A , B ,
C , D ,
E , F ,
G , H ,
I , J , K ,
L , M ,
N , O ,
P , Q ,
R , S ,
T , U ,
V , W ,
X , Y , Z
The letter C .
café’“, ’kaefei. International word.
calendar, ’kaelindo’°‘. International word.
cake (-er, -ing, —ed), noun. keik; gdteau; Kuchen.
(e) Cake of substance; pain, morceau; Stuck.
Make a cake; have chocolate cake for tea. A cakeof soap; the wheel is
caked with earth.
camera, noun. ’kaemara; appareil photographique; photographischer Apparat.
Taking pictures with a c.
canvas, n. ’kaanvas; toile, canevas; [Maler~]Leinwand, Zeltbahn, SegeZtuch.
Painting on c.; sleeping under c. A c. cover on the boat.
card, n. kegd; carte; Karte.
(s) Playing—card; carte a iouer; Karte.
(e) Material of which cards are made; carton; Karton.
cc. (e) Play with cc.; cartes; (ein) Spielkarten.
Send a c. to. Put down a higher c. Pictures done on c.
The men were playing cc.
cardboard, n. Basic words. Stiff card.
care, n. keo**; soin; Sorgfalt, Obhut, Vorsicht.
(e) Feeling of trouble; souci; Sorge.
Put on the dress with c.; the jewels are in my c.; take care.
The cc. of his position.
* (Take) c. of).
carefree, a. Basic words. Without any feeling of care.
caretaker, n. Basic words. Person looking after house and so on.
carriage, n. ’kaerid5; ooiture; Wagen.
(e) Division of train: transporting: payment for transport; wagon:
transport: port; [Eisenbahn-]Wagen: Transport: Fracht.
Driving in a c. with two horses. A train with six cc. Undertake the
c. of goods. How much is the c.?
* Send the box c. forward. A
cart (—er, -ing, -ed), n. kcnt; charrette; Karren, [Fracht-] Wagen.
A c. came round with coal; carting the earth away.
cat, n. kaet; chat; Katze.
The c. is on the roof.
catarrh*‘*, ka’tax’°*. international word.
cause (-er, -ing, -ed), n. kozz; cause; Ursache.
(e) Purpose: question up for decision by law; cause: procés,
cause; Sache, Zweck: Rechtsfall.
Get angry without c.; it has an interesting c.; the c. of the trouble.
Give money for a good 0. The hearing of a c.
* (There is no c. for protest).
certain (-ly, un-), a. sartn; stir; sicher.
(e) Special but unnamed; certain; gewiss, bestimmt.
Be c. one is right; seem uncertain; they are certainly not here now.
He has a c. disease. V
* Make c. before you do it.
chain (-er, -ing, -ed), n. tfein; chaine; Kette.
(e) Things looked on as a c.: range of mountains.
The dog is on a c.; chaining the prisoners together; chained to
the railing. A c. of events. A c. of mountains.
chalk (-er, -ing, -ed), n. tfoxk; craie; Kreide.
(s) Stick of chalk for writing with.
The earth here is full of c. My c. is broken; chalking numbers on a board.
champagne*, faem’pein. international word.
chance (—er, —ing, -ed), n. tfoins; hasard, chance; Zufall.
(e) Possible hope, time when chance is on one’s side; occasion,
chance de réassir, Moglichkeit, Gelegenheit.
A question of c.; c. is against us; take one’s c. of getting a seat;
a c. meeting. Here is your c.; he hasn’t a c. of getting away; the
cc. are against him.
* (I came there by c.).
** Come on the c. that one’s friend is there.
change (-er, -ing, —ed), n. tjeind.5; changement; Weohsel, (Ver-) Anderung.
(e) Small money: money handed back after taking payment out
of money oHered; petite monnaie: clilférence; Kleingeld; Uberschusz.
Make cc. in the book; see a c. in him; men are changing; she is
changing her dress. Get c. at the station. Give the right c.
** (Small c.).
chauffeur’°‘, _[ou'fa;’°. international word.
cheap (-ly), a. tfixp; bon marché; billig.
(e) Poor in quality, common; inférieur; gering.
A c. meal. C. fiction; a c. trick; be cheaply dressed.
cheese, n. tjigz; fromage; Kiise.
A great round c.; cc. made from goat’s milk; a bit of c.
chemical (-ly, un-), a., n. kemikal; chimique; chemisch.
