belief , n. croyance ; Glube.
Belief is an event in the mind. To be a Christian it is necessary t have beliefs. It is my belive that we will have snow.
(s) Belief in religion ; foi ; Glaube.
(e) What one has belief in : feeleing that a thing is probable ; croyance; opinon ; Uberzeugung.
* In the belief that ; have belief in a story.
bell , noun. cloche, sonnette ; Glocke, Klingel.
The church bell is sounding ; that is the front-door bell.
bell-boy . n. Basic Words. Boy servant in a hotel.
bent (un-) bent ; plie, courbe ; gebogen, gebeugt. Opposite of straight.
Using a bent stick ; a bent old man ; his arm was bent
berry (berriies) , n. 'beri ; baie; Beere. [pic]
The fruit of this plant is a berry ;
birds take the berries.
better (best). See good and well.
between , prep. b'twi:n; entre ; zwischen. [pic wordpic.html#food">pic]
A river between two mountains ; time between events ; there is no connection between these events ; make a comparison (selection) between foods ; make a division of the sweets between the two boys.
biology , Internatiional name of a science.
bird , noun. oiseau ; Vogel. [pic]
A bird in the air ; going after birds with a gun.
bird's-eye view , noun, Basic words. View from the air.
birth, noun. naissance ; Geburt.
Mother's give birth to babies.
(s) Position in society by birth ; All are given an equal chance, whatever their birth.
(e) Start ; naissance ; origine source.
Bentham's birth took place in 1748. The birth of a new idea.
birthday , noun. Basic words. The day of the year o which a person's birth took place.
birth-mark , noun. Basic words. Mark on the skin from birth.
birth-place, noun. Basic words. Place of person's birth.
birth-rate, noun. Basic words. Number of births from every 1,000 persons in a given time.
birthright, noun. Basic words. Right given by fact of birth.
bit , noun, bit; morceau, piece ; Stuck (chen), piece.
Have a bit of bread ; bits of news ; put the bits together. A two shiling bit.
* The dress is in bits The plate has come to bits. (Bit by bit.)
** He was a bit sad ; I did my bit in the organization.
(e) Unit of metal money.
bite , noun. bait; coup de dent, pique, Biss. Nip.
The dog gave him a bite ; have a bite at an apple. I took a bite of it. A bad bite in the leg.
(e) What is taken at one bite ; wound from a bite ; bouchee ; morsure ; Bissen ; Biss.
bitter , adjective. amer, bitter. Opposite of sweet, sour.
A bitter taste ; a bitter drink. A bitter thought ; her troubles have made her bitter.
(e) Bitter in feeling ; acharne; verbittert.
black ,. adjective, black; noir, schwarz. [pic]
A black night ; a black man from Africa ; make ones' hand black as coal. Dressed in black.
blackberry, noun. Basic words. Dark berry of the fields and roadsides in England used as food.
blackbird , noun. Basic words. All black bird of Europe noted for song.
blackboard , noun. Basic words. Black board for writing on used in school.
blacklead , noun. Basic words. Black polishing substance (for iron fire-places and so on.).
blackout , noun. Basic words. Keeping of town(s) dark in war-time. Not able to keep the lights on.
blade , . . .
blood , . . .
bloodvessel , noun. Basic words. Blood pipe in the body.
blow , . . .
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