A, AN, As in Standard English.
aback, adv. Taken aback, surprised. abandon, verb. Let go, give up. With abandon, in a care-free way; abandoned woman, bad. abate, verb. Make or get less. Smoke abatement, less smoke. abbreviate, verb. Make shorter. abdicate, verb. Give up (authority, power). abduct, verb. Take away (woman) by force. abeyance, In abeyance., not in present use. abhor, verb. (Have) hate, disgust. abide, verb. Keep to (place, decision). ability, Power (to do) ; able. Mental a., a good brain; man of aability, able man. abject, adj. Poor, unhappy. ablaze, adv. In flames. ABLE, Capable. Able to do ; an able man. ablution, Washing, bathing. abnormal, adj. Not normal, more than normal. aboard, adv., prep. On (ship, train). abode, Living place, house. abolish, verb. Put an end to. abominable, adj. Very bad, disgusting. abortion, Giving birth to dead baby (before time).
above, prep., adv. Over, on the top of, more than. abreast, adv. Level. , abridgment, A shorter form. abroad, adv. In (to) another country; overseas. abrupt, adj. Sudden, sharp (behaviour). absence, Not being present. absolute, adj. Complete (loss), unlimited (power). Absolute alcohol, 100%. absolve, verb. Make free from (debt); say a person has not done. absorb, verb. Take up; keep the attention, An absorbing play, (very) interesting. abstain, verb. Keep from. Total abstainer, person who takes no strong drink. abstemious, adj. Taking little (food and drink). |
abstract, 1. (Ab’stract), noun, adj. Short account. In theory.
abstracted, Having thoughts on other things (far away). absurd, adj. Without reason, foolish. abundance, More than enough, very much. abuse, 1. (Abuse), Bad language ; wrong use.
acceleration, Increase in rate (of motion). accent, 1. (Acc’ent), Weight or quality given to a sound; way of saying words.
access, Way in, doorway; right to see. Access of feeling, outburst. accessary, Helper in an act, person taking part (in crime).
acclimatize, verb. Get used to new conditions (weather). accommodate, verb. Give space (a place) to ; do what is requested. accompany, verb. Go with. accomplice, Person acting with another (in crime). accomplish, verb. Do, put into effect.
ACCOUNT, Description. (s) Bill. Take into account ; of no account. accountable, adj. Responsible. accredited, adj. Credited.
accumulator, Apparatus for storing electric current. accuse, verb. Make a statement against a person. |
2 accustom, verb. Get used to. ache, noun, verb. Pain. achieve, verb. Get (a thing) done, do. ACID, Sour. (e) Acrimonious. An a. acknowledge, verb. Give credit for ; say one has had. I a. that I have done wrong, it is true that (I am ready to say that). acquaint, verb. Get (give) knowledge of. acquaintance, Friend.: acquiescence, Agreement ; without protest. acquire, verb. Get, become owner of. acquit, verb. Say a person is not in the wrong. A. oneself well, do well. acrobat, One who does tricks in the air. ACROSS, As in Standard English. ACT, D. Action. (e) Section of drama. actor, (s) = Dramatic performer. action, Act. Bring an a., go to law. Man of a., man given more to acts than to words. active, adj. In operation, in motion, (hard) working. An a. woman, with a number of interests. actual, adj. In (having) existence. actually, In fact. acute, adj. Sharp; serious (trouble). adapt, verb. Make adjustment. add, verb. Make an addition; increasing, joining. addicted, adj. Given to (doing). ADDITION, Portion added. (e) Adding. In a. address, noun, verb. One’s house (place of business); public talk, words said in public. adept, noun, adj. Expert. adequate, adj. Enough; able. adhere, verb. Be fixed; keep to (word). adjacent, adj. Nearest. adjoining, adj. Touching. adjourn, verb. Put on (discussion). ADJUSTMENT, Adaptation. (e) Adjusting. administer, verb. Have control of; government ; give (poison). admire, verb. Have high (good) opinion of, great respect for; give warm approval to. admit, verb. Let in; make statement; make no protest. adolescent, noun, adj. Young person. adopt, verb. Take up (idea). A. a boy, take as one's son. adore, verb. Have great love for. adorn, verb. Put on ornament. adrift, adv. Out of control. adult, noun, adj. Man or woman. |
