms, the makeup of the violent insurrection that is raging across Syria remains a topic of scrutiny. The assemblage of competing opposition forces persists in its attempts to coalesce a viable political...
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The Prevalence of Sectarianism: Hezbollah and the Syrian Civil War
By Dr. Josef Olmert
The civil war in Syria, despite claims to the contrary, is in its core a sectarian struggle. Josef Olmert, former Israeli peace negotiator, argues that the situation in Syria is an example of the historic Sunni-Shi ite struggle in which Israel is not to blame.
Violent civil conflict and full-fledged civil wars have been a common feature in themodern history of the Levant. In one of the speeches explaining his involvement in the Lebanese Civil War of 1975,toms shoes sale, Hafiz al-Assad said bluntly that Lebanon and Syria were one country,toms uk, artificially separated by the machinations of Western imperialism. Therefore, he went on, Syria had a full right to intervene in Lebanon. What Assad senior did...
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Extinguishing Terror: Tempering Reaction in the Aftermath of an Attack
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As individuals, and as a society, we wrongly react to terrorist attacks. We must ensure that the risks are greater than the benefits forpotential terrorists,toms shoes, in order to discourage them from perpetrating heinous acts that harm innocent people.
The bombings that occurred at the Boston Marathon on April 15were tragic. Every American has been reminded once again that he or she is not impervious to those who seek to harm the innocent using violent measures. Regardless of the fact that the Tsarnaev brothers were two radicalized Chechen immigrants, homegrown, and from a different part of the world, it is held that there are measures we can take as a society to minimize the...
360° Analysis / China Diplomacy / China-North Korea Foreign Relations / Economic Reforms in Asia / Eric Lowe / Kim Dynasty / Korean peninsula / North Korea nuclear Crisis / Nuclear Crisis / Politics / Global Security / Asia
Why the China-North Korea Relationship Needs a Fresh Coat of Paint
By Eric Lowe
China s buffer diplomacy plan at the heart of its bilateral relations with North Korea shows signs of new thinking.
In the days and weeks since the North Korea nuclear crisis began, there has been a scramble of analyses over what happened and what will happen next.The tenor of this analysis was incorporated in a Timothy Beardon commentary for the Financial Times under the headline, Chinese Support for North Korea is Quite Rational. The piece argued that China would continue to support North Korea no matter what. It further argued that China did not want a united Korea allied to the US and the possibility of an influx of refugees if the North Korean...
360° Analysis / Annika Schall / Boston bombing / Chechnya / Dagestan / Dzhokhar Tsarvaev / Politics / Ramzan Kadyrov / Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik / Tamerlan Tsarnaev / United States / Europe / Global Security
After the Boston Attacks: The Role of Terrorism in the Northern Caucasus
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Because the Boston Bombers came from Chechnya,toms uk Taking a Bite Out of Pit Bull Panic  547,toms flats, the country is now back on the public agenda. Uwe Halbachanalyzes the situation in Chechnya and sheds light on the background of Islamist terror in the Northern Caucasus.
With the Boston Bombings, public attention has returned to the subject that disappeared from the media over the last few years: Chechnya, the attackers country of a origin. At present, it appears that Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were acting independently. There is evidence that suggests the older brother, Tamerlan who seems to have initiated the attack had travelled to the Northern Caucasus where he could have taken on radical Islamist views....
360° Analysis / Barack Obama / Bashar Al-Assad / Diplomacy / Israel / Jeffrey Laurenti / Lakhdar Brahimi / Negotiations / Nobel Prize / Politics / Recep Tayyip Erdogan / Ryan Crocker / Syria / Syrian Civil War / Turkey / UN resolution / United States / Europe / Middle East / Global Security
Obama Earns His Nobel Prize on Syria
By Jeffrey Laurenti
Syria is not Iraq. Outside Washington, the US seems strongly opposed to deep involvement in the Syrian conflict. Obama s caution is on the mark, argues Jeffrey Laurenti.
As pressures mount in Washington for a more aggressive American involvement on behalf of at least some rebel groups in Syria, President Obama has seemed intent on proving the Nobel committee was farsighted in awarding him its peace prize four years ago.
He sent Secretary of State John Kerry to Moscow this month with an initiative to re-engage diplomatically with Russia to end the war, through an international conference in June. It could not come soon enough. The Syrian government has, by all accounts,toms shoes Peter Boutell, Lending a Hand- Getting, begun to win back...
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发表于 2013-6-3 21:26:00 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-6-3 21:32:15 | 只看该作者

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JONESBORO, AR  - For the past couple of years, one school in Region 8 takes additional measures when checking students in for prom to keep them safer.
Apart from their apparel and accessories, these past few years students from Jonesboro High School have added passing the Breathalyzer test to their Prom AGENDA.
Every student who attends prom at JHS is expected to take an Alcohol Detection Test to be let in.
As shocking as it may seem,toms uk, High School Principal Dr. Mike Skelton said it was students who stood up and took the initiative to keep the streets of Jonesboro safe on prom night.
"They were concern about some of the students from Jonesboro High School coming to some of our dances and other activities under the influence of alcohol", Dr. Skelton says.
Skelton says this practice isn t meant to get everyone they can in trouble but to help them.
"We have great students here first and foremost at Jonesboro High School and I tell our parents and our staff this all the time is that, "even good kids make mistakes sometimes", Dr. Skelton says.
He says the week of the dance the school spends time through school announcements explaining alcohol dangers and warning their students about the alcohol tests at Prom.
At JHS the policy is that if you fail the test, your parents are notified, you are cited, suspended and in extreme cases arrested.
If this plan is appealing to you and you want it in your community,black toms An instrument for SMEs  202, Skelton says you need to voice your opinion to your teen s school.
He says that every year since they began the practice, prom has ended on good terms and he hope it s the case again tonight.
This is probably one of the most memorable things you will ever experience in High School but we want them to do it without the use of drugs or alcohol you can still have a good time and enjoy each other s company without the use of those things", says Skelton.
We asked the public on our Facebook , "Should Breathalyzers be used at prom?" We got lots of responses and Abby Grace Hurt says, "No. The problem is not drunk kids at prom... The problem is that kids aren t even staying halfway through prom before leaving to party."
While Martha Abington McMillin says, "Yes, because of some of the students that s what they have to do.
It has proven in the past to have saved lives and the end result keeps from spoiling it for the ones who are there to have fun."
Since they only administer the breathalyzer tests when students first enter, Skelton says they prevent students who leave and come back with alcohol by not letting them back in.
Copyright 2013KAIT,toms wedges. All rights reserved.
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