



湖州日报:3名学子入围“希望之星”只有狂人才干的事情!带字幕美国之音慢速英语VOA Special English学英语视频近1000个,自诩为国内最全!适合增加词汇和锻炼听力!点击查看...
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VOA Special English 今日: 0|主题: 863|排名: 21 

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Comparing American and Chinese Parents-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
WHO Says Alcohol Abuse a Leading Cause of Death, Disability-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
A Victory for Computers as Watson Wins Jeopardy --VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
Classes Start in March at Internet Training Center in Togo-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
How Can a Country Disconnect Itself From the Internet --VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
Airport Security Could Go to Electronic Sniffer Dogs-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
Looking to Robots and Other Technology to Improve Health Care-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
In Class With Peace Corps Volunteers in Africa, Asia-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
A Possible Safe New Way to Kill Mosquitoes That Spread Malaria-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
Iron, Vitamin D May Lead to Smarter, Healthier Children-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
All Eyes Were on Tablets at CES in Las Vegas-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
WHO Chief Warns of Risk to Winning Streak for Public Health-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
When a Cut Finger Is More Serious Than It Might Seem-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
2000 Years of Computing History at a Museum in California-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
Anxious Students Gain on Tests by Writing About Fears-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
A Fatter World, Yet Fewer Cases of High Blood Pressure-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
Pads, E-Readers, Notebook Computers Topped Wish Lists-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
Egyptians Gain a Voice With Social Media Service Used by Stars-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
Project Seeks to Cut Deaths, Build Market for Clean Cookstoves-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
Defeat Malaria, or Just Control It - ; A Better Vaccine for Polio-VOA慢速英语带字幕视频 - [阅读权限 50] 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 00 江湖一把刀 2013-6-8 13:32
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