A c. process; chemically, it is unchanged. A strong c.
chemist, ’kemist. international word. A
chemistry, ’kemistri. International name of science.
check, tfek. international word.
** A c. on the bank.
chest, n. tfest; poitrine; Brust(—Kasten).
(e) Box for storing things in; cofre; Lade.
A pain in my c. Locked in a c.; a c. of drawers.
chief, a., n. tfi;f; principal; chef; haupt(séichlich): Haupt, Hituptling, Fuhrer.
Fishing is his c. interest. The c. is wounded.
chin, n. tfin; menton; Kinn.
She has a small c.
chocolate, ’tfakalit. international word.
chorus, ’ko;ras. international word.
church (churches), n. tjextf; église; Kirche.
(e) Organization of which a c. is representative, gen. C.
The c. is full; the town has 4 churches; be in c.; go to c. every
Sunday. The opinion of the C.; the C. of England.
cigarette, sigdret. international word.
circle (-er, -ing, —ed), n. ’sa;kl; cercle; Kreis.
(e) Group of persons.
A c. on the paper; the little girls were in a c. round the teacher;
circling round the tree. An interesting c. of friends.
circus*, ’s:-yikes. international word.
citron*, 'sitran. international word.
clean (—er, -ing, -ed, un-, —ly), a. kli;n; propre; sauber.
(e) Without dirty suggestion; pur; rein.
c. room; send a dress to the cleaner; my coat has been cleaned.
A c. story; unclean thoughts.
** Cleaning up after work.
clear (-er, ~ing, -ed, un-, -ly) , a. kli;>”; clair; klar.
(e) Clear to the mind: sharply outlined to eye or ear: free;
évident: net, clair: libre; deutlich; bestimmt, hell: frei.
A c. day; c. water; the sky is clearing. Make a point c.; get c.
about something; see his purpose clearly; the sense is unclear. His
writing is very c.; the c. sound of a bell. The road is c.
** Get (keep) c. of.
clock, n. klck; horloge, (une) pendale; Uhr.
This c. is right. l
* (4 by the c.),
clockwork, n. Basic words. Machine like that of a clock.
cloth (-er, -ing, -ed), n. klo9; étoffe, drap, toile; T uch, Stab'.
(s) A bit of cloth; torohon, nappe. »
-ing, (e) Dress; oétement; Kleid(ung).
A roll of c. Here is a c. for drying the plates. Put on clothing;
clothing oneself.
cloud (—er, -ing, -ed), n. klaud; nuage; Wolke.
(e) Thick rnass: cloud of trouble; nuage: ombre.
Cc. in the sky; the sky is clouding over. A c. of smoke. A c. on
her face; be under a c.; clouding their pleasure.
club, klnb. international word.
coal (—er, -ing, -ed), n. koul; charbon; Kohle.
Burning c.; a c. fire; coaling the ship. ·
coat (-er; —ing, -ed), n. kout; oeston, rnanteau; Hook, Jacke, Mantel.
(e) A cover; couche [de peinture etc.]; Anstrich.
A winter c.; put on a c.; a c. and skirt. A new c. of paint; coating
the house with whitewash.
cocktail*, ’linternational word.
coffee, ’kfi. international word.
cognac*", ’kounjeek. international word.
cold (-ly), a., n. kould; froid: rhume; kalt: Kéilte; Erkaltung.
(e) Cold in behavior (feeling): ill condition marked by coughing
and sneezing; froid: rhume; lcalt: Erkéiltung.
A c. day; the soup got c. She was c. to her friends; be looking at
him coldly. Feeling the c. Have a c.
collar, n. ’kole*; col, collet, collier; Kragen, Halsband.
A shirt c.; put on a clean c.; a dog-c.
college, ’kolid5. International name.
colony, ’koloni. international word.
color (-er, -ing, -ed), n. ’kAl:.>’“‘; couleur; Farbe.
A bright c.; coloring the wall.
comb (—er, —ing, -ed), n. koum; peigne; Kamrn.
( e) Combing; action de (se) peigner; Kéimmen.
A brush and c. Give one’s hair a c.; combing the dog.
come (comes, came, coming), v. kixm; venir, arrioer; kommen.
C. into the house; thoughts c. into the mind; nations c. into
existence; one page comes after another; his name comes at the end;
prices will c. down; the sea comes in; he came first in the list; in
the coming year; boats c. and go; buttons c. off; these words c. out
of a book; the story came to my ears; all these examples c. under
one rule; flowers c. up; the sun comes up; it comes up to my hopes.
