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katesmitho 发表于 2013-6-4 13:39:57

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William A. Rothstein was trying to outwit the police.
He wanted investigators to think he had nothing to do with the "pizza bomber" case.
The evidence of his efforts is right there on the video, played in the trial of his former fiancee, Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong.
Rothstein died of cancer in July 2004, but his presence filled the courtroom via a television set.
Rothstein,cheap beats by dre, a handyman, electrician and substitute science and industrial arts teacher, could be seen taking Erie police and state police on a tour of his Summit Township house.
The tour occurred days after he called police on Sept. 20, 2003, and reported he had a dead body in a freezer in his house's attached garage. The body was that of James Roden, Diehl-Armstrong's boyfriend.
As part of the search,dr dre headphones, the police found a suicide note, by Rothstein, in which he wrote about his intended demise, "This has nothing to do with the Wells case."
The note referred to the Aug. 28, 2003, bombing death of pizza deliveryman Brian Wells, who, the FBI would later determine, had a bomb locked to his neck at a secluded site next to Rothstein's house, in the 8600 block of Peach Street.
During the tour, one of the police officers asks Rothstein why he put Wells' name in the suicide note. Rothstein says he didn't want the police to get distracted as they investigated Roden's death, which Rothstein blamed on Diehl-Armstrong. He refers to what he says was "thein the newspaper" about Wells' death.
"I wanted you guys to know so you wouldn't waste your time: 'Is this related to the Wellsor not?'" Rothstein said,monster headphones.
The police listen to Rothstein, and the tour of his house resumes. The police on the video continue to ask Rothstein about Roden's death, but not about the death of Wells.
Rothstein, though dead, was the main witness against Diehl-Armstrong on Tuesday, the third day of testimony in her trial in federal court in Erie.
She is accused of conspiring in the bank-robbery plot that ended in Wells' death, and she is accused of killing Roden as part of the conspiracy and to keep him quiet about the Wells' scheme. The grand jury that indicted Diehl-Armstrong in July 2007 named Rothstein, 60, as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Wells case. He admitted nothing to the FBI, who questioned him on his deathbed.
Diehl-Armstrong, 61,beats headphones, pleaded guilty but mentally ill in Erie County Court in January 2005 in Roden's death, and since then she has been serving a state prison sentence of seven to 20 years for third-degree murder.
In the federal case, Assistant U.S. Attorney Marshall Piccinini, the chief federal prosecutor in Erie, presented indisputable court records showing that Diehl-Armstrong pleaded guilty and was sentenced in Roden's death.
Piccinini also played the two videos of Rothstein for the jury. The first video was taken of Rothstein at what was then Diehl-Armstrong's junk-filled house at East Seventh and Bacon streets in Erie, where she killed the 45-year-old Roden by shooting him twice with a 12-gauge shotgun. The other video was of what was then Rothstein's equally messy house at 8645 Peach St. in Summit.
Rothstein's house sat next to a dirt road that leads to a television transmission tower -- the site where the FBI said Wells had the bomb locked to his neck before he robbed what was then the PNC Bank branch in Summit Towne Centre. The bomb exploded after Wells left the bank with $8,702 -- far less than the $250,000 he asked for.
The videos of Rothstein were surreal, largely because Rothstein is dead and largely because he spoke so matter-of-factly about Roden's death and disposing of the body at Diehl-Armstrong's house.
He said he wrapped the body in a tarp, secured the tarp with duct tape, drove the body to his house, carted it through his front door and used a pulley to put it in a chest freezer he purchased later.
"I grabbed him by the shoulder, whatever I could get ahold of,beats by dre," Rothstein, wearing his trademark bib overalls, says of Roden during the tour of Diehl-Armstrong's house.
He says he used hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals to scrub the blood from the house, and that Diehl-Armstrong helped.
"I didn't know what was taking her so long, but she said she was cleaning up blood," Rothstein says on the video.
During the tour of his house, Rothstein explains how he used a saw to cut up Diehl-Armstrong's shotgun into "slag" that he scattered about Erie County.
One of the police officers asks Rothstein how he got a mark on his wrist.
"When I cut myself, on purpose," Rothstein says. "See the blood?"
Also during the tour, Rothstein, who does not appear to be despondent, says, "You guys get my note?"
Rothstein's tone throughout the tours is practical and even lighthearted. He talks with the police about mundane topics, and he is clearly in charge as he details what he did and when to Roden. Rothstein does most of the talking; the police are taking notes.
The conversations, in hindsight, are chilling, knowing that Roden's body was found in a freezer and that Rothstein, according to evidence at Diehl-Armstrong's trial, had a hand in Wells' death less than a month before he took police on the tour of the houses.
Rothstein in one video refers to Diehl-Armstrong as he speculates about what he might find in one spot in the house. Rothstein says the contents might include liver, "Probably not a human liver, but liver for her dogs and cats."
"If there is liver in there, it would come from her," Rothstein says. "It couldn't come from the body, because the body was frozen. And I don't eat meat."
The "liver" turned out to be a blood clot from Rothstein, according to testimony.
During the tour of Diehl-Armstrong's house, Rothstein stops to tell the police he has no idea what substance is on a doorknob in front of him. He wonders whether it might be dog feces.
He then gets set to lead the police to another part of the house.
"Anything else here?" Rothstein asks. "Questions?"
ED PALATTELLA can be reached at 870-1813 or by e-mail. Get updates throughout the day at Twitter.com/GoErie.

