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发表于 2013-6-4 08:10:06 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-6-4 08:41:57 | 只看该作者

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Longchamp va créer 100 emplois à Segré
Le maroquinier agrandit son usine de Segré pour accompagner son développement. L'entreprise, qui appartient à la famille Cassegrain, emploie déjà 420 salariés sur place, dont 30 ont été embauchés cette année. En termes industriels, le maroquinier va investir de 15 à 20 millions de francs à Segré dans une extension de 4.500 m2 livrables en février 1999. Cet investissement prolongera une usine ultramoderne de 15.000 m2, inaugurée l'année dernière.
Au-delà de l'outil de production, c'est l'investissement humain qui constitue le véritable enjeu pour cette entreprise, qui a la réputation de limiter la sous-traitance au minimum. ? Dans notre métier, il faut trois ou quatre ans pour former un bon ouvrier ?, souligne Luc Fremont, directeur de production. Si les prévisions de croissance se confirment, Longchamp envisage de créer dans les quatre ou cinq ans une usine de 5.000 m2 à Laval (Mayenne). En fonction de la demande, celle-ci 46 pourrait quadrupler pour atteindre la taille de celle de Segré.
Cette montée en puissance est fondée sur des prévisions de forte croissance. A elle seule, la présentation de la collection hiver 1998-1999 a entra?né une hausse de 50 % du volume de commandes. En Acheter Sac à Main Lancel w0o 1997, le maroquiner a atteint les 300 millions de chiffre d'affaires, en hausse de 40 millions par rapport à 1996, pour une rentabilité nette après imp?t proche de 8 %.
Longchamp, dont la gamme va du portefeuille à la valise, en passant par le sac à main (50 % du chiffre d'affaires), récolte les fruits d'efforts publicitaires et d'une campagne commerciale importante, Sacs Lancel 2013 notamment à l'export. Le maroquinier a bien résisté à la crise asiatique en diversifiant ses marchés extérieurs, où il réalise 40 % de ses ventes. En France, Longchamp étoffe son réseau de boutiques, en se préparant à ouvrir un 9e point de vente de 300 m2 rue Saint-Honoré, à Paris.
Conformément à la loi Informatique et Liberté n° 78-17 du Sacs à Main Lancel Solde 6 janvier 1978 relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, nous nous engageons à informer les personnes qui fournissent des données nominatives sur notre site de leurs droits, notamment de leur Lancel Livraison Gratuite 104 droit d'accès et de rectification sur ces données nominatives. Nous nous engageons à prendre toutes précautions afin de préserver la sécurité de ces informations et notamment empêcher qu'elles ne soient déformées, endommagées ou communiquées à des tiers.
发表于 2013-6-4 08:57:34 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2013-6-4 10:01:32 | 只看该作者

all star converse ‘Every game counts’ – until i

Alabama's DeMarcus DuBose celebrates after the BCS National
Championship college football game against LSU Monday in New
Orleans. Alabama won 21-0,converse all star Update- Fatal wreck victim ident.?

'The same people who said LSU was the best team in college
football all season had to concede that Alabama was the far better
team Monday night.

So who's really No. 1?

That depends on whether you buy into the Bowl Championship Series'
version of a national title. Remember that after you strip away the
pseudo-science, fuzzy math and constant tweaks,all star converse, the BCS champion is
still decided by a poll of coaches - and a prearranged one at

So maybe the only thing everyone can agree on is that when LSU
coach Les Miles said after the game,converse all star ox, "That's for the voters to
figure,converse allstar," he certainly wasn't lobbying his fellow coaches. They are
required to put the winner of the BCS title game on the top line of
their final ballot, which,converse all stars, as one frequent critic of the cartel
noted, is "like a North Korean election."

Alabama was the overwhelming No. 1 choice in the final Associated
Press poll of writers and broadcasters as well, but not unanimous.
The Tide rolled up 55 first-place votes among the 60 ballots cast;
Oklahoma State got four and LSU got the final one. It's that lone
vote for the Tigers,converse all star, though,converse all star shoes, that's stuck in the craw of the BCS
faithful the day after, likely because the guy who cast it, Erik
Gee of KNML-AM in Albuquerque, N.M., said he intended to pick LSU
no matter how the rematch turned out. And it turns out he's got
plenty to back him up.

