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发表于 2013-3-5 19:48:07 | 只看该作者



发表于 2013-3-5 19:52:19 | 只看该作者



      <br>  <br>  都说“饭后百步走,活到九十九”,可你知道吗,这种做法并不科学。饭后到底该怎么走?锻炼时,什么样的步幅和步速是最适合自己的?<br><br>  饭后别急着走路锻炼<br><br>  如今在北京的街巷、公园,总是会看到很多走路锻炼的人。而饭后百步走的做法也脍炙人口,不过专家对此持不同态度。生物力学专家、中国皮革与制鞋研究院高级工程师李松竹指出,刚吃完饭,人的血液主要分配在消化系统。立即运动会使消化系统血液流往肢体,不利食物消化和营养吸收。因此,最好饭后休息一段时间后再走。<br><br>  其实,最好的行走时间包括:早上,但不可空腹行走;午饭前,可增强体质、促进食欲;晚饭前,可减低食欲、燃烧脂肪;睡前,有利于放松大脑、促进睡眠,但运动量不宜太大,运动后1小时再休息。<br><br>  自己计算科学步幅步速<br><br>  李松竹指出,散步遛弯儿和科学行走不是一回事。起到健身目的的科学行走www.babaw.com要有正确的行走姿态、时间和锻炼强度。姿态要头部微昂,双目平视,颈部正直,胸部上挺,腰部挺直,收紧小腹,臀部后突,行走后蹬着力点侧重在跖趾关节内侧,上肢与下肢配合协调,步伐适中,两脚落地有节奏感。<br><br>  科学行走还要有一定强度,要以最适合自己的步幅和步速每天行走不低于7000步为佳。步幅是指迈出一步时两脚中心的距离,最适合自己的步幅计算公式是:身高-100cm。科学行走的最佳步速为最高步速的70%,最高步速(单位:千米/小时)的计算公式为:男性:10×[1-(体重-55)/100]×[1-(年龄-20)/100];女性:10×[1-(体重-45)/100]×[1-(年龄-20)/100](仅供60岁以下的人参考)。<br><br>  不同年龄穿鞋有讲究<br><br>  锻炼时选择合适的鞋子也很重要。李松竹强调,选鞋时不应只看重品牌和价格,要以合适为根本原则,根据脚型选择相应的鞋。如果是等长脚型(第一、二脚趾等长)或方形脚型(五个脚趾基本等长),要选择头型较方或较宽的款式,防止脚趾被挤伤。<br><br>  另外,不同年龄的人选鞋标准也有区别。幼儿要选较柔软、前掌较宽大的鞋,幼儿发育较快,每2到3个月要检查一次鞋的合脚性;儿童活动较多,鞋要有一定硬度,最好选有一定透气性和吸湿功能的鞋,每半年检查一次鞋的合脚性;老年人足弓下塌,容易脚后跟疼,应选择较宽松、减震性好、有防滑功能的鞋。<br>
发表于 2013-3-5 23:45:49 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-3-6 00:12:44 | 只看该作者

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?The trail of receipts showed that Arias drove from California to Alexander's hometown of Mesa,Miu Miu Totes,Miu Miu Tote,Miu Miu Bags, Ariz,Miu Miu Online., on Tuesday, June 4,Miu Miu Purses,Miu Miu Purses, 2008,Miu Miu Bags,Miu Miu Purses.
There,Miu Miu Handbags, the pair had sex and took sexually graphic photos of one another, according to photographs and the opening statement of Arias' lawyer. Shortly after the tryst,Miu Miu Handbags, Arias killed Alexander, both sides agree,Miu Miu Handbags.
Burns testified that Arias never mentioned going to Alexander's house when she arrived at his home in Utah. He said he did not know that Arias and Alexander were still sexually involved,Miu Miu Bags, and that she told him they had broken up,Miu Miu Bags.
When she arrived at his home 24 hours after killing Alexander, she seemed "normal," he said. The pair kissed and cuddled, and went out with Burns' friends,Miu Miu Bags, where she laughed and made conversation,Miu Miu Totes.
Prosecutors have played recorded phone conversations between detectives and Arias in the weeks after Alexander's body was found,Miu Miu Online. She could be heard apparently lying multiple times to investigators as they asked about the last time she spoke with Alexander and her trip to Utah
发表于 2013-3-6 00:18:12 | 只看该作者

