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The lay Aqua After decades Cangsang but still attentive to help the left leg of my carefully massage Peas Updated :2011-03-04 Source: the original recurrence Author: Freeze midnight reading: reads font size: medium and small Map of northern covered in shiver Caesar friendship is simplelightly the doctor said I do not know how long they can Zhulei then feelings he stood on the stage to sing the song very tedious what is Have you heard of Yanni something no like the water beads unrealistic Educated youth inside know them not that a certain secondary schools that so and so Kid actor how he became a city condolences educated youth art propaganda team players do This performance was a mess and the performances are not in the class meeting on the grade dare to go to the village down to fool people A captain called to ask the City of educated youth do you guys did not send a goodwill mission to the countryside to show sympathy The answer is no this how to do By City educated youth do casually organization art propaganda team countryside to the The Educated Youth points condolences performance Whose constitution City educated youth do they consider to this counterfeit condolences Mission countryside to show sympathy also there is nothing bad just not approved procedures only They not only did not do anything bad but also not a bad influence countryside and mountainous areas of the educated youth movement played a certain role of spiritual encouragement just is not standardized nothing They will quickly recall also wants counterfeit goodwill mission to the countryside to show sympathy thing is when the city authorities jokes were numerous Zhao Tuo Dad know home of Zhao Tuo bitter lessons of the meal thanks to people educated youth do leadership to see my face head your neck is not to do anything bad do not blame you at all otherwise you wear a destruction of young intellectuals mountain countryside for hat you wearing a fixed understand Purely fill the hold Since then Zhao Tuo scenery He failed when the school even learning team leader now go out they meet all called him "captain Zhao head of" the beginning he did not quite used to think people are laughing at him the passage of time half-hearted recognized two years later to catch up with the City Light Industry Machinery Factory recruitment Zhao Tuo when a worker Assigned work that day when the director read the name of Zhao Tuo paused for a moment talk to the new workers is not that Zhao the captain Zhao head of "New workers laughter
The Zhao Tuo is a celebrity the factory outside the factory has a bunch of good buddies and out have escorted Shuishuoxiaoxiao extremely happy enviable Into the plant is not a long time to have the girl favor a workshop to work and this girl from work inseparable and soon the girl was pregnant unwed Zhao Tuo father is a leader of the municipal units afraid to face to make life difficult cut the Gordian knot son to less than the legal age of marriage for the marriage registration married immediately
The marriage his wife gave birth to a daughter of Zhao Tuo give him the nicknames "Mi West" Daming Zhao Mi West Means that the name is well-behaved affectionately foreign flavor The family also felt cried difficult to talk about "Mimi Hsiao Mi Mi West West" kind of transformation called upon The daughter also liked the name But colleagues say "microphone West" is the meaning of the Japanese eat how good is called such a name Zhao Tuo said you know what Japanese Mia West Mi West is eating we called Mia West into how to eat it Less is more strange Then after two years his wife was pregnant again with the words of Zhao Tuo wife is a block of high and stable yield fields Wife gave birth to a second daughter to give him the nicknames "of MacDermid British Kana Daming Zhao Kana The meaning of this name fashion sounds both cultural taste a little foreign flavor a people are in favor Colleagues can not help but ask Zhao your wife not been abroad Not had dealings with foreigners Zhao Tuo upset what do you mean Colleagues half-jokingly said we thought it was the introduction of new varieties of your wife you avoid arousing suspicion admitting their guilt deliberately emphasized that this child is manufactured in China Zhao said that we say is not it Zhao you know do not know for English Med in china (transliteration of MacDermid British Kana) in China mean Do not know the thought that Chinese manufacturing in China I give the child a name is a matter of my home and less interference in internal affairs to eat radish short to worry about
The wife in the home improvement disease escaped the tracing of family planning and fulfill the expectations surreptitiously to Zhao Tuo gave birth to a son A happy Zhao Tuo joy thinking life all hopes are pinned on this son gave his son from the pet name "learned" Daming Zhao literature meaning hoped that his son would become a literate educated learned scholar
the son pampered childhood inherently good move very naughty and often do not listen to the constraint on doing well in the nursery School learning his dad Zhao Tuo bones exactly the same mess often can not finish the job failed the exam The exam questions will not do inevitably copied the same table classmates teachers love in the face of parents eye close one eye and when the right did not see Is mechanically also often copied the wrong copy papers on the table with the name of the classmate Once the papers did not copy on the table with the name of the students puts his own name "Zhao" surname leakage write a fork written the word "go" last name the word "text" flick write short written "papers on the name became "take the school the teacher to see laughed the school assessment stresses papers the teacher said Zhao literature Yeah Zhao literature I see you" walk (forward) study "can not keep up with the other students you Ha ha ha classmates laughed
The parents at the teacher said parents also laughed this Zhao a look at all of you looked at yourself looking at yourself looked at myself own pleasant loses face shame Back home mad son Zhao literature mercilessly beating and then say you disgrace me less from now on you every homework must get my nine great otherwise I call you Dad The child said the benzene not stupid Dad let me say to take more than nine tenths I took nine ten more This is not the mid-term exam suddenly took the test 96 minutes the Zhao Tuo pleased bad heart delighted walking also felt a lot easier two big eyes smile narrowed to two crack everyone stresses the son astray know strenuously
The neighbor Zhang Xiaohua and Zhao literature classmate Zhao Tuo Crackdown child on the road and asked Xiaohua midterm exam exam how many points Xiaohua said that the two main subject of language exam 83 points in math 90 points That my family literary usual Suri not you study how this test 96 minutes Xiaohua laugh Uncle you do not think about it the homework has been to test two or three very or four or five very hand how will suddenly exam 96 points Play extraordinary is not this extraordinary way back home Zhao Tuo took out papers to let him look at her son his son said nothing to take Zhao say take not Or I'll take the "dictatorship of the measures" Out of frustration the son told the truth Turned out to be this midterm exam than any time difference language exam 9 points 6 points math Afraid to go home to get pounded simply paste makes up the language two math homework papers test scores will be a When the home Zhao Tuo asked a son this exam how many points Son know Dad careless hand holding a the papers pieced good open their own room banla door the papers in a flash the father sitting on the sofa at a distance looked only vaguely saw the papers on the scores and did not see the contents of the papers on this way to muddle through okay Son you are really long skill learn to fool your dad I have come to understand is no longer angry I did not hit you not to call you let yourself how to do it Dad I heard on the mess you go to school to learn I does not change with your son This is called genetic Confucius also to disciple 35 seventy-two sage and people do not like not everyone is smart and I was born stupid as long as I want to learn to learn to seriously learn best how to get not a high school undergraduate son listen to you to see you to when I can When on "captain Zhao head of" What go go it does not open the pot you mention that In this regard Such endlessknow that you alone outside the mother is also a great personality who see Dad ignored and said he has done on the sun according to a photo hard hit the head of the Kin Kin soon passed out down but also afraid of feeling without end-resulttrees with branches to the ground" partner no wind Yaozhu happy also saw whatUpdated :2009-12-29 Source: netrose Author: wild ginseng Hits: times read font size: medium and small
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