This is a 2003 file photo of William Rothstein,beats headphones Decorating on a dime 665, photographed in Erie on Sept. 26, 2003./RICH FORSGREN/Erie Times-News
Online Extras
MORE COVERAGE:Follow our coverage of the trail.Bomb described An FBI bomb specialist testified Tuesday that the bomb locked to the neck of pizza deliveryman Brian Wells was complex in design but made of uncomplicated, common materials, such as two Sunbeam kitchen timers,monster headphones Beckham to visit Miami in quest, batteries, metal and Masonite fiberboard.Those materials can be bought at any number of places throughout the United States, said the witness, Kirk Yeager, Ph.D., a chemist."For the most part, they were so common, so ubiquitous, that it would be impossible to trace them back to anywhere," Yeager said.But he said the bomb was booby-trapped and could be disarmed only by a key. He said it was designed to explode inward, into the chest of the wearer -- Wells, who was killed by the blast. "They wanted it to fragment," Yeager said of whoever made the bomb.He provided no testimony about who made the bomb, which he said was custom built and was one-of-a-kind.Yeager has handled a number of high-profile cases for the FBI, including the October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole and the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.Yeager was the final witness for the day Tuesday in the trial of Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong, which resumes at 9:30 a.m. today in the courtroom of U.S. District Judge Sean J. McLaughlin. Testimony started on Friday.Diehl-Armstrong is accused of the felonies of armed bank robbery, conspiracy to commit armed bank robbery and using a destructive device in a crime of violence. She faces a life sentence if convicted. Diehl-Armstrong said she was framed. -- Ed Palattella

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beyongerf 发表于 2013-6-4 15:38:28

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Ashes call: Chris Rogers at Lord's. Picture: Christopher Lee
Source: Getty Images

CHRIS ROGERS feared he was finished but at 35, after many years of high-class returns, he is Australia's batting choice for the Ashes. He speaks from England about the chance he thought may never arrive.

Most Test batsmen are retired at 35. You are getting a recall. What do you make of it,monster headphones?
I heard Mike Atherton and Nasser Hussain talking about it on television. They said they were both retired at 35 and if you have been playing Test cricket since your early 20s, it gets harder. But if you haven't been playing this is just a fantastic opportunity, you don't have much to lose. I took a lot from that. It is a huge opportunity and in a series for which I felt my chance was long gone.
Interesting point by Athers. You haven't spent 10 years in the Test match furnace, so you might be fresher than an old Test player?
Physically I am in as good a shape as I have been, in particularly over the past six or seven years. The motivation is still there. The drive and desire. That is the most important thing. The willingness not to give an inch has not waned at all.

