恭喜James在初三通过“雅思8.5“(CEF C2)
恭喜James(范高)在2018年9月获得CEF C2证书!。CEF的全称是The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages(欧洲语言教学与评估框架性共同标准,简称 CEFR 、CEF 或CEFRL)(来源维基百科); Edexcel(英国爱德思国家职业学历与学术考试机构)就是按此标准向范高颁发C2等级证书的。下面是范高的战果(C2证书):
Pearson Test of English General官方介绍
范高的证书为PTE General最高级别LEVEL 5
The CEF describes language proficiency in listening, reading, speaking and writing on a six-level
scale, grouped into three bands: A1–A2 (Basic User), B1–B2 (Independent User), C1–C2 (Proficient
User). Figure 3 overleaf indicates what students should be able to do at different CEF levels
relevant to PTE General.
根据雅思官网,雅思8.5分或以上将被承认符合CEFR C2,雅思8分是边界线(最低线)。
6. Does IELTS differentiate at C2 level?
Band scores of 8.5 and higher are recognised as C2. Band 8 is borderline.https://www.ielts.org/-/media/images/resources/cefr-ielts-300px.ashx?la=en&hash=B8E1C54B853D375FD4E4E1EF6FF8867002477A51
https://www.ielts.org/ielts-for- ... -european-framework