课堂英语4-课堂管理Classroom Management
本帖最后由 David 于 2012-6-28 21:58 编辑Classroom Language: Classroom management
Here are some common situations in which classroom menagement is needed:
[*]Make groups of four.
[*]Move your desks into groups of four people.
[*]Turn your desks around.
[*]Make a horseshoe shape with your desks.
[*]Make a circle with your desks.
[*]Make a line of desks facing each other.
[*]Make groups of four desks facing each other.
[*]Sit back to back.
[*]Work together with your friend
[*]Find a partner
[*]Work in pairs/threes/fours/fives.
[*]Work in groups of two/three/four.
[*]I want you to form groups.
[*]Form groups of three
[*]Here are some tasks for you to work on in groups of four.
[*]There are too many in this group.
[*]Can you join the other group?
[*]Only three people in each group.
[*]I asked for four people to a group.
[*]Everybody work individually
[*]Work by yourselves.
[*]Work independently.
[*]Ask your neighbor for help.
[*]Work on the task together.
[*]Ask other people in the group
[*]Ask others in the class.
[*]Interview someone else.
[*]Ask everyone in the class.
[*]Stand up and find another partner.
[*]Have you finished?
[*]Do the next activity.
[*]Move on to the next activity.
课堂英语1-开始上课The Beginning of the Lesson
课堂英语2-简单课堂用语Simple instructions
课堂英语3-自发情形语言The Language of Spontaeous Situatins
课堂英语4-课堂管理Classroom Management
课堂英语5-课堂管理2Classroom Management 2
课堂英语7-结束上课The End of the Lesson
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