How did the big news of your Ashes selection break?
I was doing a fitness test with Middlesex at an indoor centre. I looked at my phone and I had a missed call from (Australian selection chairman) John Inverarity,cheap beats by dre. Some of the boys had noticed it on my phone. I was told to keep it secret but it was quite hard when everyone was asking me what was the call about.
Surely they must have detected it in your body language?
It was very hard to keep a straight face. I was speechless. It was one of those things you hope and hope for, then finally it happens.
It says in your profile you are shortsighted and colour blind. How has that affected your game?
I will never play a game with a pink ball again. I just could not see it at all. That is what I have had to grow up and deal with, and I am sure I have had to make adjustments along the way. It can be difficult when you play in England on grounds where there are trees behind the sight screen. (But) the main arenas are all pretty well protected in that respect.
Your Middlesex teammate and Ashes rival Steve Finn recently called himself an elegant right-handed batsman and you an ugly left-hander. Fair sledge?
We get along well and there is a bit of banter to it. We both can be quite sensitive at times.
Are there any times captaining Middlesex when Ashes priorities get muddled?
The interesting one came recently when Steve Finn was not bowling particularly well. Our bowling coach said to him to hit the deck and try to hit a few people. He broke the hand of a batsman and Ian Bell came out to bat with Jonathan Trott. So what do you do?
Did he rough them up?
I wanted him to bounce them but he was a bit reluctant about it. We had to find a way around it,dr dre headphones Fresno mayor's $276 million budg. It was quite interesting. I would not have minded him keep bowling bouncers but he was quite protective for the summer ahead.
You have a first-class average of over 50 yet played just one Test. Do you feel unlucky?
Not initially. If anything I feel unlucky I grew up in such a strong era for Australian cricket. I still maintain that was as good a side who will ever walk on to a cricket field. They were unbelievable players and I was unfortunate in that respect. But I don't begrudge anyone anything, and have still been very grateful for the life I have been able to lead, playing cricket for 12 months a year.
Will Australia use you as a scout?
I have got my own opinions. We played Warwickshire, who had Bell and Trott, and it was very interesting to see how they went about things. Obviously I played with Finny. I guess I am lucky to have that intimate knowledge and hopefully that will be a positive.
Some players reckon they get more nervous about finding tickets for a Lord's Test for their family than actually playing the game. Any inside contacts?
I am hoping the backroom staff at Lord's can help me out,beats by dre. I am going to be all over them,dr dre headphones.
Do Lord's still do the best lunches for the players?
It is the best in the world that I have seen. It is the only place where you actually get served a three-course meal. You don't have to go up and get your own.
They do a great steak and the desserts are really hard to avoid. The puddings and the cream brulees.
John Inverarity pulled you aside some time ago for a private chat. Was that the first time you felt you were an Ashes chance?
Yes. I always held out hope runs on the board would maybe give me an opportunity but I had not had much feedback. To have that conversation, not just about me but to give a little bit of input back on how I see things going in the domestic scene in Australia. It was nice to have an opinion and someone who would listen.
You were heavily chewing your nails in the lead-up to the announcement. Big pressure?
I was secretly getting my hopes up. I had a little bit of feedback from (Victorian coach) Greg Shipperd as well, so I thought 'this is a good chance for me to get another go'. Once I found out I was elated and relieved to get the opportunity to hopefully not be a one-Test wonder (Rogers played against India in the Perth Test of 2008).
How would you sum up your attitude to the Ashes?
It's the icing on the cake. I have nothing to lose,beats headphones Competing NC tax overhaul bills d. I will go out with a positive mindset.
Your father John played for NSW and apparently always felt you were very unlucky to get just one Test,beats headphones, so this must be a big moment for him as well?
Yes. He has been there throughout my whole career and (has been) my coach. When things were as bad as they can be, he has always been the sounding board. Even when I made mistakes or let myself down, he has always been one to help me. It was a nice phone call for me to make. My parents have been amazing.
Finn said recently you were a good leaver of a ball. You don't hear that much these days, do you?
I grew up without the influence of Twenty20. I read that Ricky Ponting said when you were young, you batted and batted until someone got you out. Playing in all conditions around the world has taught me you have to be able to leave the ball and defend well to bat for long periods. I am thankful I have had those opportunities.
Your sole Test was a loss. What are your memories of that game?
From the little I can remember, it was an amazing experience to be around guys like Ponting and Gilchrist. In the opposition they had Tendulkar, Dravid and Sehwag. It is amazing how much support you get and all the people involved, it is kind of hard to concentrate on your own game. This opportunity coming up will be a little bit different and hopefully I can take it in and appreciate it for what it is.
Your home ground in county cricket is Lord's. Does seeing it every day dull the magic?
It is still the most amazing place to play. Even the people who work there, the ushers, are so friendly. To walk through the Long Room with all the supporters standing beside you and clapping you, even when you don't score any runs. It is a massive place to play. The support I have had there has been outstanding. With Middlesex doing well there have been a lot of happy memories.
You may walk through the famous Long Room to bat for a Test. You will know many faces, won't you?
Yes. I have had a lot of them come up to me and say they hope I score a lot of runs and we lose. There are stalwarts who are always there and they make the arena what it is.
You wrote an article for Cricinfo where you criticised the effect that T20 was having on techniques. You even critiqued the techniques of guys like Usman Khawaja. Do you still believe that?
It stemmed from the fact a few of the guys were not performing up to the standard Australian cricket wanted. I was trying to get across the message that we need to be patient with guys who are quite young. They are still developing their game. Cricketers don't come into their prime until their late 20s or early 30s. It is such a mental game where things change all the time and patience is required. Adapting to the different forms is such a difficult task. I struggle to do it at my age, so I am not sure how they find it.
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katesmithq 发表于 2013-6-4 15:40:17

