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发表于 2012-12-1 05:29:41 | 只看该作者

Practically speaking

Historically speaking, developed countries have "sinned" against the world environment when they built their industrial empires on exploiting coal, oil and other natural resources. While they were enjoying the exclusive right to carbon emissions, most developing countries did not even have modern industry and transportation that would produce greenhouse gas emission.
At last year's conference hosted in Copenhagen, developed countries, represented by the United States, failed to make their due commitment to emission reductions,aberceombie  Short de Plage, rather, they pointed fingers at developing countries with claims that were groundless,Abercrombie Pochettes.
Additionally, the International Energy Agency (IEA) reported that the U.S. ranked top in terms of per capita energy consumption,www.abercrombieetefitchfrance.com, which is five times that of China. Also, the U.S. remains the world's largest consumer of oil, with a daily demand for crude oil standing at 19 million barrels, doubling that of China.
Further, developed countries hampered the efforts to combat global warming as they shied away from their responsibilities. Without any change in their attitude, chances of a successful Cancun conference will be very slim.
BEIJING, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- The key to success at the upcoming Cancun climate change conference rests with the United States and other developed countries.
Further, China's high carbon emissions are partly due to its lack of energy resources. China is short of oil and gas but rich in coal, and carbon-intensive coal represents two-thirds in its entire energy mix.
Research done by Beijing-based Tsinghua University suggests that developed countries, home to 23.6 percent of the world population, have contributed 79 percent of the aggregate carbon emissions since the industrial revolution.
Practically speaking, the annual energy consumption of developed countries represents 64,Abercrombie femme.6 percent of the world's total, while CO2 emissions are 65 percent of the world's total. In per capita terms, China emitted 4.6 tonnes of fossil-fuel-generated CO2 in 2007, less than one-fourth of that of the United States, and half of that in the European Union, according to the Tsinghua University research.
Developed countries bear responsibility, both due to historical and practical causes. Developed countries, as the earliest industrialized nations, have contributed most to the historical storage of carbon-dioxide (CO2). Practically speaking, these countries rank high in terms of per capita emission, and their citizens' extravagant consumption gives rise to unnecessary emissions. Further,sweat femme abercrombie, developed countries also have the technological and financial capacity to tackle the problem and offer assistance to the developing world.
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发表于 2012-12-1 07:35:00 | 只看该作者

