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发表于 2013-1-13 18:10:35 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-13 18:11:53 | 只看该作者
不错啊! 一个字牛啊!

发表于 2013-1-13 18:31:06 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-13 19:03:26 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-13 19:27:10 | 只看该作者

In new network on 3 November

In new network on 3 November, integrated media reports, the international criminal court prosecutor Lewis Moreno Ocampo • &bull,hollister online shop; they are disclosed, and the second son of Al-qaddafi Saif,hollister online shop. Let their surrender terms,hollister.
The court spokesman Fadi • Abdullah said, Wakasai Yoshio indeed have surrendered to intend, extradition procedures will be considered his country and,hollister france.After the news of Saif denied rumors of surrender.
The International Criminal Court said they did have received “ Saif individuals from their hiding place issued on the surrender legal problems, including &rdquo,hollister; if he surrendered to the tribunal will be how to treat, whether he will be sent back to Libya, if he is convicted or acquitted will do and so on.
The prosecutor's office has a clear reply,franklin marshall, he can ask the judge convicted or acquitted in after he returned to Libya, and sent to a consent to his country.However, if the Libya authorities decided to investigate the crime of the International Criminal Court to prosecute Seif and Senussi, Libya authorities to the International Criminal Court to the international criminal court case,hollister berlin, the judge will consider removing.
According to the Rome statute, when a country to pursue in good faith legal procedures, the International Criminal Court will not be involved.Previously, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said Ocampo,hollister, former Libya leader Al-qaddafi's son Saif is likely to get some mercenaries to help, trying to escape from Libya.
To this Ocampo said: “ we also received some news, some of the mercenaries may help Saif escape from Libya.We call on all countries to make every effort to avoid this,doudoune moncler pas cher.” Ocampo also said,woolrich, prosecutors office will continue to search for Saif and Senussi's personal property, so that by the court's decision as a potential victim compensation.
At the same time,moncler pas cher, the International Criminal Court will continue to investigate the gender crimes in Libya.The office of the prosecutor and the accused Al-qaddafi of security forces carried out more than victims of sexual violence out of contact with.
Prosecutors Office collected some evidence, Al-qaddafi's commander in the country western a mountainous area ordered the implementation of rape,hollister.The Libya conflict took place in February of this year, the Security Council passed resolution 1970th, will David Villa situation over the international criminal court.
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A top Somali pirate commander announces retirement and as well calls on other Somali pirates to quit the illegal maritime exercise along the gulf of Eden. In what many would consider a bizarre turn, Pirate kingpin Mohammed Abdi Hassan announced his retirement from piracy at a ceremony in the central Somali town of Adado where he declared pulling his pirate boys from the shores with immediate effect.
发表于 2013-1-13 23:41:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-14 00:26:23 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-14 00:32:03 | 只看该作者

first quarter of this year

The first half of the average stock base net redemption ultra billion statistics show, excluding QDII and set up less than a year the base of the shares, 301 open-end stock based on half of the total was a net redemption 38566000000, average every fund is a net redemption 128000000, wherein, one quarter of the average unit base is a net redemption 55000000, the two quarter average stocks base is a net redemption 73000000.
If from the first half of each purchase and redemption of shares based on net,doudoune moncler pas cher, rich 300,hollister, Xinhua growth and financing of 100 61 shares based on the first half of the year showed a net purchase state, and where the rich 300, financing 100 and us 300, 33 stocks base not only during the first half of the overall show is the net purchase state, and the one or two quarter of two a single season showed a net purchase state.
From the first half of the overall is a net redemption fund, US 50, throwing power, letter to build value, Cathay Pacific eagle and the Great Wall preferably 5 stocks base is a net redemption share of more than 1000000000 copies.
By the first half of the year the purchase and redemption of fund net and at the end of last year the total share compared to central value, Xinhua, growth and investment 100 16 stocks base half share increase over 10%.
(Chen Wenbin) data show,air jordan, excluding QDII and set up less than a year's fund,hollister online shop, 301 open-end stock base two quarter average net growth rate of about as of 4%, while the Shanghai Composite Index over the same period down 1.
65%. while 301 open shares based on performance in the two quarter to outperform the market by about 5.65 percentage points, but faced with the fund share shrink embarrassment, the average fund redemption 72630000.
Further statistics, 112 stocks base net growth rate in the last four quarters to rise and fall, but the fund share is the four consecutive quarter is a net redemption.The specific point of view, there are 113 open stock based continuous seasons was a net redemption, among them, only the 1 Chinese core power stocks base not only continuous seasons was a net redemption, and the net growth rate of consecutive seasons is negative.
The other 112 stocks base although not consecutive seasons is a net redemption of fate, but at least one quarter of the net growth rate is positive.From each quarter, in the three quarter of last year and the four quarter of 113 consecutive seasons, only the redeemed share the base without a fund net growth rate is the second half of last year, and the market environment is extremely depressed,franklin marshall.
The three quarter of last year, 113 stocks base in the net growth rate relative to the maximum is about the theme of consumption, the net growth rate fell by 5.81%; and the four quarter of the net growth rate decreases relatively smaller amplitude is still about the theme of consumption, the net growth rate declined slightly by 0,hollister berlin.
37%,woolrich; first quarter of this year, with the warming of the market, 113 stocks base in 67 fund net growth rate before reversing falls the situation and then rise, is the most typical Southern long yuan, the last two quarters of last year net growth rate fell over 15%, and the first quarter of the two quarter, up 6.
21%; while the market fell to 1.65%,hollister, but the net value growth rate is the base unit further expanded to 104,hollister france, only 9 fund net growth rate of lost,hollister.In the two quarter of this year net growth rate are 104 stocks base, Nord returns,hollister, selection of 10000, INVESCO stock, the wealth of nations in TEDA and the growth of small 5 stocks base two quarter net growth rate of over 10%, performance is outstanding,moncler pas cher.
Wherein, selection of 10000, INVESCO stock and the wealth of nations in the small-cap stocks base while the last 3 seasons, three of the net growth rate are negative, but the first two quarters of this year are in turn is, even so, the 3 fund has continuous seasons was a net redemption.
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A top Somali pirate commander announces retirement and as well calls on other Somali pirates to quit the illegal maritime exercise along the gulf of Eden. In what many would consider a bizarre turn, Pirate kingpin Mohammed Abdi Hassan announced his retirement from piracy at a ceremony in the central Somali town of Adado where he declared pulling his pirate boys from the shores with immediate effect.
发表于 2013-1-14 00:32:50 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-1-14 08:08:20 | 只看该作者

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