2B adulterate, verb. Put other substances (of less value) into, make quality poorer. adultery, Being untrue (of married persons). advance, noun, verb. Step forward ; increase (in price). Go (make a move) forward; give (money) before the time. Prepare in a., get ready before the event; advanced ideas, new. advantage, Something to one's profit; good point. Take a. of the fact, make use of; there’s an a. in being first, its better to be. adventure, Experience of great interest (danger). adversity, Bad times. ADVERTISEMENT, announcement, poster. (e) Publicity; advertising. advice, Opinion, suggestion. advise, verb. Give opinion, suggestion. I will a. you of his arrival, send word when he comes. advocate, 1. (Advocate), Supporter (of a view). 2. (Advocate'), verb. Give support to. aerial, noun, adj. (Radio) intake. (feeler). Of (to do with) air. aerodrome, Airplane field. aesthetic, adj. To do with art values. affable, adj. Kind. affair, Business. Man of aa., business man; love a., love experience. affect, verb. Have an effect on; put on (an air). affected, Not natural (behaviour), putting on airs. affection, love. affiliate, verb. Make a connection with. affirmative, noun, adj. Yes. affliction, Pain, trouble. affluence, geing well-off. afford , verb. have enough (money) for ; give (shade). affront, noun, verb. Unkind words. afloat, adv. At sea, on the water. aforesaid, adj. Named before. afraid, adj. In fear of. afresh, adv. Again. AFTER, Opposite of before. A. all afternoon, After 12 a.m., later part of the day. afterthought, Basic words. afterwards, adv. After, after that:. AGAIN, As in Standard English. AGAINST, As in Standard English. age, noun, verb. How old one is, number of years old ; time. Get old. Of a., over 21 ; of great a., very old. |
3 agent, Representative, person acting for. Agency, Business house (marketing goods for maker). aggravate, verb. Make greater (angry, worse). aggregate, 1. (Agg'regate), noun, adj. Mass; all together. 2. (Aggregate'), verb. Formng a group. aggressive , adj. Warlike, attacking. agile, adj. Quick-moving. i agitation, Troubled condition; outcry. ago, adv. Before, earlier. Three years a., back ; long a., in days gone by, old days. agony, Great pain. agree, verb. Be in agreement; come to an a. agreeable, Pleasing. AGREEMENT, Pact, contract. (e) Understanding, accord. agriculture, Farming. ahead, adv. In front, forward, aid, noun, verb. Help. First a., rough, simple, medical attention; first help. ail, verb. Be ill (not well), have disease. aim, noun, verb. Direction; purpose. He took a. with his gun, put his gun straight at it; a. at seat in Parliament. be working for. AIR, D. Atmosphere. (e) Manner, appearance. Airing beds (views). airplane, Basic words. ajar, adv. A little open (of a door). alarm, noun, verb. Fear. Put into a condition of fear. Give the a., danger sign; a. clock, with automatic bell. album, noun. Book of pictures. alcohol, International word. alert, adj. Ready, with quick mind (sharp senses). algebra, International word. alien. noun, adj. Person of a different nation. Strange. alight, 1. verb. Get off. 2. adj. alike, adv. The same, like one another. alive, adj. Living. ALL, As in Standard English. alleged, adj. Said to be so. alley, Side-street, narrow street. Blind a., no through way. allot, verb. Give; make a distribution. allotment, Garden. allow, verb. Let. A. 6d in the pound, take off. allowance, Regular payment. Make aa., take into account. | 3B alloy, 1. (All’0y), Mixed metal. 2.(All0y'),v. (Get) mixed. allude, verb. Say something about. I a. to Germany, am talking here of, have in mind. ally, 1. (All’y), Supporter; (nation) on the same side. 2. (Ally'), verb. Be on the same side. Alliance, Agreement; joining forces. almighty, noun, adj. The Father of All. Very great, of great power. The a. dollar, all-important. ALMOST, As in Standard English. alone, adv. By oneself. along, prep., adv. On, with. A. the road, up (down) the road. aloud, adv. Out loud. alphabet, The letters. In alphabetical order, in the order of the letters. already, adv. Up to now ; before. Are you done already? so quickly. alright, adv. All right. also, conj. In addition. altar, High Table in Church. alter, verb. Make a change. alternate, 1. (Al’ternate), verb. Doing in turn. 2. (Alter'nate), adj. First one, then the other, every second (one). alternative, noun, adj. Thing which might take the place of another. although, adv. Though. altogether, adv. Quite, completely. always, adv. At all times. amass, verb. Get (a number of) things together. amateur, noun, adj. Not doing for a living ; not expert at (work). amaze, verb. Make very surprised. ambassador, Nation’s representative in another country. ambiguous, adj. Not clear (sense). ambition, Desire to go far ; what one has a great desire to do. ambulance, Hospital automobile, amend, verb. Make better, put right. amendment, Change (in law, statement). amenity, Comfort(s). amiable, adj. Kind. amicable, adj. As between friends, happy (relations). amid, prep. Among. amiss, adv. Wrong. He