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楼主太厉害了!!!!! 强烈支持一个


发表于 2012-12-2 05:20:30 | 只看该作者
楼主太厉害了!!!!! 强烈支持一个


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楼主太厉害了!!!!! 强烈支持一个


发表于 2012-12-2 13:34:15 | 只看该作者

not the old rich first &rdquo

,  today  ,the National Bureau of Statistics  announced the  sixth  national population census  data  ,including the total  population  age structure  ,sex ratio  ,abercrombie france,a number of indicators  .Today  ,the National Bureau of Statistics  announced the  sixth  national population census  data  ,including the total  population  age structure  ,sex ratio  ,a number of indicators  .
Renmin University of China  Center for population and development studies  and director of  the State Council  ,the sixth national census  advisory  group of consultants  Duan Chengrong  yesterday in an    First Financial Daily    said in an interview  ,data  has not come out  ,make any  evaluation  are  also  too early  ,but  without a doubt  ,the  census  results  will provide  scientific  formulate future development  planning and population  policy  providing  important  basis for decision making  .
According to the fifth  national census  was held  after the  press release  ,this news release  may involve  the total population  ,population growth  ,population of family households  ,air jordan,total population  ,age structure  ,sex structure of  ethnic composition  ,all kinds of  education to the population  level  ,urban and rural population  and other aspects of the  data  .
Plus the sixth  national population census of  some special  design  ,population data  is expected to  first  system reveals  Chinese  population  migration  and the international  migration  of  china  .
How much population  growth  ,how fast  ?The sixth census  in  November 1, 2010 zero hour  for the  standard de facto census  .China  is the world    ,abercrombie france.According to the  late last year  published statistical  communique  ,the initial estimate,  at the end of 2010,  the  total population of 1341000000 people  .
However  ,this is only  preliminary results of  Statistical  Bureau  ,China  also needs  how many  population  according to the  census figures released  .The number of  population  is the  population data  released the first  point  .
With the  population  data,  population data  is  the  annual growth rate of  population  data issue  is a major point  .A reference population of  annual growth rate  will help  determine the current  family planning  policy  ,doudoune moncler,and help to  improve  the family planning policy  .
The  census  in  China  implemented 30 years  of family planning  policy  is faced with adjust  time  .Based on the currently available data  ,the population of China  is in for years  low growth  .On 2009,  Chinese  population natural  growth rate of only  5.
05 per thousand  ,total fertility rate  in 1.5 the left and right sides  ,doudoune moncler,economically developed part of the  province  and city  appear  negative population growth  .With the  low fertility rate in  aging  ,old-age problem  ,only-child education  problems  become increasingly prominent  .
In view of this  ,from the &ldquo  ,www.monclersoldespaschers.com;only  a good  &rdquo  ;&ldquo  ;both only  child  (  &rdquo  ,moncler;that  couples who are the only  child can give birth  to &ldquo  alone  )  ,www.doudounemonclerpascher5fr.com;the second  (  &rdquo  ;one  is  the only child can give birth to  )  ,China    has been  careful  adjustment  .
A person close to the  policy making  core  insiders  told reporters  after  the interview  ,the population policy  shift is specific to  advance train of thought  are  not disclosed  ,but the ultimate goal  is for sure,  that is  gradually moving towards the  birth  of  .
Notably  ,in the  sixth census data  released  on the eve of  the afternoon of April 26th  ,the Political Bureau of Central Committee of  the world  population  development and comprehensive and comparatively  well  under the new situation of China  population  was  twenty-eighth collective  learning  .
The CPC Central Committee General Secretary  Hu Jintao  presided over the  learning  demands  great efforts to implement the  key work,  the first  is to  persist in and perfect  the current fertility policy  ,stabilize the  low fertility level  ,innovation  work of population and family planning  system and  method  ,strengthen the  basic work  ,improve the  population and family  planning interests  policy system  .
Housing vacancy  rate data  will be  published?  Population  age composition of  population  data  is  the  data release  one of aspect  ,especially  labor age population  and the proportion of  the aging  population ratio  .
Demographers  have generally  in  the proportion of the aged population  reached a high level  formed by a  labor force  resources are relatively abundant  ,dependency burden  light  ,in the  economic development is very  advantageous  phase called &ldquo  ;demographic dividend period  &rdquo  ;.
China  is enjoying the  demographic dividend  brings  abundant  labor  ,in a period of time and  maintain the  external demand  of economic  structure  .However  ,with the aging of the  population  increase in the proportion of  outside  has been expected  ,China    peak in 2030  ,but  the population of working age  appears to reduce the  situation  will be in the past 10  years  ,the  &ldquo  &rdquo  ;Lewis turning point  ;.
Population  experts  worry  ,China  may become  the world  &ldquo  ;not the old rich first  &rdquo  ;country  .So  ,today announced the  population age  data will  help China better  analysis of  ageing society  arrival  time  ,and  proactively  to urbanization  ,industrialization policies  to improve  .
For  a detailed understanding of  Chinese  population  migration  ,understand according to the reporter  ,2010 census  taken a new  registration method  ,doudoune moncler pas cher,the floating population  in the  domicile  and the actual place of residence  to implement  dual registration  ,work along both lines  to ensure that the &ldquo  ;do not leak again  &rdquo  ;.
This method  can  directly explain the  population flow  in the late stage of  structural  information  .Further  into the  city  of Beijing  ,abercrombie,Shanghai and other  data  ,there are many  urban diseases  area  ,population  ,and floating population  the proportion and  distribution  information will help  the  city  planning and  city  development  ,economic structure  ,housing  ,transportation  ,social security to wait for multinomial  policy  .
Understand according to the reporter  ,in the sixth national census  for the first time  ,increase  the content of census  for  foreigners  .It is  in  this global  census  period,  comply with globalization  situation in the  countries  involved in  the  census  census  .
These  data will help the  Chinese  understanding of  foreigners in  China    status  ,improve  Chinese  globalization policy  .The sixth census  of  vacant housing  situation  were thoroughly  .Understand according to the reporter  ,census,  approximately 90% of  the survey object  fill  short form  &ldquo  ;&rdquo  ;,do not involve the  housing information  ;about 10% of  the survey object  to  fill  the long table  &rdquo  ;&ldquo  ;,will involve  the survey object  has a housing  units  ,moncler,area of  housing  information  ,jordan pas cher.
At the same time  ,the  census  uses  the survey  ,&ldquo  ;the first  real  ,after  &rdquo  ;,investigators  through  visits home  can also be practical  diagnostic  uninhabited  houses  .However  ,the Census Bureau  of the vacant  statistics  is still in the exploration  stage  .
Ma Jiantang of director of national statistic bureau  at the beginning of last year  had said  ,vacant housing  survey pilot  is mainly found  problem  ,accumulate experience  ,verification scheme,  improving  method  .
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发表于 2012-12-2 17:19:04 | 只看该作者