*1. The governments will come to an agreement (a decision)
about the taxes. A
2. The train came to a stop at the station.
3. Strange facts have come to light.
4. A newspaper man came across some private papers under the seat.
5. How did this come about?
* (Your fears may not c. true).
**C. to blows; c. to grips; c. to one’s senses; it comes to this;
c. up for discussion. (C. into line; c. into play; c. round; men c. out) .
comfort (-er, —ing, —ed), n. kirmfat; confort; Bequemlichlceit.
(s) Comfort to the feelings; reconfort, consolation; Trost.
(e) Thing giving comfort; reconfort; Trost, Annehmlichkeit.
Resting in c.; a comforting drink. Take c. from the fact; com-
forting a friend. My son is a c. to me.
committee, n. ko’miti; oomité, commission; Komitee, Aussohuss.
Put it before the c.; forming a c.
* (He is on the c.).
common (un-, -ly), a. ’koman; ordinaire; gewohnlich.
(e) Of low birth, behavior, in bad taste, unpolished: taking place
frequently: with more than one owner; vulgair: communs commun;
gemein: alltéiglich: gemein (sam).
That is the c. view. A c. person of rough behavior. Quite a c.
event; an uncommon disease; it is commonly said. Talking a c. language.
* Things in c.
commonsense, n. Basic words. General good sense.
company (companies), n. knmpani; société; Gesellschaft.
(e) Group, sp. an organization for some purpose, as a business c.;
compagnie; (Handels-) Gesellschaft.
She went to meetings for c.; be happy in a person's c. The
business was made into a c.; two companies of actors.
* “(Keep a person c.)
comparison, n. kam’pa2risn; compaiaison; Vergleich.
Make a c. between things; this is small in c. with that.
competition, n. kompftifan; concurrence; Konkurrenz; Wetthewerb.
(s) Competition with rules; concoars; Wetthewerh. .
The groups are in c. with one another; c. is strong between them.
The paper is having a c. for cooks.
** C. in.
complete (-er, —ing, -ed, in-, -ly), a. kom’pli;t; complet, cwheoe;
vollstiindig, vollende.
Have a c. system; the work is incomplete; who is completing the
book?; in c. harmony; you are completely wrong.
complex (un-), a., n. ’kompleks; complexe, compliqué; oerwickelt,
komplex, zusammengesetzt.
(e) A system of unconscious desires and so on having an effect
on a person's behavior; complexe; Komplex.
C. ideas; a c. form. A c. of parts. He has a c. about his father.
condition (-er, —ing, —ed), n. kan’dij`en; état; Zustand.
(e) Condition of an agreement (act); condition; Bedingung.
Living cc. are bad; a strange c. of mind; horses in good c.;
conditioning a dog; a conditioned reaction. He made some cc.; a c. of
the distribution.
* On c. that.
connection, n. kzfnekfsn; relation, liaison, lien, communication; Verbindnng, Zusammenhang.
(e) Body of persons doing business with a given store and so on (freq. cc.).
I do not see any c. between those statements; he has no c. with
the business; the train cc. are bad. The music teacher has a good c.
**In this c.
conscious (un-, —ly), a. ’konjas; conscient; hewnsst.
The c. mind, a c. error; be unconscious; not consciously cruel.
* (C. of something).
control (-ler, -ling, -led), n. kon’troul; maitrise, autorité, direction;
Beherrschung, Kontrolle.
(e) Controlling apparatus; régulateur; Kontroll-Apparat.
He has no c. over his son; his feelings are well under c.; take c.;
controlling the work (army) ; a controlling interest; a well-controlled
voice. The c. is not working.
*(C. of).
cook (—er, -ing, -ed), n. kuk; cnisinier(-iere); Koch.
-er, (s) Cooking apparatus; fonrneau; Kochherd, Kocher.
The c. made a cake; good cooking. A gas—cooker.
copper (—er, —ing, -ecl), n. ’kopo""; cniore; Knpfer.
(s) Bit of copper money; sou; Kupfermiinze.
Get c. out of the earth; a c. pot; the box is coppered inside. Give
the boy some cc.
copy (copies, -er, —ing, -ed), n. ’knpi; copie; Kopie, Abschrift.
