sqcsqccqv 发表于 2013-5-29 08:46:38

Mac sales iPhone price cuts and other questions fo

iPhone price cuts and other questions for Apple
Are you really dropping the price of iPhone 4S? This is your top-of-the-line product,article11848, the one that drives most of your revenues and profits. And, it is less than a year old. How can a price drop not be seen as a failure?
Why did you stop running those Genius ads? I've been to Apple Stores. They are often filled -- with older folks -- who are eager for help, guidance, assurance, training. The ad campaign offered exactly that. So why stop? Did you wimp out because your long-time Apple fanboys were offended? You need to let the past go. Did you just screw up the execution of those ads? I liked them but if they were off-putting to many that's your failing. What happened?
What is the purpose of Siri? Is it a search engine? A voice UI? An attack on Google? Why does it always require connection with your cloud? We are confused.
Seems like your only competition is Samsung. And they copy you. And, we learn, have been fibbing to us regarding their sales. Of course, overall smartphone sales are slowing. Is this short-term? A response to the recession? Lack of innovation and high costs with the globe's top carriers? What are you going to do about all of these?
I think an iPod "Note" with WiFi that supports over-the-top voice calls would be a killer product around the world. Are you afraid to do this? Because carriers will respond by cutting iPhone subsidies? By not promoting iPhone? Because it could harm existing iPhone and iPad sales? Don't allow existing sales/profits to ever prevent you from releasing great new products onto the world.
I have long contended that your lawsuit against Samsung is just and primarily a means to limit their sales and force them to change their devices that are (deliberately?) copies of *existing* products: iPhone and iPad. Others suggest that the primary goal of your lawsuit is to ensure they will not be able to copy *future* Apple products -- products not at all yet in the marketplace. A clever insight, but I think it's wrong. I expect that nearly all your revenues, through this decade, will come from iPad and iPhone, with Mac sales also a great line of business. Am I wrong? I hope I'm wrong. It would be cool to see something completely new!
Samsung wanted the jury to know that you "copied" Sony -- even if you used Sony design as a benchmark or starting point. Even today, despite their declining relevance, Sony still designs great products. But they are no longer a design leader. Who inspires you now?
Mac is Apple. Apple is Mac. At least, it was for 20 years. Now Apple is iOS. Do old-line Mac engineers feel slighted inside the company?
Why is there a gap between iPhone sales in the US and iPhone activations in the US? Is it mostly from buyers sending devices back into China?
Steve Jobs was famous for many things. Including changing his mind. Did he ever change his mind regarding a stylus,article1690,Mac sales?
What are all the ways Steve Jobs is honored within the company? During the Apple training,Leader in Sweet Sixteen Invitations cards producti, are videos of his great speeches/interviews shown? Does each Apple employee get a book of his quotes and business lessons? His views on technology? On Apple's reason for existing?
Why is Apple not part of the new mobile payments commission? Google, Paypal and everyone else is, it seems.
Are you secretly trying to punish Facebook for past misdeeds?
Yahoo does not exist on mobile. Marissa Mayer wants to make Yahoo a legitimate threat to Google. It's too late for a smartphone platform. Will there be a major hook-up between Yahoo and Apple?
Is iTunes simply too big, bloated, old and familiar to salvage? Will you keep it alive as is, or do something radical?
And how come iTunes Genius is so awful? Do you really know so little about me? After all these years?
When you have to reverse yourself on certain features, small things, like how we users can SAVE or SAVE AS, do you look down on us? Or is it viewed as a design failure?
When will Siri no longer be in beta?
Why not just buy Twitter already? Is it because Jack Dorsey and company want to remain platform independent? Can't you just throw money at them?
Do you consider Microsoft a threat anymore,wholesale mac cosmetics? Who is the bigger threat in the US? Microsoft or Amazon,mac cosmetics pro?
Apple has $100+ billion in cash and is valued at almost $600 billion. How loud are the grumblings inside Apple for much higher pay and much better benefits?

