To angry to remember commercials - Gerund or Infinitive

Gap-fill exercise


According to a new study, violent TV shows makes it difficult brand names or commercial messages. Violence creates anger, and instead of the commercials, viewers are attempting themselves down after violent scenes.  The results: violent programs may not be profitable for advertisers.

This conclusion is good news for the parents, teachers and lawmakers who are struggling the amount of violence on U.S. television. They had a small victory in 1997, when lawmakers and the television industry designed a TV ratings system. Unfortunately, Congress did not ask parents in creating the system, and the industry does not invite parents shows before it assigns ratings. As a result, parents are still guessing about the content of the shows their kids watch.

Why are we worrying about television violence?  The numbers tell the story: A typical child will see 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence between the ages of three and twelve. It’s impossible that this input won’t affect young children. In fact, researchers have noted three possible effects of viewing this much violence:

  1. Children may become less sensitive to other people’s suffering.
  2. They may also become fearful of with other people.
  3. They may be more likely in a way that’s harmful to others.

Studies show that a huge majority of people want commercial TV more educational and informational programs. More than 75 % believe in limiting the number of hours of TV that children watch. And the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children more than one to two hours per day.



It’s hard why the entertainment industry resists changes.  Parents, teachers and doctors are urging the industry clearer ratings and get rid of violence   in children’s shows. In addition, violence seems money for advertisers. Even artists are warning the industry not change.

The industry may choose not attention to the public, but it will not be able to ignore Congress. Lawmakers want the way networks market violent shows to teenagers. They are also asking the industry violence-free hours, when no violent content is allowed. Hopefully, parents in the United States will someday feel good about their children on the family TV.