(e) Copy of a book; exemplaire; Examplar.
Make a c. of a table; copying letters; copying someone’s behavior.
Printing more copies of the reading-book.
copyright, n. Basic words. Right to profits on a book.
cord (-er, -ing, -ed), n. koxd; corde, ficelle; Schnur, (Bind—)Faden, Strick.
A whistle on a c.; the parcel had c. round it; a corded box.
cork (-er, -ing, -ed), n. kozk; liege; Kork.
(s) Cork of a bottle; boachon; Korken.
Covered with c. Get the c. out; corking the bottle.
corkscrew, n. Basic words. Instrument for pulling out corks.
cotton, n. ’kotn; coton; Baumwolle.
(s) Cotton thread; fil; [Baumwoll-]Garn.
A field of 0.; a 0. dress. Take a needle and 0.
cotton-wool, n. Basic words. Natural cotton before it is made into
thread, a soft mass used medically and so on.
cough (-er, -ing, -ed), n. knf; toux; Husten.
(e) Tendency to coughing.
Give a c.; coughing in church. Have a bad 0.
country (countries), ’kAntri; campagne; Land.
(e) Division of the earth, political or other; pays, patrie; Land,
A farm in the c.; wooded c. The c. is at war; warm countries.
cover (-er, -ing, -ed), n. ’kAva*"; couoerture; Decke.
(s) Cover of box or pot; couoercle; Deckel.
(e) Something keeping from view; abri; Deckung.
A c. on the bed; covering his face with his hands; insurance
covering damage by fire; hands covered with hair. The c. is off
the box. The trees were 0. for the army.
* *Take c.
cow, n. kau; cache; Kuh.
Milk from the c.; the 00. in the field.
crack (-er, -ing, —ed), n. kraek; fente, crevasse; Sprung, Spalte.
(e) Noise of cracking; craquement; Krach, Knall.
A c. in the place; cracking nuts. The c. of a whip.
credit (-or, -ing, —ed), n. ’kredit; credit; Kredit.
(e) Good name: thing helping this; honneur: hormeur; Ansehen,
Ehre: Ehre.
Have c. at a bank; give c.; get c.; crediting one’s account. His c.
is high with his friends; crediting him with common sense. He is
a c. to his father.
* On c.; to one’s c.
crime, n. kraim; crime; Verbrechen.
(e) Very bad, shocking, act or condition.
Go to prison for a 0. Wasting your education is a 0.
cruel (-ly), a. ’krual; cruel; grausam.
A c. man; a c. death; a c. thing to say; be acting cruelly.
crush (-er, -ing, -ed),,n. km]; écrasement; Quetschung, Zermalmen.
(e) Mass of persons very near together.
Give the nut a c.; his hat was crushed by someone stepping on it;
a crushing blow. In such a c., there was no room for dancing.
cry (—er, —ing, cried), n. krai; cri; Schrei, [Aus-]Ruf.
-ing, (e) Unhappy crying; action de pleurer; Weinen.
The c. of a street trader; a bird’s c.; give a c. of pain; crying out
that all is well. She was crying quietly.
cup, n. krrp; tasse; Tasse.
The c. is broken; a c. of tea.
cupboard, n. Basic words. Box—like structure with doors and gen.
shelves inside.
current, n., a. ’kArant; courant; Stromung: aktuell, (um)—Zaufend.
(s) Electric current; Strom.
Swimming against the c.; the c. of opinion was against him.
Putting on the c. C. events.
curtain (—er, -ing, ~ed), n. ’ko;tn; rideau; Vorhang, Gardine.
(s) Theater curtain.
A c. over the window; part of the room was curtained oil. Be at
the theater before the c. goes up.
curve (—er, -ing, -ed), n. karv; courbe; Kriimmang; Kuroe.
The c. of an arm; a price c.; curving in the air; curving the metal;
a curved knife.
cushion (—er, -ing, ·ed), n. ’kufan; coussin; Kissen, Polster. Resting on
a c.; a cushioned seat.
cut (-ter, —ting, un-), a., n. kat; coupé: coupure, entaille; geschnitten:
-ting, (e) Bit cut out or off; coupure; Ausschnitt.
The cord is c.; a c. linger; a well-c. dress; cutting a bit off. A c.
on the nose. A newspaper cutting.
* (Bread is c. up).
