课堂英语6-错误更正和反馈Error correction and feedback
本帖最后由 David 于 2012-6-28 21:59 编辑课堂英语6-错误更正和反馈Error correction and feedback
Classroom Language: Error correction
Here are some phrases that can be used when giving feedback to students:
[*]Very good
[*]That's very good
[*]Well done
[*]Very fine
[*]That's nice
[*]I like that
[*]You did a great job.
[*]Jolly good
[*]Great stuff
[*]Quite right
[*]That's right.
[*]That's it.
[*]That's correct
[*]That's quite right.
[*]Yes, you've got it.
[*]You've got the idea.
[*]It depends
[*]It might be, I suppose
[*]In a way, perhaps
[*]Sort of , yes.
[*]That's more like it
[*]That's much better
[*]That's a lot better
[*]You've improved a lot
[*]Not really
[*]Unfortunately not
[*]I'm afraid that's not quite right
[*]You can't say that, I'm afraid
[*]you can't use that word here
[*]Good try, but not quite right
[*]Have another try
[*]Not quite right. Try again.
[*]Not exactly
[*]You were almost right.
[*]That's almost it
[*]You're halfway there
[*]You've almost got it
[*]You're on the right lines
[*]There's no need to rush
[*]There's no hurry
[*]We have plenty of time
[*]Go on. Have a try
[*]Have a go
[*]Have a guess
[*]There's nothing wrong with your answer.
[*]What you said was perfectly all right.
[*]You didn't make a single mistake.
[*]That's exactly the point.
[*]That's just what I was looking for.
[*]Don't worry about your pronunciation.
[*]Don't worry about your spelling.
[*]Don't worry, it'll improve
[*]Maybe this will help you
[*]Do you want a clue (hint)?
[*]You have good pronunciation.
[*]Your pronunciation is very good.
[*]You are communicating well.
[*]You speak very fluently.
[*]You have made a lot of progress.
[*]You still have some trouble with pronuncation.
[*]You need more practice with these words.
[*]You'll have to spend some time practising this.
[*]You're getting better at it all the time.
[*]You've improved no end.
课堂英语1-开始上课The Beginning of the Lesson
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课堂英语5-课堂管理2Classroom Management 2
课堂英语7-结束上课The End of the Lesson
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