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Parts of Speech
Chapter 4  - Adjectives

An adjective is often defined as a word which describes or gives more information about a noun or pronounAdjectives describe nouns in terms of  such qualities as size, color, number, and kind.  In the sentence The lazy dog sat on the rug, the word lazy is an adjective which gives more information about the noun dog.  We can add  more adjectives to describe the dog as well as in the sentence The lazy, old, brown dog sat on the rug.  We can also add adjectives to describe the rug as in the sentence The lazy, old, brown dog sat on the beautiful, expensive, new rug. The adjectives do not change the basic meaning or structure of the sentence, but they do give a lot more information about the dog and the rug. As you can see in the example above, when more than one adjective is used, a comma (,) is used between the adjectives.

Usually an adjective comes before the noun that it describes, as in tall man. It can also come after a form of the word beas in The man is tall.  More than one adjective can be used in this position  in the sentence The man is tall, dark and handsome. In later lessons, you will learn how to make comparisons with adjectives.

Most adjectivesdo not change form whether the noun it describes is singular or plural.  For example we say big tree and big trees, old house and old houses, good time and good times.  There are, however, some adjectives that do have different singular andplural forms.  The common words this and that have the plural forms these and those. These words are called demonstrative adjectives because demonstrate or point out what is being referred to.

Another common type of adjective is the possessive adjective which shows possession or ownership. The words my dog or my dogs indicate that the dog or dogs belong to me.  I would use the plural form our if the dog or dogs belonged to me and other people.  The chart below shows the forms of possessive adjectives.
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person

*Personis used here as a grammar word and has these meanings:
1st person or the self (I, me, we),
2nd person or the person spoken to (you)
3rd person or the person spoken about (he, she, him, her, they, them).

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©2002 INTERLINK LanguageCenters - Created by Mark Feder

Pop Quiz for Chapter 4


1)  Which contains an adjective?

old man on Tuesday she said and you afternoon

2)   Which contains an adjective?
Bill Clinton the fire spread got married very busy piece of pie

3)  Which does not contain an adjective?
cold water until now rainy day great idea gold star

4)  Which does not contain an adjective?
wait here my friend is hot lucky day that guy

5) Which does not contain a possessive adjective?
its name his shirt it's theirs my best friend at our house

6)  Which adjective has a plural form?

big happy first small that

7)  Which is not correct?
sad news hard life bigs cars those men her friends 
8)  Which contains a third person possessive adjective?

your choiceour plan his name that picture 

9)  How many adjectives are in the sentence The old dog was tired and dirty?

10)  How many adjectives are in the sentence I ate a piece of cake with my coffee?

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