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发表于 2013-3-13 01:23:55 | 只看该作者

at the moment

n and reach the alert of battling to the whole warship bottom.But at under the drill circumstance like this, how the Qiong Si can not imagine will have a hostile submarine will thus and stubbornly move an attack, and is at the eyelid of the seventh fleet underneath.Class dream factory 73 chapter 73s south china sea crisis(four)
"The antisubmarine helicopter immediately finds out a circumstance, immediately" Qiong Si still entertains imagination and really hopes that the unmanned submarine sinks because the internal equipments promises.
The antisubmarine helicopter immediately turned one the curved facing matter location fly.Be responsible for the television station helicopter that broadcasts live to the drill whole distanceses to even early fly to settle a dispute a location, and sent back appearance television station.
There is video frequency equipments on the antisubmarine helicopter, too, the picture moment spread to uncle of Wei Er and sail mother of falconet up establish a seventh fleet to direct room at the time inside.The expert in the in command of room sees the circumstance on the surface immediately feel circumstance not to, however their viewpoints are as just about as Qiong Si:It is peaceful period, and then is a military exercise, absolutely can't have that nation dare to the United States the seventh fleet move an attack like this, even if being an unmanned submarine is also impossible.Russia can't, China also not dares
What the experts could make is to continue in this time analytical, and immediately notice the seventh fleet be responsible for the submarine things of the past location of escort to rush through.All press to there is sonar on the submarine,jordan 4 cavs, to settling a dispute a location should ability now what.
The unreal submarine is under the control of dream factory, very quick floated 50 meters from underwater 200 meterses or so position, and pull the distance to gather together two kilometers of positions with uncle of Wei Er, wait for an attackstoning of end.Class dream factory 73 chapter 73s south china sea crisis(four)
From the screen of dream factory, the week Yu morning can know of see the whole circumstances of the spot.Underwater, the normal regulations power in two United States submarine has already hither closed to.More antisubmarine helicopters also fly to face a matter location at the same time.
"Up float
, Show American guy our submarines is how at their eyelid underneath the shot sink their uncle of Wei Er"week Yu the morning calm down of under reached instruction, at the moment,airjordansoutlet.com, the week Yu morning feels the general that he is really an in command of battle.
The submarine is fast to up float, after short two minutes, submarine from the underwater 50 meters lesser half the body rear at surface up.The week
发表于 2013-3-13 01:34:40 | 只看该作者


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one may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. when you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love.;你想的太多了,为什么不和别人一样呢?”“因为我不是别人。如果我不能把命运赐予我的最好的能力展现出来,那么命运为什么要把这种能力赐予我,那么我过这一生又有什么意义,hollister,我又怎么能在回首往事的时候坦然地说我做到了我能做到的最好的事,我成为了我可能成为的最好的我,而不仅仅是去做一个人,一个普通人,哪怕在别人眼里是不普通的、成功的、幸福的?”
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one may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. when you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love.。”俄狄浦斯低下了高傲的头颅,毕竟弑父取母并不是什么值得高兴的事,“我做事从不后悔,也绝不后悔。&rdquo,jimmy choo;“好了,你可以进去了。”精灵推开了俄狄浦斯身前的门。
更新时间:2009-01-03文章来源:散文吧 作者:诸事不顺生 点击:次阅读字号: 大 中 小
发表于 2013-3-13 04:44:24 | 只看该作者

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