The Letter D
damage (-er, -ing, -ed), noun. ’daemid3; dommage, détriment, tort; Schaden.
damages = payment for damage; dommagesdntéréts, indemnité; Schadenersatz.
Looking at the damage caused by the fire; the window was damaged
by a storm; a damaging statement. Payment of damages.
* (Do damage to).
dance, dozns. International word.
danger, noun. ’deind3o*; danger; Gefahr.
(e) Thing causing danger.
The d. of walking on thin ice; be in d. of fire. He is a public
d.; that machine is a d. to the workers.
dark, a., n. dozk, sombre; clunkel.
A d. night; a d. color; dressed darkly. Fear of the d.
daughter, n. ’do;ta’°“; fille; Tochter.
The d. of a poor man; have three dd.
daughter-in-law, n. Basic words. Woman one’s son is married to.
day, n. dei; iournée: Tag.
(e) Opposite of night; time in history; jour: jour.
A week has 7 dd.; d. and night; a bright d. In our d.
*(All d.; by d.; d. by d.; from d. to d.; good-d.).
*"One d.; haoe one’s d.
daylight, n. Basic words. The light of daytime.
daytime, 11. The time when it is day.
dead, a., ded; mort: [les] morts; tot: [die] Toten.
(e) Without feeling: gone out of use; engourdi: perimé; abge-
storben: tot.
A d. man; respect for the d. My foot is d. That idea is cl.; d.
dear (-ly), a., n. dia’°‘; cher; teaer. '
(e) Loved (one); cher: chéri; lieb: Liebe(r).
The goods are d. A d. friend; he was dearly loved. Come with
me, my d.
* (D. to the public).
death, n. deG; mort; Tod.
(e) Condition of death.
His d. was a great blow; go to one’s d.; come to one’s d.; d. took
him; the d. of his hopes. Beautiful in d.
* (Put to d.).
debt, n. det; dette; Sohuld.
(e) Condition of having dd.
A d. of £10; a d. to the past. Be badly in d.
decision, I`l. di’si5an; décision; Entscheidung.
(e) Power of making decisions; Entschlossenheit.
Make a d.; the d. of this question. He has great d.
* (Come to a d.).
deep (-ly), a., adv. dizp; profond; tief.
(e) Going to the root (of a question); d fond.
D. water; a d. hole; be d. in debt; he was deeply moved. A d.
book; a d. interest. Co d. into the earth.
degree, di’gri:; degré; Brad. _
(e) Amount.
Two dd. under boiling—point; marking the dd. in red. A high
d. of interest; a question only of d.
* (By dd.),
delicate (-ly), a. ’delilnt; développement; Entwieklung.
(e) Outcome; résultat.
The d. of a new system (idea): the d. of man; go through a
process of d. Interesting new dd.
did. See do.
different (-ly), a. ’difrant; different; oerschieden andere (-r, -s).
Two d. sorts of fruit; a different man; viewing things differently.
digestion, n. di’d5estjsn; digestion; Verdauung.
He has a good d.; d. is a slow process.
direction, n. di’rekfen; direction; Richtung.
(e) Controlling: order; gestion: instruction; Leitung: Anweisung.
Birds coming from every d.; going in the d. of the town; the d.
of the current. The d. of a business. Those were his dd.
dirty (dirtier, -ing, -dirtied), a. ’do;ti; sale; schmutzig.
(e) With a dirty suggestion; indécent.
The tablecloth is d.; make the floor d.; dirtying one’s hands. A
d. story.
discovery, n. dis’kAvari; découoerte; Entdeokung.
(e) Thing uncovered by discovery.
He made an interesting d.; the year of the d. of America. May
I see your d.?
discussion, n. dis’kAfan; discussion; Erorterung.
Have a d. about; the d. of details; deep in d.; the Peace D. in London.
* (An idea under d.).
** (Come up for d.),
disease, n. di'zi;z; maladie; Krankheit.
Get a d.; expert on dd. of the ear; a town full of d.
disgust (-er, —ing, —ed), n. dis’gAst; dégmit; Ekel, Abneigung.
Have a d. for a person; go away in d.; disgusting facts; a disgusted person.
*(Disgusted (pleased, angry) with).
distance, n. ’distans; distance; Abstand, Entfernung.
A d. of four feet; go a great d.; some d. away; in walking (hear-ing) d.;
see from a d.
* (At a great d.).
distribution, n. distrfbjuxfan; distribution; Verteilung.
