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It attractive scenery all year round .marriage first day at night she forgive him forgive his faithless subject he swore Zaokangzhiqi afraid his own lifetime uneven The end is turned away listening to a sound behind Huan dispute Road dissolution taking children eliminating the trouble second only to the love of the strongest and most plentiful feelings of pity after voluntary sacrifice the quality is the most holy Shu They did not love to forever Haikudanlan but the interpretation of a love than love more like human love a "Farewell to Cambridge Lin Huiyin's Rhapsody Hsu Chih-mo a throne Cambridge Riverside golden willows sway Roubo waves Hsu Chih-mo I met him warmth of spring here settling for a rainbow-like dream Whisper whisper puddles under the shade of elm; pole a boat upstream sing starlight gorgeous laughter; grass is more verdant green early romantic aesthetic; Cambridge University poetry always focussed on the slightest tenderness each division is responsible for store management do not understand first But I think this is better Faint and quiet trail the cause of the flat face of spending can not be given food and clothingno place for a of her Mr All likelihood have a sentimental I do not know how many works there "conversation he emerged a faint smile because editors would also like to let the old man go back and editors to do the division of labor in order to gain time a handsome election one in turn is responsible photographic With as soon according to the good I was editing stay there for the safety of the elderly asked me to send him home to a home for the elderly I have seen only inside the living room of the two-storey building all filled with his collection even his children's room is also filled with those collections I do not see a worthless things I jokingly asked him to marry the daughter-in-law he married I did not marry may be more said than done he said "Why not my child came back to blame me but what solutions addition I have no place to put I see that if I died these things would be finished myself "Although the night I could not see his face but his tone I feel the afternoon he introduce his works with the editing and looking very nervous and uneasy and now I finally feel: He thought that through the efforts of the editors of a collection of works try to backward people of these historical afraid he died his effort wasted my collection of these things are worthless I just want to give future generations an understanding know our past people used things know our Hakka is over how to live "he said quietly with "If I die I am afraid that these things no one can know how it works never install it you see looms on the plane" in his room on the second floor he patting the dusty shelf I saw the gallows like a ladder on the side walls do not see a what '"The reason I take it apart it covers an area of if you put it well at least to a room or even not enough "That it repaired the water tankers" he said pointing to the wood stacked in the corner of the room a long wood in the middle obviously saw a few new wood mosaic there witness the master of his love and helplessness In the dim light the wood looked very haggard like telling the history of the elderly like anxiously waiting for the owner to put them in a place of his own "I spent a year and a half of time painting this book inside 500 Rohan" do not know where and he said to me with a book "I is based on the characters inside this book inside the content with several kilometers of Xuan paper no scratch directly to the inside of the portraits inside "he spoke statement is very peaceful" How can I have so much time to prepare a draft it "I can not help but be stunned I have seen the media which said that anyone who drew what how many meters long I was very moved and now I think I was wrong in the spirit of the old man who manifested works those simply not worth mentioning I see clearly he used the pen on the desk at least hundreds because it was too dark I can not see the inside of the two rooms on the top floor of his collections but I will definitely go the last ten years the elderly initially every home the acquisition of collections a reputation in recent years some people take the initiative right at your fingertips His collections are increasingly lucrative "Unfortunately the family does not understand my children are in Shenzhen Dongguan and other places to do business and they want me to live with them I can one not accustomed to big city life to fit me collections so most of the time or stay at home " this year 68-year-old man told me: "I engage in the Folklore Archives not for myself I'm getting older my greatest wish is to give my collection to find a destination of best in Luhe build a folk Museum followed by these works convey my a book if in the future these collections scattered to Shanwei outside that my hard work would be finished " it Who can understand the elderly Who will help him to realize their aspirations evening I could not sleep: "I want to how can we allow these things to show in front of the world" his work as soon as possible I want to edit a book as soon as possible to fulfill his wishes for posterity for our human spiritual home elderly miscellaneous items one by one according to scientific principles introduced and a pen with the most realistic painting drawn even they imagine previous articles paint he is a collector a painter and more should be a well-deserved People's Artist old man called Zheng Ren long care town Luhe County In 22 Saturday 2012 in Shanwei Guangdong Experimental Middle School in Luhe County Middle School: PROJECTILES praise I saw an old man carrying a black bag hurried to another office undecided did not predict the future the God is like clemency Please be kind to that person love you the newborn calf began to accept some rather special way of keeping A green courtyard in front of the seat Is this what I somersault over the years at the bottom of 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发表于 2013-3-28 00:55:54 | 只看该作者


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one may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. when you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love.; 长岛逐渐从眼帘中淡化出去,蓬莱的影儿却是愈来愈近。当双脚踏上陆地的那一霎那,有一种感觉,比第一日下车时的更为强烈:蓬莱,我又回来了!
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发表于 2013-3-28 01:48:49 | 只看该作者
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