took it a., badly. ammunition, Firing material for guns. AMONG, As in Standard English. amongst, adv. Among. amorous, adj. Loving, in love. AMOUNT. Quantity. | 4 ample, adj. Enough. A. proportions, great size. amputation, Cutting on (arm or leg). amuse, verb. Give amusement. AMUSEMENT, Hilarity. (e) Entertainrnent, diversion; amusing. analyse, verb. Get at the details of; get broken up (into simpler substances). anarchy, Condition in which there is no law or order; without government. anatomy, (Science of) the structure of living bodies. ancestor, Person (earlier) in the family line; the men of old; our fathers before us. A long line of aa., a long family tree. d anchor, noun, verb. Hook for keeping a ship at rest, ship’s hook. ancient, adj. Old. AND, As in Standard English. anecdote, Short story. angel, Being with wings; servant a of Jehovah. anger, noun, verb. Being angry. Make angry. ANGLE, Inclination of intersecting lines. (e) Corner; aspect. At an a. ANGRY, Enraged. anguish, Pain, trouble (oi mind). angular, adj. Having sharp angles, pointed. ANIMAL, Creature. (s) Bestial. animated, adj. Bright; living. A. by desire, moved. ankle, Part joining leg to foot. A good a., a good leg. annex, 1. (ann’ex), Addition (to building). 2. (Annex'), verb. Make an addition; take. annihilate, verb. Put to death, put an end to. anniversary, One or more years after an event. announce, verb. Say, make public. annoy, verb. Give trouble, make angry. annual, noun, adj. Every year. annuity, Payment made every year. anonymous, adj. Without a name ; name not given. another, adj., pron. Basic words. ANSWER, D. Reply, response. In a. to. answerable, adj. Responsible. ANT, Insect of that name. antagonism, Feelings against (a person); attack. His attitude was antagonistic, he took the opposite view, his behaviour was not that of a friend. |
4B anthracite, Very hard coal. anticipate, verb. See what is coming. make use of before ; looking forward. He anticipated his legacy, he got through his money before it came to him. anti-cyclone, Dry or good weather conditions. antique, noun, adj. Old (of value). antiquity, The days of old; days long past. antiseptic, noun, adj, Keeping (medically) clean (healthy). anvil, Iron on which metal is hammered. anxious, adj. Troubled (by fear, doubt); ready; desiring. In his anxiety to be first, his great desire. ANY, As in Standard English. anybody, Basic words. anyhow, adv. Basic words. anyone, pron. Basic words. anything, Basic words. anywhere, adv. Basic words. apart, adv. Not together, separate, without. apartment, Room or rooms in another’s house; apathy, Taking no interest in; no feeling about. ape, noun, verb. Monkey. Copying. aperture, Opening, hole. apiece, adv. To every one. apology, Statement of regret. appalling. adj. Shocking. APPARATUS, Requisite, equipment. apparition, Shade. apparent, adj., Clear ; seeming. appeal, noun, verb. Request (to higher authority) ; attraction; second hearing (in law). appear, verb. Come into view; seem. appearance, Look. appendix, Addition at end of book. appetite, Desire (ready) for food. applause, Loud approval. APPLE, Fruit ot that name. apply, verb. Send in name (request) for ; put one thing to another ; make use of (invention). Does not a., has nothing to do with. appliance, Apparatus, instrument. application, Attention to (work) ; use; letter to an authority for work. appointment, Position; time. He gave ine an a., said he would see me. appreciation, High opinion; increase in value. |
5 apprehension, Fear (of the future) ; taking prisoner; being clear about. apprentice, noun, verb. Learner of a trade. approach, noun, verb. Way in or to; coming near. approbation, Approval. appropriate, 1. (Appropriate') verb. Take over. appropriation, Given for (a purpose) ; taken over. 2. (Appro'priate), adj. Right (for time or place). APPROVAL, Approbation. On a. approximate, 1. (Approx'imate), adj. Rough; almost. 2. (Approximate'), verb. Get near to (amount, design). apron, Overall, dust skirt. Tied to a. strings, ruled by. apt, adj. Right (for the time); quick at learning. arbitrary, adj. Not based on rule or law. arbitration, judging, decision. ARCH, D. Vaulted construction. archer, (e)=Bowman. architect, Designer of buildings, house designer. arduous, adj. Hard. area, Space; square measure. arena, Ring (for plays or fights). ARGUMENT, Dispute. (e) Contention, drift. arise, verb. Get up. aristocracy, High society; good birth. arithmetic, International; science of numbers. ark, Noah’s Ship. ARM, D. Upper limb. (e) Lateral extension, weapon. In aa. ; a. in a. ; take up aa. against. a' armour, noun, verb. Metal dress used in war. ARMY, Soldiers. (e) Host. around, adv. Round (about), about. arouse, verb. Get awake, get worked up. arrange, verb. Put in order (place). arrangement, Agreement ; system; apparatus. array, noun, verb. Order; dress. arrears, Late payments; work to be made up. arrest, noun, verb. Put under police control, put in prison ; put a stop to. arresting, Gripping (attention). arrive, verb. Get to (place). arrow, Pointed stick (for sending through air) ; pointer. arsenal, Military store. |