(e) How things are placed; répartition; Verbreitung. ·
Make a d. of clothing; an unequal d. What is the d. of the disease
division, n. di’vi5an; division; Abteilang.
(e) Space (wall) between: act of division: division of feeling
(opinion); eloison: separation: divergence; Teilang: Teilang:
A d. of a school; a d. of the·book. Put up a d. across the room;
make a d. between the houses. The d. of the money; the boys are
doing d. A d. of opinion among experts.
do (does, did, doing, done, doer), v., aux. v. duz; faire, agir; tan, machen.
(e) Be right, or enough, for a given purpose.
-ings, (e) Acts; actes; Taten.
D. a kind act; d. the right thing; d. the cleaning; d. music; d.
nothing; d. wrong. This will d. for a curtain. I d. not keep dogs;
he did not see me; d. you go to the theater?; I made an offer and
so did he. Give an account of one°s doings.
* The bricks will d. damage to the window; they did well (badly)
in the test. (D. one’s best; have nothing to d. with).
** How d. you d.? I have done with the paper. D. one’s bit;
d. trade in; d. one good).
dog, n. dog; chien; Hand.
Take a d. for a walk.
dominion, do’minjon. International name.
door, n. do;’°; parte; Tiir.
Get the d. open; the d. into the room; at death’s d.
* Out of dd.
doorkeeper, n. Basic words. Person stationed at door of hotel and so
on, to oversee incomings and outgoings.
doorway, n. Basic words. Opening for a door.
doubt (-er, -ing, -ed), n. daut; doute; Zweifel.
Have dd. about; be in d.; doubting a man (story).
** No d.
down, prep., adv. daun; (en) bas; herab, hinunter: anten.
Go d. a mountain. The sun goes d.; put the pot d.; take d. words;
the story has come d. from the past.
* He took a walk d. (ap) the street (road); if you are good at
lighting, that is no reason for looking d. on lovers of peace. (He let
his friend d.) .
** (Put one’s foot d. about something; put the smash d. to the wet road).
downfall, n. Basic words. Destruction, end.
drain (—er, -ing, -ed), n. drein; égout, tuyau d’écoulement, drain;
Abflussleitung, Entwiisserungsgraben.
-ing, (e) Process of making less or feebler; affaiblissemcnt;
Put water down the d.; draining a bit of land. Draining away
his power.
drawer, n. drc:’“; tiroir; Schublade.
Put away in a d.
dress (dresses, -er, -ing, -ed), n. dres; robe; Kleid.
(e) Clothing; habit, hahillement; Kleidung.
-ing, (e) Cover put on wound: substance put on food; pansement:
asaisonnement, sauce; Verband: Sauce.
She had a beautiful d.; their dresses were blue. A new form
of d.; dressing oneself (the baby). Put a dressing on the leg;
dressing the leg. A thick dressing on the meat.
* (Dressing up).
drink, n. drink; hoisson; Getrdnk.
(s) Alcohol d.; liqueurs fortes; (geistiges) Getriink.
(e) (Amount of d. for) one act of taking d.; coup de hoire;
Schluck. A
Tea is a good d. They had some d. ; d. is his trouble. Have a d.
of water; have a d. to him; give me another d.
*(The worse for d.),
driving (driver), n., a. draivin; action de conduire; Fahren, Fuhren.
(e) Forcing; action de pousser; Treihen.
D. an automobile (cart); a good driver. Put the nail in by d. it
with a hammer; the wind was d. the ship forward; a d. rain; you
are d. me to drink.
drop (—per, -ping, -ped), n. drop; goutte; Tropfen.
(e) Fall: chute; Fall.
Dd. of rain on the window; a d. of blood from the wound. It is
a long d. from the top of the wall; a d. in prices; dropping the plate.
dry (—er, -ing, dried), a. drai; sec, arid; trocken.
(e) Not interesting; ennuyeux.
A d. field (tongue, day); get d. in front of the {ire; drying the
linen; dried fruit. A d. discussion (book).
dust (-er, —ing, -ed), n. diist; poassiére; Staub.
(e) Powder; poudre. ~
-er, (s) Cloth for taking off dust; torchon; Staabtach.
There is d. on the books;_get d. in his eyes; dusting the table
(room). Chalk d. Cleaning the table with a duster.
dustman, n. Basic words. Man who goes round with cart for house waste.
dynamite“, ’dainemait. International word.
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