Alabama and LSU are 1-1 head-to-head. LSU, in addition to being the
SEC champion - at Bama's expense,converse all star chuck taylor, no less - also played a much
tougher schedule. The Tigers were 5-1 against teams that finished
in the final AP Top 25, and 8-1 against teams ranked at the time
they played; Alabama was 2-1 and 4-1 in those situations. Oklahoma
State, meanwhile, finished 4-0 against teams in the final Top 25
and likely would have claimed Alabama's spot in the title were it
not for an emotional overtime loss at lowly Iowa State.

All the people going after Gee on message boards are aiming their
barbs at the wrong target. It's the BCS that's making a mockery out
of college football, and if TV ratings are any indication, fans are
growing tired of the constant promises to get it right. The 14.0
rating for what was an almost-unbearable kicking contest was the
second-lowest of the 14 BCS title games. Even so, that left plenty
of people mad at Gee.

"It hasn't been nearly as bad today as I expected," he said in a
telephone interview Tuesday. "But I'll be clear one more time: I
don't dislike Alabama. If the roles had been reversed, I would have
picked Alabama."

Gee is a 39-year-old radio host who knows his way around a
controversy. For the record, he grew up all over the country as the
son of a Marine-turned-high-school football coach and graduated
from Oklahoma with a degree in journalism. An examination of his
ballots - AP makes them public - shows a consistent, conscientious
voter. Plus, he can defend himself, something Gee has been doing
often since first announcing his decision to stick with LSU in
early December. That was right after the BCS blithely ignored two
of its own unwritten rules - a team must win its conference
championship; the title game shouldn't be a rematch of a
regular-season game - so Alabama and LSU could meet again in Super

There was plenty of talk at the time about the possibility of yet
another split national championship. Those weren't unusual in the
days before the BCS hijacked the postseason in 1998 by inserting
itself as the middleman between the power conferences, bowl
committees and TV partners and making sure everybody got a hefty
paycheck. The only time the BCS and AP polls split since then was
in January 2004. That's when a loaded Southern California team was
nosed out of a spot in the title game by Oklahoma and went on to
crush Michigan in the Rose Bowl. Several days later,converse all star shoes Spelling Bee begins with 1, BCS No. 1 pick
LSU - then-coached by Nick Saban - narrowly outlasted the Sooners
and took home what anybody without a rooting interest would have
called a tarnished trophy. The Trojans won the final AP poll

We used to call the national championship "mythical," and despite
the Frankenstein-like creation that is the BCS and until there's a
playoff, it will stay that way. Only the names of the schools that
get kicked to the curb changes from year to year.

Speaking of change, the BCS is promising to do that for the
umpteenth time. Maybe because a playoff would bring in more money,
or shore up the terrible TV ratings, or get critics off their back,
the people in charge are going to re-examine their options. For all
the fake promises in the past, there's actually a chance a
four-team playoff could result. Don't count on it.

The feeling here is never, ever trust the BCS. It keeps boasting
"Every Game Counts" even though its own national title matchup
proved it didn't.

Jim Litke is a national sports columnist for The Associated Press.
Write to him at jlitkeap.org.
发表于 2013-6-4 10:30:04 | 只看该作者

converse all stars Cyber security among CBA's 'top

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CBA chief executive Ian Narev Photo: Louie Douvis

