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发表于 2013-4-21 04:49:11 | 只看该作者

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held talks with Prime Minister Singer in India, but because the challenges to fail to qualify for. Individual player Guo Zhenni to Prince Pan Longhai &rdquo “ folk songs; singing a song "love song", the Venezuelan vice president Maduro on television to announce the news of Chavez's death. the uneasy. 19 earlier in the day, in the in new network on 19 May, sometimes we aren't looking for a reason to live, some things, when a prisoner to governor Paula Castro (Paola Castro) call.
发表于 2013-4-21 06:28:39 | 只看该作者

This year's parade before

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China Shandong network on the morning of 9, Russia held to commemorate the 66 anniversary of the great patriotic war parade, President Medvedev inspected more than twenty thousand soldiers and a variety of modern heavy weapons equipment. The Russians seem to have a military complex, parade of peace for the country what it means? This year's parade before, Medvedev said in a speech, to strengthen the patriotic education of young people, the parade can let a person see we are a military modernization.
Berlin time at midnight on May 8,michael kors, 1945, Nazi Germany signed the papers announced the unconditional surrender. Because of the time difference, the Soviet Union was already 9 am, therefore, the Soviet Union in May 9th identified as victory day. The parade
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second stage is the mechanization of the square including tanks,air jordan, tanks and weapons. Hundreds of advanced weapons and equipment, one one from the Red Square drove slowly along, one of the most attract sb.'s attention include new poplar -M intercontinental ballistic missile, armor “ -S1” anti-aircraft gun missile system, S-400 long-range air defense missiles and Islamic Kandel -M tactical missile “ four big a magic weapon ”. In addition, T-90 main battle tanks, armored personnel carriers, BTR-80 star weapon also appeared in the parade.
May 9th, the Russian victory day parade, Cadet girl Fang Zhen through Red Square.
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the attempted smuggling exit case at 23 pm local time, about four thirty, occurred in the woodlands checkpoint. At that time, hiding into man's car hanging Malaysia license plate, into the departure check, but in the routine inspection, the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority officers found Malaysia nationality male drivers look very nervous. Then instructed the car to the side, a comprehensive examination.
发表于 2013-4-21 12:18:03 | 只看该作者

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The Obama administration is open to "authentic and credible" negotiations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the White House said on Thursday.
Spokesman Josh Earnest reiterated Washington's commitment to the denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula, in response to DPRK' s latest offer of talks with a set of preconditions.
"The United States has been and remains open to authentic and credible negotiations that would implement the September 2005 statement of the six-party talks," he told reporters aboard Air Force One en route to Boston.
发表于 2013-4-21 14:24:30 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2013-4-21 17:27:25 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2013-4-21 18:42:07 | 只看该作者

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