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Home Sports Broncos ,monster headphones
nflQuentin Jammer sees an opportunity for title with BroncosPosted:

05/31/2013 12:01:00 AM MDTMay 31, 2013 7:6 AM GMTUpdated:

05/31/2013 01:06:38 AM MDTQuentin Jammer sports a Broncos uniform Thursday for the first time.
The Broncos' pursuit of defensive back Charles Woodson ended when he chose to play for the Raiders. Woodson likely has an opportunity for far more playing time in Oakland, and he'll be closer to his business interests.
When the Broncos presented Quentin Jammer with the same opportunity, to have a role on a team with championship aspirations, he was quick to say yes. Jammer signed his contract Wednesday and was on the practice field Thursday.
"I thought coming in here they had a great football team,beats by dre, great coaching staff," Jammer said. "Hands down, if you look across the league,monster headphones Help for a happy holiday season, what better place to go than Denver to have a chance to play for a championship?"
"He's another guy who can come in and compete,beats headphones," Broncos
Photos: NFL
coach John Fox said. "He'll have some versatility with us. We're going to try him a little bit at safety as well."
Jammer started at least four games in all 11 of his seasons with the Chargers at cornerback 161 career starts in all. However, with his 34th birthday approaching next month, the Broncos see him as a situational fit in their defense, a player who could line up and handle the responsibilities at cornerback or safety.
Dreessen out. After Thursday's practice, Fox said tight end Joel Dreessen would miss the rest of the team's offseason work,dr dre headphones, including the Broncos' mandatory minicamp June 11-13. Dreessen underwent arthroscopic surgery on his knee.
"Just a little knee procedure,cheap beats by dre, scope, done just to clean it up," Fox said.
In Dreessen's absence, Julius Thomas has had some opportunities with the starters, a chance to show what he can offer the team's passing attack. Thomas missed much of his rookie season in 2011 because of an ankle injury and was held out of last year's offseason workouts after surgery to repair the ankle. He didn't carve out much playing time in the offense after that.
In two seasons, the 6-foot-5, 255-pound Thomas has played in only five games for the Broncos since he was a fourth-round pick in 2011.
"I'm really thankful that I was able to find a way to stay around and continue to be on this team," Thomas said. "It feels great. I've just got to make the most of it."
Bonus time. Quarterback Peyton Manning spent some time after Thursday's practice working with rookie running back Montee Ball, a second-round pick in last month's draft.
"He's a rookie,dr dre headphones Voyage to Venice- 2012 prom toni, but Coach Fox is not going to bring him along slowly," Manning said. "We are going to put him in there and make him a contributor this year. The more repetitions we can get out here, talking football, talking scenarios, I think the more comfortable he'll be once the regular season gets here."
Running back Willis McGahee has not attended the Broncos' offseason program. These workouts are voluntary, but McGahee could be fined by the team if he does not attend the three-day mandatory minicamp. Jeff Legwold, The Denver Post
Copyright 2012 The Denver Post. All rights reserved.
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