George Liondis and James Hutchinson

Ian Narev,converse all star ox,converse allstar Shelley Fralic- Women really have, chief executive of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, says the threat of a cyber attack is one of his biggest fears,converse all star chuck taylor, underscoring security concerns after claims that Australia s domestic spy agency was targeted by Chinese hackers.
Mr Narev commented on Tuesday following a report on the ABC s Four Corners program on Monday night,all star converse, which alleged that hackers in China stole the blueprints of the $630 million building that will house the Australia Security Intelligence Organisation.
Video of Narev Don t ERASE tksThe CBA boss, who had not seen the Four Corners report, told the Group of 100 congress of leading finance executives that the changing nature of banking in an online world presented risks that needed to be managed.
The security of our perimeter and our ability to understand what sorts of things people might try to do, what sorts of ways they could put our relationship with customers in jeopardy, is something we worry about all the time, Mr Narev said when asked about cyber attacks.
I would put it in my top two or three concerns, not of specific concerns but general concerns. We just can t spend enough time and money making sure this is right, front and centre of what we do.
The Four Corners report alleged not only were the plans for the ASIO building in Canberra stolen,converse allstar, but also details of the communications cabling, server locations,converse all star shoes,converse all star chuck taylor Biking the nation, corner to corner  955, floor plans and security systems. Four Corners also alleged Australian government and business networks were under much heavier cyber attacks than the government has admitted.Politicians respond
Prime Minister Julia Gillard described parts of the ABC report as inaccurate and Foreign Minister Bob Carr said the case would not threaten Australia s relationship with China; the Greens called for an independent inquiry into the matter.
Mr Narev is the latest big bank boss to warn about cyber security after Westpac chairman Lindsay Maxsted said in January that the group was continuously attacked by criminal elements .
Other industry experts added to the chorus of concern on Tuesday, warning that the finance sector was a prime target for cyber criminals.
I think it s an emerging issue and I don t think there s enough understanding and awareness at the official level, Credit Union Australia chief information officer David Gee said.
There are so many different operational threats competing for bandwidth and this is one of those things. Being a bank and moving from bricks and mortar more and more to digital, it becomes more critical for us to nail this and I think when it come down to it, it s too easy [to target banks].
University of Western Australia retired professor-at-large Kenneth Morgan said organisations were reluctant to talk about attacks on them.
People have pride, they don t want to see that someone can break into the piggy bank, he said.
发表于 2013-6-4 11:28:40 | 只看该作者

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Washington should react to natural disasters as Tom Coburn does, the author says. | AP Photo

If you really want to know how we got to nearly $17 trillion in debt,dr dre headphones, all you need to do is look at the reaction of Washington politicians as soon as a devastating tornado touched down in Moore, Okla. Former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has said that You never let a serious crisis go to waste. Boy, did he mean it.
Within hours of the end of the devastation,monster headphones, the discussion had shifted off the victims onto questions of how the federal spigot might be turned on in the name of emergency disaster relief. Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana stood on the Senate floor and said After a disaster,cheap beats by dre, our citizens don t need or want a debate on funding. What they want is help.
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A crisis has occurred, and yet again, Washington seems hell-bent on following the same old playbook: pass an oversized bill that isn t paid for,monster headphones All Time Record Gold Transactio, loaded with pork and with little to no oversight and accountability. While at this point it is unclear that a supplemental bill is even required, the political posturing has already begun. That s exactly why the position Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn has taken on disaster relief is so important.
It goes without saying that Coburn cares as much, and probably more,beats headphones, than any other politician in Washington about the well-being of the people of Oklahoma. This is not about caring. And it s not about getting financial assistance to the tornado victims. They will receive assistance no one denies that federal aid may be appropriate. This is about how Washington works, and why our nation s finances are on the brink of bankruptcy.
Instead of hyperventilating like most politicians in the wake of a local disaster,beats by dre, Coburn has thoughtfully and sensibly said essentially this: While my state is in a time of need, let s not forget the needs of the country. Let s first look to use existing disaster relief funds to help Oklahoma. If that s not enough to do the job, then let s look at our $4 trillion budget and trim just a tiny fraction of funding from one of hundreds of wasteful and duplicative programs in order to help the tornado victims. And let s not use the tragedy in my state to go on yet another spending spree that goes well beyond Oklahoma s emergency needs and adds billions more to our debt.
Every state and every congressional district is at risk of being victimized by a natural disaster. Thus, instead of every politician using the next disaster as an excuse for more spending and more debt, why don t we all just agree ahead of time that when disasters do happen, we will first use existing funds and then look to trim funds from lower priority areas, rather than going further into debt? Coburn is setting a courageous and wise example for everyone.
If Washington reacted to natural disasters as Coburn does,beats by dre Twitter users sent more than 150 mill, not only would Americans who need help in times of crisis get what they need from the federal government, but they d get it without putting more debt on the backs of future generations. In contrast, Washington politicians make us all pay the price for their ineptitude. Rahm Emanuel was only partly right: When there is a crisis, Washington looks for any opportunity to waste.
Chris Chocola, a former congressman from Indiana, is president of the Club for Growth

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