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发表于 2013-7-8 11:49:30 | 只看该作者

发表于 2013-7-8 17:34:31 | 只看该作者

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Archbishop's intervention led to fall of Bishop
In an indication of how seriously churches are taking the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Kid Sexual Abuse, Archbishop Aspinall last week sent the commission an internal church critique LED of the scandal.
The review into the remedy of victims of sexual, physical and mental abuse at the North Coast Children's Household at Lismore in northern NSW from the 1940s to the 1980s was brought to the Archbishop's attention right after Fog Lights an approach by The Each day Telegraph.
Archbishop Aspinall and the national common secretary of the Anglican Church, Martin Drevikovsky, on May perhaps Led Tail Lights ten met with Bishop Keith Slater, the head of the Grafton Diocese for the past ten years who resigned last week soon after apologising to victims "who bravely came forward to tell their story of abuse and have been turned away".
Archbishop Aspinall, Primate of the Anglican Church in Australia, yesterday said Led Bicycle Lights that Bishop Slater's "pastoral failings" and breaches of church law have been really serious enough for him to resign.
However, regardless of the church hierarchy, he had no energy to sack Bishop Slater.
"I place Dashboard Lights to him that if there was substantial truth in the report then I believed that he needed Led Strips to take into account irrespective of whether it was tenable for him to continue as bishop," Archbishop Aspinall mentioned.
"I told him to go away, pray and take what ever guidance he wanted.
"I was unaware of the seriousness of the pastoral failings and I was unaware of the breaches of church law."
Tommy Campion, who spent 14 years at the dwelling and who has campaigned for a full apology from the church,Christmas Tree Lights, said Led Strip Lighting he could barely believe it when Bishop Slater  his nemesis for extra than eight years because he began his push for an acknowledgment of the brutal horrors at the home Led Rope Light  resigned.
"When it sank in,Led Rope Lights, I just sat on the couch and put Christmas Lights For Sale my head in my hands and cried a bit," said the former awardwinning photographer with The CourierMail and Daily Sun newspapers in Brisbane.
Aged two when his father dumped him and his fouryearold sister Suzanne, Mr Campion, now 63, still Led Christmas Lights wants the royal commission to investigate the abuse and why it was covered up.
Alleged perpetrators integrated staff, visiting clergy, members of holiday host families and other residents.
The commission yesterday requested all the documents from the church into the treatment of victims of the house  many of them orphans  who had been told by Bishop Slater that the church did not agree that the dwelling was a churchrun facility.
Bishop Slater admitted "the instant Headlights question of legal liability had initially clouded the matter" and that the victims need to have been referred to the church's Skilled Requirements Director and helped.
"It is hard to reflect on how these failures of method Flashlight and pastoral response happened," Bishop Slater stated Led Flashlight.
"The Diocese of Grafton had never ever prior to dealt with complaints of such magnitude as these associated with the North Coast Children's Household."
In 2007 the Grafton Diocese paid up to $22,000 to each of 41 victims,Dashboard Lights, which includes Mr Campion. The payments were not compensation but out of "compassion".
Archbishop Aspinall said the church would fully cooperate with the royal commission.
Meanwhile, a choice Led Emergency Lights by Legal Aid NSW not to fund any new compensation instances LED Ceiling Lights for victims of institutional abuse means quite a few survivors will miss out, victims' help groups said.
Legal Aid NSW expects a big number of compensation applications from victims as a result of the inquiry into abuse by churches, schools,LED Bulbs, scouting groups and orphanages. But it says it will not fund civil claims against either the church or the state government, citing "obtainable Led Spotlights funds and competing priorities",Led Strips.
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Two days after Iceland's senior women's team beat England their Under-19 team have designs on repeating the feat as, with a goodwill message from striker Margrét Lára Vidarsdóttir, they target a place in the last four in Belarus.Star supportSpeaking after scoring in a 2-0 victory against their fellow UEFA WOMEN'S EURO 2009? finalists in Colchester, Kristianstad FC striker Vidarsdóttir told uefa.com she and her team-mates would be supporting the U19s from afar. "I heard England have a great team there, but if Iceland play in a good system like we played today they have a real chance," said the 22-year-old. "We just played our system – we know what we are doing. We are not just doing any old thing; we used our strengths and that's important, to play good defence and attack with fast forwards."Asgrimsdottir goalThat outlook could serve ?lafur Thór Gudbj?rnsson's charges well 1,800km away in Molodechno as they seek the win – their first in the UEFA European Women's Under-19 Championship?finals – that would take them through to the semi-finals. Defensive midfielder Arna Sif Asgrimsdottir, for one, is confident after scoring the opener against Sweden on Thursday, though a late comeback ultimately denied her side even a point. "I'm happy about the goal, not happy about the points," said the 16-year-old. "We can beat England if we play at our best,cheap authentic jerseys, though. We have had a lot of chances here in Belarus but have not been taking advantage – we need to score."Hope How Gudbj?rnsson – indeed any coach here – would relish someone of Vidarsdóttir's goalscoring calibre, her 45 A international appearances bringing 43 goals. Yet despite a stifling heat that left her short of breath at times against Sweden as the mercury touched 30C, Asgrimsdottir has seen some cause for hope in a campaign that opened with a goalless draw against Norway. "I thought we were better in the first half against Sweden but after the interval they put a lot of pressure on us and, in the end, got the better of us," said the Thor KA Akureyri youngster,cheap authentic jerseys from china, before again returning to her headed goal. "Before the game I thought how cool it would be to score so I was happy and surprised. It doesn't happen very often – the last time was several months ago. I think I did OK but I can do better." Iceland will need to against England. Related ItemsBarrling buoyed by late strikesSweden revived by late rally
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