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The afternoon half-day holiday my grandfather took me to visit the zoo to watch the monkeys tigers giraffes pandas and other animals Very happy to play This is really a way to make me hard to forget the joy of the "six" festival the articles: happy Children's Day In Jun 1 the school held a celebration of Children's Day Each student with some old things from home to school and then to the class as a unit for the sale and purchase of the old stuff Chancellor announced the commencement of the event we happily began the activities of the "flea market" we moved to the table and put away items stand in a row quietly waiting for the arrival of the "customer" and look forward to the things we sold out early Five minutes later the first guest of my booth came he went straight to chose magic feet skillfully play seems to be a master of magic feet I saw him staring at the Magic feet looked for a long time he seemed tempted one hand in his pocket constantly touched something and after about 30 seconds he finally spoke up: "The students the magic feet How much " "is not the two together just ten dollars" I smiled and said to him "how cheap it" The nine yuan nine yuan "he said eagerly I do not want my initial deal fell through they quickly agreed "Okay okay but you have to call some students over to buy my stuff Oh" He nodded paid their money is pleased to go Sold the first item I was flattered Because I helped the class to earn nine yuan class fee but did not last long and half an hour later I actually only sold magic feet This is how ah I inwardly So I decided to go to the next 185 classes to examine visit I have just a walk in the past I heard a lot of yelling cries I suddenly realized that we lack is you I went back to the booth and also cry This move was quite effective less than an hour our table on the left with only the comic Looking at the almost empty out the table we have an understanding smile The event is really exciting Let us not only happy to play for a day for us to get the operating experience is really killing two birds with one stone the articles: happy Children's Day Children's Day morning teacher with a fourth grade class to go to the zoo to see Monkey Mountain They came to Monkey Mountain saw a small monkey sitting on top of eating breeder the uncle gave its Apple They also saw a monkey on a swing he saw a monkey scratching their heads He seemed to say: Who are you I do not know how about you To go back to school the students forget that visit them to see the little monkeys on Monkey Mountain This day they are very happy very happy the chapter five: Happy Children's Day June is our children's holiday hope the stars hope the moon and finally heading sixty-one soon To celebrate "June" Children's Day our school decided to hold a welcome six activities When heard to be held Celebrating the moment the students just like a happy little mouse talking and laughing in the classroom "61" section on the eve of the school doors on both sides was filled with a variety of brightly colored bunting The morning the world is a drizzle bathed in the new generation of seedlings we painted a new color Flowers nod and smile to us and the birds crooning to say hello to us At ten o'clock in the morning the school to celebrate "61" brigade will begin The first is the first year of the initiation ceremony to see they put on a red scarf that happy proud expression I can not help but think of the scene when the newly recruited team not to mention how beautiful my heart Then for each class of outstanding students awarded prizes and certificates Finally theatrical performances all students are full of energy each class is ready to fully prepared Time flies really fast just a half a day passed again the campus gradually calmed down I had to reluctantly leave the school looking forward to a wonderful six The noon back home my mother bought a bag full of my favorite foods to eat Delicious jelly delicious potato chips as well as refreshing drinks Mom said it is "61" section of reward Our 61 "Children's Day more than happy ah chapter six: Happy Children's Day the golden sun shining warm the wind sailed blowing Happy song we ushered in the June 1 Children's Day The early in the morning we had breakfast The sitting park vehicles on the road Birds led the way the wind blows us A moment later we came to the forest park Get off a neat row of the team went to a small venue (in the woods a grass) The original parents arrived early Richie sister ribbon ring stage our show is about to begin The Ren three shifts brother and sister as well as the meaning of the seven class brothers and sisters and we performed together The first program is the chorus of "number of ducks" Little Crow " Followed by each class of programs the program of our class is the "Song of Pig" and "Wei" These two programs are singing and dancing Ma we took dance "like you" Abu and I still dance when the small model after the the played out program we began to eat a picnic Hole teacher gave each of us picking up a lunch which installed a lot of good food Egg tarts chicken wings ham cakes and many many I could eat The teacher asked us to share with Mom and Dad grandparents Last kindergarten gave each of us a surprise ~ ~ Gift bag which is filled with pencil case eraser and ruler Today I'm so happy the chapter seven: happy Children's Day in retrospect our school organized a large-scale theatrical performances more than 40 school classes are ready we do not dance very looking forward to it about 8:20 performances began from the first grade to high grade What impressed me most is the 63 martial arts classes and 52 classes of Latin dance 63 martial arts classes in fact several classes dozens of people were only 3 of 63 classes a person in our class Du Runtian rebel class thief Latin looks good the melody is very beautiful but not our class performing aerobics beautiful 61 classes of the chorus singing light especially accompaniment their own speech Drums guitar there are a few I do not know what instrument Overall six of this year I spent the last six First very exciting happy . 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