课堂英语3-自发情形语言The Language of Spontaeous Situatins
本帖最后由 David 于 2012-6-28 21:57 编辑Classroom Language:
The language of spontaneous situations
If we use English in spontaneous situations:
[*]we relate the target language to the learner's immediate environment;
[*]we take advantage of spontaneous situations to use the target language;
[*]we exploit contexts which are not directly linked to the syllabus (language in use).
Here are some common situations in which spontaneous English can be used:
[*]Happy birthday!.
[*]Many returns (of the day).
[*]..... has his/her 12th birthday today.
[*]... is eleven today. Let's sing "Happy Birthday".
[*]I hope you all have a good Christmas.
[*]Happy New Year!
[*]All the best for the New Year.
[*]Happy Easter.
[*]Best of luck.
[*]Good luck.
[*]I hope you pass.
[*]Well done!
[*]Hard lines!
[*]Never mind.
[*]Better luck next time..
[*]Who's not here today?
[*]Who isn't here?
[*]What's wrong with ... today?
[*]Do you feel better today?
[*]Are you better now?
[*]Have you been ill?
[*]What was the matter?
[*]I'm sorry (about that).
[*]Sorry, that was my fault.
[*]I'm terribly sorry.
[*]Excuse me for a moment.
[*]I'll be back in a moment.
[*]Carry on with the exercise while I'm away.
[*]I've got to go next door for a moment.
[*]Excuse me.
[*]Could I get past please?
[*]You're blocking the way.
[*]I can't get past you.
[*]Get out of the way, please.
[*]I'm afraid I can't speak any louder.
[*]I seem to be losing my voice.
[*]I have a sore throat.
[*]I have a headache.
[*]I'm feeling under the weather.
[*]Do you mind if I sit down?
课堂英语1-开始上课The Beginning of the Lesson
课堂英语2-简单课堂用语Simple instructions
课堂英语3-自发情形语言The Language of Spontaeous Situatins
课堂英语4-课堂管理Classroom Management
课堂英语5-课堂管理2Classroom Management 2
课堂英语7-结束上课The End of the Lesson
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