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Autumn, carrying summer hot, release their cool, cool heat alternating forward.The northern autumn more clearly, especially the times of refreshing sleep every night and morning,Abercrombie Chemise pas cher.Reducing the heat, dryness and diluted filtration, boring, less tide, the true sense of the autumn is coming.
Walk in the fields around, the crops in the fields Jichibailian maturation, corn stem,abercrombie & fitch pas cher, millet bent, sunflower disc very hard, bean pod.The bunches of grapes fall with scaffolding, apples blushed, dates half green half red, sweet potato seedlings still tendril, green grow straight on ridges, the lush moist, to the number of garden vegetables, a clump of green, a yellow, a few clusters of cauliflower, strands of fragrance.
In the grass is dry yellow playing spike, look at a piece of green and yellow green yellow.Now is the time of wormwood and lush, wild Artemisia unique fragrance came in waves, goat horn, dodder,sweat abercrombie and fitch, morning glory vine act recklessly and care for nobody around 'distant relatives and next-door neighbors'.
Everywhere the green bristlegrass was covered with barren ridge, Zaza Baba Gezhen with red jujube wild jujube swaying in the wind.Animism born season.The vast fields of grass is always autumn insect paradise, the most conspicuous is the grasshopper, endlessly wings, any song as one falls, with echo each other at a distance.
The hot weather it sing louder, the sun is toxic it made more bright.The spike, low bush, tree leaves with sharp, dense bushes can see their shadow hear their cries.Grasshopper initially all is green, long legs bigeye shows a spirit, along with the gradually deep autumn, slowly evolved into stained red with black brown.
They wake up early, sleep late, endures the hardships offieldwork cherish the short time.But people often at this time will follow the sound to capture, naughty children are happy to them in the wild gambol.
Catch the grasshopper will have a place to raise, and the associated cage appeared.Any of the village are some handyman, they obtain raw material locally,Abercrombie Chemiser, corn straw to knitting, woven cage exquisite, but the 'suffer grasshopper' stay in it a wimp.
Be fed people can turn a grasshopper raise to the end of the year, the silvery sound wild phenomena, people want to hear the natural ease of mind.In the field, a few days later they'll show sharp tail spines, the spawning offspring have, they have no bouncing energy, dragging tail spines slows to a crawl, a sparse, intermittent, weakness, a new reincarnation as autumn ended.
People say autumn insects are usually refers to cricket, love this little thing called the cricket.It is daytime activity rarely invoked, but at night Huanshi very.Singing clear and scant-started night chirp, the ear, the cry some timid and shy, slightly disturbing is then called River wilderness, chirp, the garden corner prate, Youyuan long days to the divine comedy.
Listen to the tune, must have the environmental state of mind.The sound from the wild in the countryside it is quite common for people not the kind of taste, to appreciate, as Shan serenade.Imagine the countryside Labors Day pillow with thunder can fall asleep, the sound of these minor condition.
Can not but say, autumn insects chirping sounds of nature is a wonderful, listening is a blessing.Remember that first came to the countryside, dusk outside village village full ear are Qiuchong sound, then I feel strange, excitedly around the village stroll to listen; be novelty one especially when homesick find it somewhat noisy.
That return a city to work that evening in the county accommodation, close to the city wall in the hotel also heard Qiuchong sound,abercrombie solde, when lying in bed also expends idea quite consideration with the village to hear the voice of comparative, think, or in the countryside autumn insect calls come more concentrated more wild.
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发表于 2012-12-2 21:03:58 | 只看该作者

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