5B ART, Aesthetic activity. (e) Skill, knack. artful, adj. Full of tricks; good at getting the better of another. article, Thing; story; account. Writing an a. on, writing something on. artist, Painter; expert with the brush (at the piano). He has the eye of an a., an eye for form (colour). AS, As in Standard English. ascend, verb. Go up. ascertain, verb. Make certain. ash, Powder from material after burning; dead coals. ashamed, adj. Havinga feeling to of shame. ashore, adv. On land. aside, s.,adv. On one side. In an a., in a low voice. ask, verb. Make a request,—put a question. asleep, adj., adv. Sleeping. Fall a., go to sleep. aspect, Point of view; side (of question). aspersion, Attack on good name. aspiration, Hope, desire. assassinate, verb. Put a knife into. assassination, Death by a violent attack. assault, noun, verb. Attack. assemble, verb. Come together, get together. assembly, Meeting. assent, noun, verb. Agreement. assert, verb. Put forward, make (statement); protesting. assess, verb. Put a value on; get the size of. asset, Property; (money, goods) on the credit side. His looks were an a., a great help. assign, verb. Give (a part) to. assist, verb. Give help. assistant, Helper. associate, 1. (Assowiate), Person working with another. 2. (Associate'), verb. Have connection with (to do with). association, Organization (trade) ; memory. assortment, Mixed selection. assume, verb. Take to be true, as a fact. A. a look, take on a look. assure, verb. Say without any doubt. assurance, Feeling certain. An a. company, insurance. asterisk, Printer’s star. astonish, verb. Give surprise. astray, adj. Wrong, in the wrong direction. astute, adj. Sharp, with a quick mind. |
6 asylum, Place where one is in safe keeping. Lunatic A., place for persons with feeble minds. AT, As in Standard English. athletics, Sports. athlete, Expert at sport. atlas, Map—book. atmosphere, Air. Happy a., happy feeling in the air. atrocious, adj. Shocking, disgusting. attach, verb. Make a join, put together. attachment, Feeling for. ATTACK, D. Onslaught. attain, verb. Get to, do. ATTEMPT, D. Effort, try. An a. on the record. attend, verb. Give attention to ; go to, be present at. ATTENTION, Concentration, consideration. attest, verb. Make a statement (on one’s word before others). attic, Room at top of house, under roof. attire, noun, verb. Dress. attitude, Behaviour; point of view, way of looking at. attract, verb. Have attraction; get (attention). ATTRACTION, Magnetism. (e) Charm, inducement ; attracting. attribute, 1. (Att'ribute), Property, quality. 2. (Attrib’ute), verb. Put down to (a cause). auction, noun, verb. Put up for offers. audience, Persons at (a play) ; hearers; public; hearing, meeting. audit, noun, verb. Looking over of accounts by expert. authentic, adj. True, not false, not a copy. author, Writer. authorize, verb. Give authority to. AUTHORITY, Sanction, command. (e) Authorized individual (department) ; pundit. Be in a. |
6B autobiography, Writer’s history of himself. autobus, International. autocrat, Ruler with complete power ; a person who has his way in everything. : autograph, Signed name. AUTOMATIC, Mechanical. automobile, International. autumn, Fall. auxiliary, noun, adj. Helping; in addition. avail, noun, verb. Use, help. His arguments are of no a., without effect. available, At hand. avalanche, Fall of snow (down mountain slope). avarice, Overpowering love of money. avenue, Road lined with trees. average, noun, v., adj. General, common, normal. aversion, Feeling of disgust for. aviary, Bird—house. avoid, verb. Keep out of the way of. await, verb. Be waiting tor, in store for. AWAKE, D. Not asleep. (e) Alan. awaken, verb. (Make) awake. award, noun, verb. Reward; judge's decision. aware, adj. Conscious, having knowledge of. awe, noun, verb. Fear before (great respect for) something great. awful, adj. Causing fear; very bad, disgusting. awhile, adv. For some time, a short time. awkward, adj. Hard (to do); slow—moving; badly controlled. A. in society, with no polish. awning, Canvas cover. axe, Tree-cutter. axle, Wheel rod. |