shooting one student police say he was targeting

?At least one student was shot when a classmate opened fire at a high school in California on Thursday,Miu Miu Purses.
The shooting occurred in the science building at Taft Union High School in Taft, Calif., at approximately 9 a.m,Miu Miu Online. local time,Miu Miu Online, a Kern County Sheriff's official told Yahoo News.
The suspected shooter—a 16-year-old male student at the school—did not show up for the start of first period, police say,Miu Miu Online. He entered the school with a 12-gauge shotgun and interrupted his first-period class,Miu Miu Online, shooting one student police say he was targeting,Miu Miu Online.
The victim, also 16, was airlifted to Kern Medical Center in Bakersfield,Miu Miu Purses, Calif., with a shotgun wound to the upper right chest,Miu Miu Handbags,Miu Miu Purses. He's in critical but stable condition.
The gunman then called a second student's name in the 28-person class and fired again,Miu Miu Handbags, but missed, Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood said. A teacher and a campus supervisor engaged the shooter in conversation inside the classroom, school officials said, and were able to persuade him to put down the shotgun,Miu Miu Online. The shooter was then taken into police custody,Miu Miu Purses.
The teacher was treated at the scene for a pellet wound to the head,Miu Miu Online,Miu Miu Handbags. (It's unclear whether the wound was from birdshot,Miu Miu Online, Youngblood said.) Another student who was near the shotgun when it was fired was taken to a local hospital, where she was treated for hearing loss.
[Slideshow: Shots fired at high school in California]
During a press briefing outside the school on Thursday afternoon, reporters asked police whether the suspected shooter had been suspended from school last year for carrying what parents told them was a "hit list." Police would not confirm those reports,Miu Miu Purses.
发表于 2013-3-6 02:56:40 | 只看该作者
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“ 70 years ago,hollister, the Chinese Red Army soldiers, to the land of light, our beliefs, blood and life, cast into the forceful rough wilderness snow mountain.Especially the West Road army servicewomen, bravery to forget about one's own in a hail of bullets in charge into the enemy ranks, facing the cruel, bloody calving, dead surplus snow, with female effeminate body, out of a nation's integrity and dignity … … ” performance in dignified tells the curtain in the — — "life" red blood Wo grass track West Army soldier was today martyrs cemetery grave keeper Hao Xiuying is in different times, history stories for the weft,hollister deutschland, interlaced with modern and historical artistic technique,hollister deutschland, showing tragic West syndrome war and heroic female soldiers and sincere, loyal.The play will be epic narrative, legendary,hollister pas cher, growth narrative com., in a solemn dignified stage atmosphere at the same time,hollister, fully demonstrated the human beauty, the beauty of human nature, the beauty of the mind, moral beauty, create beautiful, magnificent,doudoune moncler, beautiful harmony in one of the artistic image, to achieve the overall artistic style of poetry.The drama based on full respect and inheritance of traditional opera art, bold exploration and innovation, and fully absorb and learn from the arts of superiority, the proper use of symphony, opera music by thinking to layout and performance, panoramic rendering outstanding epic, while strengthening regional characteristics on certain occasions, into Qinghai local music, Tibetan music,abercrombie uk, such as minor musical elements in northern Sichuan,doudoune moncler, agitation and desolate expression era, describes characters emotions in the complex and delicate, has the unique expressive force and appeal.Design basic follow the traditional singing in tune,hollister, but according to the need, there are solo, chorus, singing, singing and so on many kinds of forms, rich artistic expression.The play and strive to create the following permeated with the experience of history and philosophy, but also contains the era gave birth to the ideals and spirit, both the continuation of the characteristics and advantages of traditional art, and create a new fresh content and form of the works, is the ninetieth anniversary of the CPC founding gift works,hollister.
Kunlun online news Jingqiang Yayun Hui Chu, Han Diao TuRui competing fragrance.In late November 12th, Wuhan City Yijiao experimental theatre all seats are occupied. In Wuhan, from more than seven hundred Peking Opera lovers be absorbed in watching from the highlands of Qinghai art works of … … by the provincial theatre drama creation of Western opera "blood&quot,hollister online shop; on behalf of my province fertile grass in Hubei Province Wuhan city to attend the Sixth China Peking Opera Art Festival, and the 28 products repertoire competition award.
more than two hours of the show, the audience was shaped by a wonderful story and characters are deeply attracted, cheers and applause on the pitch again sounded.“ this is a song of youth and iron will with magnificent epic, ” “ this is a full of revolutionary ideals and feelings to accumulate real noble spirit lyric heroes play ” … … the audience this evaluation.Wuhan 161 hospital doctor You Shengrong grew up in Qinghai, she took her daughter to watch the opera, she was quite touched told reporters: “ while growing up in Qinghai, but never really understand this history, it took the children to watch, must let the child study West Route Army soldier spirit,hollister sale, cherish now life.”
Lu Xiaohua of dean of provincial theatre drama tells a reporter, "blood" in the creation of fertile grass, rehearsals and performances, all the advantages of centralized power, elaborate creation, carefully rehearsed.
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发表于 2013-3-6 20:00:14 | 只看该作者

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