



置顶 ·分享 Stuck
英语天才 2012-8-28 19:13
今天早上,我们要catch很早的飞机,我们从Burleigh Beach Tower出来的时候,我们按去年的方法将钥匙留在了房间里。没想到意外竟然发生了。到楼下的第二道门竟然需要钥匙才能出去,我们想到另外那个门出去,但是竟然进入Burleigh Beach Tower的门不开,我和妈妈就在外面 ...
1002 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 11
分享 三言两语
英语天才 2013-2-1 21:34
271 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The Unlucky Man
英语天才 2013-2-1 21:32
There was a very clever and rich man who was able to work in a big factory. He always had his hat on because he thinks it makes him cool. One day, he was sick and he can't go to work. But before that he promised to his boss that he would go to work everyday. So, bad luck. ...
个人分类: 英语作文|281 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The match
英语天才 2013-1-31 21:13
One day, some boys were playing footy. The football's colour were green. "I got it!" Max shouted loudy. It was so loud that the boy beside him fell on the ground. "Ha!" shouted Max. "You wouldn't catch me!" Max kept running and he got a goal! "Yeah!" shouted his team ...
288 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 K歌
英语天才 2013-1-29 13:26
昨天,我和伙伴们一起去K歌。K歌厅里到处都是人家唱歌的声音,我们走进了我们的包厢,这个包厢把外面嘈杂的声音给隔绝了,所以我们可以尽情地唱我们的歌。我们这个包厢的音响特别好,声音也特别大,所以我和徐程浩在放开嗓子唱Good time的时候,让杨婕、程钰媛和金可依都塞住了耳朵··· ...
316 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 The Flowers
英语天才 2013-1-29 13:16
It was Autumn now, and the weather was cool. A girl has stand beside a big tree. Then she looked around. "What beautiful flowers!" she said. Then the wind blew. It blew some flowers off. "Oh no!" said the girl. She ran up and picked the flowers up. "I can take them h ...
个人分类: 英语作文|404 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
分享 The Broken Wall
英语天才 2013-1-28 22:22
One day, a man was brushing his front wall. A boy saw him nd ran up. "Why do you want to brush that wall white?" "Cause it makes the wall look beautiful," said the man. Then the boy had a bad idea. "I can get some rocks and hit the wall so that the man couldn't paint his w ...
个人分类: 英语作文|404 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 玩鱼
英语天才 2013-1-25 18:55
今天,Yoyo把自己家里的鱼拿了过来,跟我一起玩鱼。我们把鱼倒进了一个大的盆子里,然后拿出来捉弄它们。我把鱼在地上摔来摔去,然后把摔伤的鱼扔在另一个盆子里养伤。到最后,有一条鱼不小心被我摔死了,所以我们用泥土把它给埋了起来······ ...
325 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 2
分享 The lucky boy
英语天才 2013-1-11 18:32
One day, a boy whose name was Max was walking along the street. He's family was very poor. Suddenly, he saw a big eraser beside the road. Max picked it up. There was a treasure map at the back of the eraser. So Max founda spade and began to dig where the treasu ...
个人分类: 英语作文|460 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 明天比赛
英语天才 2013-1-7 20:06
星期三,我们学校将举行四年级跳长绳比赛。我们班今天都在加紧练习,男孩子一般十五个都连的上,女孩子个子矮的都连得上,就是后面个子高的总是要掉一个在进去跳,这样速度就慢了。老师现在让我们在3分钟之内能跳150个,这样的话明天比赛就能获奖了。希望大家能在比赛中取得好成绩。 ...
364 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1

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